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I took one last look in the mirror and did one last swipe of lipstick before leaving my flat and hailing a cab. I was off to see my boyfriend for dinner. Jack had picked the place this time since normally I was the one who decided. And I always picked Nandos.

Jack had gone with a classier restaurant this time in the corner of the city. I had never even heard of it. The cab journey was fairly short. Once we got to the address I paid the driver and got out of the car. The sign I was standing in front of said Hix in loopy handwriting. 

I opened the door to the coolness of the room. It was quite dark inside but I spotted Jack right away. He was sitting by the window. I walked over and sat down across from him. "Hey," I said running a hand through my hair and smiling. 

"Hey," Jack said setting down his phone. He looked at me and smiled. "You look gorgeous babe," he said. 

"Thanks, you look great too," I said. We then ordered and had a lovely meal together. 


"Bye babe," Jack said kissing me one last time. 

"I wish you didn't have to go," I said softly. I had enjoyed the evening so much and just wanted to spend more time with him. 

"I could come over?" Jack said with slight smirk. 

"I wish you could but Tanya's home tonight," I said. Tanya and I had been rooming for a while now. "Maybe another time," I said before kissing him once more. "Bye!" I called before getting in the cab that Jack had hailed for me. 

The trip back felt much longer since I was only going home. When I opened the door I was greeted my Tanya. "Hey girl! How was your date?" 

"Amazing," I said as I flopped down on the couch next to her. 

Tanya had been my best friend since we were in primary school. She was the one who had convinced me to start Youtube two years back. She had been doing it for ages and she thought I would really enjoy it. She was right. 

Youtube was probably the best thing that ever could have happened to me. It was where I met my boyfriend and just became a much happier person. "How was your time back here waiting for me?" I asked with a giggled. 

I opened up my laptop and saw that I had an email. It was from Youtube. I opened it up and scanned it as Tanya told me about her evening. "Did you get this email Tan?" I asked showing it to her. 

"Oh ya, I'm so excited for it!" She shrieked. "Jim is going to be there," she shot me a sly grin. 

"Ooer," I said returning my attention back to the email. I read through the rest of it and replied saying I would be there. The email was inviting me to a party at Google headquarters with all of the Youtube Partners. It was tomorrow night. 

Jim Chapman was someone that Tanya had had a crush on forever. And when I say forever, I mean it. He went to primary school with us and it just so happened that he started Youtube as well. Tanya was all over him. Luckily, Jim was single and she had a chance with him. 

"What are you going to wear?" Tanya asked looking at her phone. She set it down after a bit not seeing what she wanted to I guess. 

"Probably one of my Ted Baker dresses," I said. I was already starting to figure out my outfit in my head. "How about you?" I asked looking at Tanya. 

"My dress from River Island," she said grinning. I pulled out my phone and texted Jack asking him if he was going to the party. I don't even know why I asked him, of course he was going to go. Jack and his twin Finn were one of the most popular channels on all of Youtube. They were in the top ten. 

He responded immeadiately telling me he was and that he would pick me up at 7 and we could go together. I just responded back with an smily face. I was so excited for the party now. I loved meeting new people and from the email it sounded like there was going to be loads of new youtubers I had never met before. 

"I'm off to bed Tan," see you tomorrow I said shutting down my laptop and carrying it to my room. 

"Night!" Tanya said without even looking at me. She was staring at her phone. 

"Is Jim texting you?" I asked with a grin. She just nodded and blushed. I turned into the corridor and walked to my room. I flicked the light on and sat on the bed. I was so ready for bed but my laptop was calling me. I decided to be on Tumblr for a while before I really went to bed.

I checked the Jack's twitter before I actually closed my eyes and went to bed. I could hardly wait for the party.


I woke up the next morning with so much energy pumping through me. The party wasn't for another ten hours but I had to start getting ready now. I started with a warm shower. Tanya hated when I showered first because the person who had second shower always had super cold water. It was always a race to see who could have first shower. 

After that I had breakfast, did my hair and started to pick out all my accsesories for the evening. There were so many things I had to do. As I predicted Tanya was annoyed about having second shower but she got over it because apparently the night before Jim had said he was excited to see her. 

By 7 we were finally ready. Tanya took a cab to Google and I waited at the flat for Jack. Right at 7 there was a quick knock on the door. I opened it and smiled. "Jack," I said with a grin leaning in and kissing him. 

"Are you ready to go?" he asked with a smile. 

"I've never been more ready," I said taking his hand as he led me out into the night. 


The Impossible Couple { A Zalfie Fanfic }Where stories live. Discover now