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After I had finally gotten over the fact that Alfie had called me I actually had a really nice meal with David. We talked a lot about things me and Alfie never could. David just went so deep when Alfie liked to stay on the surface of things. I liked Alfie a lot but he could never be deep like David. 

After about two hours I had to leave because I had a meeting for my Youtube channel. I loved my job, but what with everything going on right now I was slacking a lot. I was missing weeks of uploading videos and I hardly ever tweeted anymore. I was just loosing interest. 

I was becoming the new Zoe. No longer was I just Zoella anymore, I was actually Zoe. 

I left Costa just in time and made it to Google HQ for my meeting. It was about advertising and it was really boring. I was just doodling the whole time trying not to fall asleep. Why on earth did I have to be at that meeting? It was the worst. 

Finally after another two hours it was over and I was ready to go home. I bid farewell to all the Google people and walked out into the cold winter air. 

Everytime I walked outside I realised how quickly Christmas was coming up. I normally got so excited about things like Christmas, but I just wasn't feeling it this year. I was not in a good mood and I just felt really depressed. 

Even though not a day before I had felt like the luckiest girl to be with Alfie. I must be PMSing because I was having some serious moodswings. Thinking of PMSing though, I hadn't had my period in a little over a month. I was usually irregular though so I didn't let it bother me all that much. 


It was dark outside when I finally made it back to the flat. I unlocked the door and opened it to be greeted by Tanya. She was at the kitchen counter with two bowls of pasta. She was eating out of one and the other one looked half eaten already. I looked at her quizically. 

She was about to answer when the door to the bathroom opened and Jim came out. 

"Oh, Zoe. Hi," he said sheepishly looking at Tanya who just smiled at him. 

"Hi Jim," I said smiling back. I took off my jacket and hung it up on the hook before walking into the kitchen and grabbing an apple. "I'll leave you alone," I said with a wink in Tanya's direction before walking down the corridor to my room. 

I swung my bag off my shoulders and let it fall to the ground. I really should have been editing a video or interacting with my viewers but I just didn't feel like it. I was just so tired, I really needed to get more hours of sleep. 

I went through the motions of getting ready for bed: brushing my teeth, washing my hair, getting in my pajamas. But I was almost sleeping as I did them. They all just happened so quickly and before I knew it, I was under my duvet fast asleep. 


"Zoe?" I opened my eyes and blinked a few times looking around my room. Everything was blurry at first but then Tanya started to come into form. "Zoe?" she asked again looking at me. I blinked once more before speaking. 

"What?" I asked angrily. Why had Tanya woken me up? I was also having the worst cramps and I felt sick to my stomach. I just wanted to go back to sleep. 

"Alfie called you a few times. I think it's important," she said gesturing at my phone. I groaned and reached over to look at it. Two missed calls. Both from Alfie. 

I didn't even want to listen to the messages, I just didn't feel like it. I wanted to sleep for the rest of the day. 

"Tanya, can you get me some pain-killers," I said groaning again. I really felt so sick to my stomach like I was about to throw up. 

"Of course," Tanya said looking at my sympathetically. She then rushed out of the room to find the pills. I was about to close my eyes and rest for a bit longer when I felt a sudden instict to vom. I sat up from my bed and ran towards the bathroom making it to the toilet just in time. 

"Zoe are you okay?" Tanya asked dropping the pill bottle with a loud clatter and running towards me. 

"I'm fine," I said standing up and trying to make my way back towards my warm bed with the most comfortable duvet ever. The heat from my computer. I just wanted to be warm. But it was difficult to walk I was having the worst cramps. "I don't feel so good," I said through gritted teeth before puking again. 

Before I could try and make my way back to my bed by myself Tanya helped me. She led me to the couch in the main room and brought me my duvet for warmth. She then made me a hot chocolate and brought me something else in a brown paper bag. 

"You might want this," she said handing it to me with another sympathetic look. 

"What is it?" I asked taking it from her. She just nodded towards it, gesturing me to open it. 

I undid the top and pulled out what was inside. It was a pregnancy test. 

"I am not Tan!" I said putting it back in the bag and shoving it towards her. 

"You never know Zoe, you should do a test just in case," she said placing the bag gently on the corner of the couch. Then she disappeared back into her room. 

I kept eying the bag deciding what I was going to do. Like Tanya said I should take the test just in case. I opened up the bag and pulled out the test before walking into the bathroom and locking the door. 

The next thing I knew I was sitting on the cold floor of the bathroom with a stupid stick in my hand with two lines on it. I was pregnant. 


The Impossible Couple { A Zalfie Fanfic }Where stories live. Discover now