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I stormed off into the back room because I was in a terrible mood. Not because Alfie had done anything wrong, just because of me. The second I got into the room I felt inan even more terrible mood. I felt so terrible that I had been mean to Alfie and because of the whole Jack thing. 

I burst into tears and started to cry and cry. The more I continued to cry the more I realised how much their was to cry about. I found myself starting to panic. I didn't have time to call Alfie in for help or call Tanya before I had fallen to the ground in a state of confusion. 

I didn't really remember the rest of that night. 

I slightly remember talking to Alfie at he hospital and telling him everything would be all right but even that felt like a dream to me. I remember seeing Tanya and Tyler and Troye and even Jack, but I think that was definitely a dream. 

I hated have panic attacks all the time. There was nothing I could do to stop them and sometimes they were so bad I often found myself in the hospital. I had my own ward at the one I went to in London. The nurses remembered my name and I often got the best desserts. 

The hospital in Brighton was not as fun though. It was scary and dark and I wasn't used to anything. It made me want to panic even more than I already had. Luckily, I didn't. 


"Zoe are you sure you'll be okay on the train back by yourself?" Alfie asked my for the hundreth time. 

"Alf, I'll be fine," I said; Alfie was worried I would panic on the train back to London. 

I had just spent the past 24 hours of my life in the most boring and scary hospital ever. I had gotten to go home late the second night and sleep in Alfie's bed with him, that was nice. But now I was going home. I actually had a lot of meetings I had to plan for a such, as well as filming a new video. 

"Are you sure?" Alfie asked again. 

I knew he was only trying to look out for me, but it was still quite annoying. I panicked a lot, that was true, but they usually happened quite seperated from each other, not all at the same time. 

"Positive," I said softly. I picked up my bag and kissed Alfie on the cheek before walking over to my train. 

"Bye!" Alfie called looking at me wistfully. 

"I'll see you soon, text me," I said with a grin back at him before hopping onto the train. I waved at Alfie out the window before walking down the corridor to find a nice, fairly empty, compartment. After a lot of searching I found one at the back of the train that fit my perfect requirements. 

It was quiet and there were hardly any people. I found a seat by a window, and pulled out my laptop. I had just remembered that I had a video from a few days ago I had filmed saved on my computer. All I had to do was edit it. 

I pulled out my headphones and plugged them in, stuffing them in my ears. There was a long train journey ahead of me. 

Just as the train was about to leave someone else walked into our compartment. I looked up to find a very good looking man who looked to be in his early 20s. I looked him up and down before returning my attention to my laptop. 

I was about to turn some music on when I heard the man talking. I pulled out one headphone and spoke. "Sorry, what was that?" I asked. 

"I was wondering if this seat was taken," he said, gesturing to the seat across from mine. 

"Oh no, it's not," I said putting my headphones back in. The man sat down and pulled out a thick book. He tugged gently on his bookmark, until it came out, and started to read. I tried to ignore him but it was just so odd.

Why would he want to sit across from me when their were plenty of empty seats and even rows in this compartment where he could have sat. If I where him I would have wanted to have sat by myself to have more room. 

I chanced one more glance at him before looking back at my computer screen and focusing on the matter at hand. Editing my video. 

I was about half way through the thing when I got a text. I looked at my phone and smiled. It was from Alfie. 

A- 'Miss you already. <3' 

I texted him back telling him how much I missed him as well. Then I looked up and noticed that the man was looking at me. I pulled out one of my headphones yet again and looked at him. 

"What?" I asked looking at him quizzically. 

"Why are you smiling?" he asked glancing breifly at my phone before looking back to me. I pulled out my other headphone and shut my laptop. I could edit later, I was so tired of it anyway. 

"Someone sent me a nice text. Why does it matter to you?" I asked looking at the man again. He was quite handsome. 

"It doesn't," he said nonchalently shutting his book. "You look familiar do I know you from somewhere?" he asked looking me up and down the same way I had looked at him earlier. 

"I don't think so," I said with a smirk. 

"I'm pretty sure I do," he said prodding. 

"Again, we've never met before," I said slowly. 

"You're on Youtube! Zoe right?" he asked looking confident at how he had remembered. 

"That's me," I said with a resigned smile. Sometimes I loved being recognised in public, but sometimes it was just tiring. I could get nothing done without being asked for a photo. It got old. 

"I'm David," he said stretching out his hand to shake mine. 

And let me tell you, it was the weirdest thing but David and I talked the entire rest of that train ride. We didn't even run out of things to talk about. We talked about the government, we talked about Shakespeare. We talked about America and Nutella. About cats and lizards. So many things. And he was really cool. 

We finally got to London and it was time for us to depart our different ways and I was actually sad. 

"Here," he said slipping a thick piece of paper into my hands. 

"What is it?" I asked but he had already left the train. I looked out onto the platform but he was gone. 

I turned the paper over in my hands and realised that it was the bookmark from his book. His number was scrawled messily on the back. 

Call me sometime. Maybe we can talk again. ;)

I didn't know how to feel about it. I definitely didn't fancy him, but it was more important how he felt about me. I so desperately hoped that he felt the same way. I didn't need anymore drama in my life than I already had. 

I was still looking at the interesting bookmark that was from some town called Portland in Oregon in America, when Tanya spotted me. 

"What's that?" she asked looking at the paper. 

"Nothing," I said stowing it in my coat pocket. 

"Okay," Tanya said shrugging her shoulders. "How was Brighton?" she asked with a wink. 

"You know how it was," I grumbled with a bit of a smile. I slipped my hand into my pocket and kept running my hands over the thick paper of the bookmark as Tanya talked. I wasn't exactly listening to her, but then again she never really said anything that exciting. 

All the way back to our flat I couldn't stop thinking about David and all the things we had talked about. I mean we might have mentioned Alfie a few times.


The Impossible Couple { A Zalfie Fanfic }Where stories live. Discover now