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Finally, after what felt like ages, Niomi finally left. And she kissed Marcus on the cheek. I wanted to gag. How disgusting. I cared about Niomi dearly but if she was dating Marcus I would have to see her all the time, and after what had happened between us I really didn't want to be seeing her all the time. 

"She is so beautiful," Marcus said in some what of a trance. 

"Yep," I said putting dishes in the dishwasher. I didn't want to be angry at Marcus but I kind of was, a little bit. 

"She gave me her number," he said smiling up at me. 

"Cool," I said slamming the dishwasher shut after filling it up. I then stomped over to the couch and sat down. This was not how this evening was supposed to be going. 

"What's wrong?" Marcus asked walking over and sitting down across from me. 

"Nothing," I said with a forced smile. Part of me had wanted to tell the truth but then I thought better of it. Marcus would get really offended if I told him why I was really mad. 

"Okay! Do you want to play Fifa?" he asked motioning to the controllers on the table. 

"Sure," I said smiling. Maybe playing around for a little bit would get me out of my head. It would help me to forget that my ex-girlfriend and my best friend were practically dating. I just had to drop it. 


"I win again!" Marcus said with a grin. "Want to play again?" he asked with another slightly larger grin. 

"Haha, you would totally win again," I said cheerful on the outside but annoyed on the inside. I was greatly competitive and I hated loosing. Marcus and I had played three games already and he had one them all. 

Marcus sensed my slight annoyance and shot me a knowing smile. "We don't have to play if you don't want to. I actually have to get going. See you next weekend?" he said standing up and grabbing his coat. 

"What's next weekend?" I asked a bit confused. 

"Our double date?" he asked looking a bit abashed. 

"I'll probably bail," I said this time being honest. The second I said it though I wanted to take it back, but it was too late. 

"Oh," Marcus said looking sad. 

"I don't though, we might go," I said quickly trying to make him feel better. 

"Okay!" Marcus said cheering up a bit. "See you then," he said grinning before walking outside. The door shut with a click and he was gone. 

I sighed, I loved having Marcus as a friend but right now I was just so annoyed at him. I sat down and turned the television off. I then flicked all the lights off in the front rooms and walked back into my bedroom. 

I planned on spending the rest of my night on Youtube, but then I thought I might call Zoe and just talk to her. I missed her a lot. I couldn't wait to see her this weekend and ask her to be my girlfriend. 

I pulled out my phone and flopped onto my bed. I dialled Zoe's number from memory. It rang and rang and I was about to hang up when Zoe's picked up. 

"Hey Zo!" I said cheerily. 

"Hey Alf, did you need something? I'm kind of busy right now," my heart sunk when she said that. 

She then proceded to tell me that she was with some David person I had never met before. I was a bit skeptical but she seemed to really like him as a friend. She sure was in a hurry to get off the phone with me.

Before I could even say goodbye she had hung up. I turned off my phone in shock and set it down beside me. Zoe had hung up on me, Marcus was dating Niomi. Everything that could gone wrong, had gone wrong. 


The next few days were terrible. I was bored and had no one to talk to. Troye and Tyler were away on holiday in Australia, Zoe was always too busy to talk to me, as was Marcus. 

I was lonely and only had my computer to keep me company. I kept telling myself that I had the weekend to look forward to. Seeing Zoe and Marcus. 

But then again I kept telling myself that I would have to see Niomi as well and go on that stupid double date. 

I really didn't know if I was looking forward to it now, or dreading it. 

Whether I wanted it to come or not though, it was coming. 


The Impossible Couple { A Zalfie Fanfic }Where stories live. Discover now