22 - The Awful Things That I've Seen

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I woke up the next morning--only it wasn't a normal morning. Ava hadn't woken up at all last night. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. My stomach was killing me. I turned the light on and looked in the mirror. Something isn't right. My hair was red. Not just red--blood red. I felt it. It felt like dried blood. I put my hand on the back of my head--no blood.

I pulled my sweatshirt off and dropped it on the ground. Something on my left arm caught my eye: Eighteen fresh blood red cuts. I checked my other arm. Ava's name was cut into it. Is that where the blood came from?

I walked back into our room. Mikey was gone. I walked into Ava's room. She was gone, too. "Mikey?"

I walked downstairs. They weren't there, either. "Mikey? Where are you?" I checked the whole downstairs area. "Mikey, this isn't funny. Where are you, and where is Ava?"

I ran outside. They weren't there, but both cars were. They couldn't have left. I ran out to the backyard. Nothing. "Mikey, this isn't funny. Where the hell are you, and where the hell is Ava?"

No response. "Michael! Where the fuck are you?! This isn't fucking funny!"

Where did they go? "MICHAEL!" I screamed, at the top of my lungs. "Where the fuck are you?! And where the fuck is Ava?!"

"Where they should be." A sinister voice behind me said. I knew that voice. I turned around and saw Sarah.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"The truth."

"What are you talking about?"

"Everyone knows that you cheated on Mikey with Alex. Just admit it." She said.

"What are you talking about? Mikey is Ava's dad."

"Don't lie. Just tell the truth." She demanded.

"I am!" I exclaimed. "Mikey is the only person I've ever done anything with."

"Now, that's a lie. Everyone knows that Alex is her father. You--being the little whore you are--hooked up with Alex, got pregnant, and told Mikey it's his so he wont leave you."

"It's not a lie! Alex and I have never done anything!"

"Then why is she named after him?" Sarah asked.

"Because All Time Low helped me through a lot when Mikey was gone, and he knows that. Her middle name is Alex because it means something to me. Not because Alex is her dad."

"Aren't all the lies just eating you alive, Nicole?"

"That's not my name." I said. "Where is Ava?"

"Which part?" She asked, grinning evilly.

 "What did you do to her?"

"I did nothing." She said. "You see, Mikey did everything--he just needed the motivation. When I told him that  Alex was her real father, he didn't want to be in the same house as her--as Alex's kid. I'm surprised he never asked you about her D.N.A. Why don't you just tell the truth."

"Where. The. Fuck. Is. My. Daughter."

"Well, one part of her is in your stomach. The other one is somewhere in your backyard." She said. My face fell, and my stomach dropped. I lifted up my shirt. Messy stitches were all across my stomach.

"Which part is inside me?" I asked, shakily.

"Her heart." Sarah said, evilly. I threw up, and fell to the floor crying.

"How could you?"

"Because you wont tell the goddamn truth."

"Just tell me what you want to hear, and I will say it!" I said.

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