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After Tanya and I had talked for a while she left to get ready for something. Apparently she had forgotten to mention to me that Jim had finally asked her out on a date. I have no idea why she hadn't told me earlier but I was guessing it had something to do with me being in the hospital for a while. 

I set down all my bags and just slumped onto the couch. The train journey back home had really taken away all of my energy. I had wanted to sleep the whole way back but then I started talking to David and there was no way I would have been able to have fallen alseep after the stuff we were talking about. 

He talked to me like no one every had before. Like I was exactly the same as everyone else. Like he saw all people the same. And the things he talked about were so interesting. How he talked about death and birth so nonchalently. It really amazed me. 

After I was sure Tanya was in her room I pulled out the bookmark again running my fingers over his handwriting. I was debating whether or not to call him. I was also worried that Alfie might get mad if I did. I hoped he didn't. 

Without debating it much longer I pulled out my phone and dialed the number. 

The phone rang and rang and just before I was about to hang up David spoke. 


"David? It's me Zoe, from the train," I said smiling a bit. 

"Oh Zoe, hi!" he said sounding happy once he had realised who it was. "How are you?" he asked. 

"I'm good. I was just thinking I wanted to talk again. Maybe we can meet up tomorrow?" I asked this with some hope in my voice. I wanted to get to know this David person a lot better. I wanted to be his friend. 

"I'm free tomorrow around 3 pm," he said with his casual voice that sounded so serious at the same time. 

"Costa on Oxford?" I asked.

"See you then!" he said cheerily. 

"Bye David," I said before hanging up. I clicked off my phone and held it in my hands thinking about what an interesting person he was. 

"Who was that?" Tanya asked looking at me with an odd expression on her face. She was wearing a nice dress and her makeup was done very neatly and precise. 

"No one," I said with a grin. 

"Well it wasn't no one," Tany said bitterly putting on her earrings. 

"Just someone I met on the train today," I said trying to sound as casual as David always sounded. 

"Hmm," Tanya said with pursed lips. 

I tried to protest but she wouldn't let me. After a bit I just gave up. 


Tanya was on her date with Jim and I was alone in the flat. I was about to fall asleep on the couch whilst watching Moulin Rouge when my phone buzzed loudly. I looked down and saw a text from Alfie but was too tired to even read it. I fell asleep before my phone screen had even gone black. 

A- 'Can't wait to see you this weekend. :) I have something important to ask you. x' 


The Impossible Couple { A Zalfie Fanfic }Where stories live. Discover now