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When Tanya suggested the idea that I should stay with Zoe during he pregnancy I readily agreed. I felt bad when Tanya then said she would move out for a few months. Luckily, Zoe was okay with that. I still couldn't believe we were officially dating.

I couldn't remember how many boring doctor's appointments I had been to in the last three weeks. It was worth it though. And now I finally had a free day to spend with Zoe.

I had woken up early which was odd for me. For the time being I was staying in the corner room that used to be Tanya's. Zoe said she didn't want to gross me out with all the pregnancy stuff and she thought I ought to have my own space.

After I had gotten dressed on my thankfully free day I walked into the kitchen. The cold tile on the floors made my feet tingle a bit. I started to make myself an omelette.

Zoe was normally up way earlier than me but since she was pregnant she slept in so much later than me now. I didn't mind though, she needed her rest.

I just couldn't believe that Zoe was pregnant. It was all a bit much to handle but I knew she would be a great mum. And well I guess that I would be a great stand-in dad. I mean if Zoe wanted me to that is.

As I sat down at the kitchen counter with my omelette I really started to think. Why hadn't Zoe told Jack about the baby yet? Well, I knew why she hadn't, but I still thought she ought to.

Part of me wanted to tell Jack myself, but I knew Zoe would hate that. Just as I was thinking about how much I really liked Zoe when her door opened and she ran out into the bathroom.

Morning sickness.


"Zoe, I really think you ought to tell Jack now," I said softly rubbing her shoulder. Our duvet day had gone amazing, but I spent most of it trying to convince Zoe to tell Jack about their baby.

"Alfie, I will, I just can't," she said stuttering a bit. She just looked so weak and tired. I really wanted her to tell him but I knew she was ready. I mean I had just spent hours and hours trying to convince her to call him.

"Okay, just do it when you're ready," I said softly. I was trying to sound encouraging but on the inside I was broken.

"Thanks Alf," she said with a soft smile. I leaned down and kissed her on the forehead gently. She was so precious.

Sorry this is so short guys!!!! I'm on my phone at the beach! I hope you still liked it. I love you! ^_^ xxx

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