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I had started waking up much later now because of the pregnancy. It was terrible. And when I did wake up I usually puked straight away.

The decision that Alfie and I had decided to keep the baby was a hard one, and one I was constantly regretting. Well, not regretting so much as thinking I should have thought it over a little bit more.

And I still had to tell Jack.

After my daily vom I walked into the kitchen. As was the usual now Alfie was already up. He looked up and smiled at me before hopping down and walking over to give me a hug.

"Morning Sweetheart," he said as he wrapped his arms around me. I turned to kissed him on the nose before slithering out of his grip and walked to the kitchen to grab one of my breakfast bars.

I was so tired I then made my way to the couch and collapsed on it. I pulled the covers over me and pouted at Alfie.

He then started to run towards me laughing. I started to giggle and pulled the duvet over my eyes before Alfie pounced lightly on me.

He then told me that he didn't have to do anything all day and we could just watch movies. I was so excited.

We spent hours together on the couch and it was amazing. Well amazing except for one thing. Alfie kept trying to convince me to tell Jack about the baby.

I kept telling him how much I wanted to but that I wasn't ready.

"Just think about it," Alfie said encouragingly. "I'll be right back Boo," he said kissing me softly on the nose. He then jumped off the couch and skipped down the corridor setting me into a fit of giggles.

I just sort of did nothing for the first few minutes that Alfie was gone but he started to be gone for much longer I started getting bored.

I pulled out my phone and skimmed through twitter finding nothing to entertain me. I texted Tanya and told her I missed her. Then I turned my phone off and set it down next to me.

It just sat there, waiting for me to pick it up again. Waiting for me to call Jack.

"Oh fine!" I shouted into the air. I picked up my phone and furiously typed in Jack's number and was taken aback by how I still knew it from memory.

The phone rang and rang before Jack finally picked up.

"Zoe?" he asked and I immediately regretted calling him.

"Can- can you come over Jack?" I said stuttering.

"Why?" he asked confused.

"Please just come over," I said softly.

"I'll be there in half an hour," he said before hanging up. I set the phone down slowly. I was surprised at how I felt. I felt relieved. A feeling I never thought I would feel.


The Impossible Couple { A Zalfie Fanfic }Where stories live. Discover now