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I was in denial. That was basically it. I did not want to admit that I was pregnant, I didn't want to. I just couldn't. I stayed inside and didn't leave the house. I hardly even got up to do anything. I knew that Tanya was getting tired of my attitude but I didn't have the motivation to change it. 

I didn't have the motivation to do anything. 

And so a few days after I found out I was pregnant after talking four tests it was Tanya who called Alfie. It was Tanya who arranged for him to come to London. Luckily, Tanya hadn't told Jack yet. I wanted to do that on my own, when I was ready. I had a feeling I wouldn't be ready for a long while. 

Alfie arrived merely three hours after Tanya had called him. Man he was fast. I was moaning and groaning about him coming when Tanya made me get the door. I walked slowly glaring at her the whole way. Then I opened the door and couldn't help but smile when I saw Alfie. 

Even though everything was going wrong, Alfie just seemed to make it all right without even trying. His smile, his expression, just his overall aura. I smiled the instant my eyes locked on to his. Then I remembered why he had come to London to see me and all the happiness drained from my eyes leaving my face just as lacklustre as before. 

"Hi Alfie," I said meakly realising what I would have to tell him. All the things I would have to say. 

We talked a bit and I led him over to the couch before I told him everything from my point of view even though he had no doubt heard most of the story from Tanya already. Then I just let it slip that I was his girlfriend. 

I had no idea if we were actually together but I guess I imagined that we were. Nothing had ever been made official though. I just guessed that it didn't have to be made official or have anything fancy. We were just together. 

The instant the words came out of my mouth I regretted them. Luckily, everything was for the best. Alfie looked surprised at first but then he told me that he had been wanting to ask me to be his girlfriend for ages and that he was so happy we were together. 

That brief moment of happiness pulled my mind off of the more serious matters until it was very suddenly dragged back. 

"What am I going to do Alfie?" I said. I was worried. Really worried. 


Alfie was going to be staying at our place for the time being to help me with all the "baby stuff." I felt so weird saying that or even thinking it. I wasn't ready to be a mum. I wasn't ready to have a child of my own. Definitely not. 

Tanya would be staying with Louise in Northampton for the time being as well. She really was an amazing friend. I mean she was moving herself out of our flat just for me and my stupid baby. My baby. The words just didn't sound real to me. 

I was actually much more pregnant than I thought. When I went to the doctor's they told me I was four and a half months pregnant and that it was a wonder I hadn't noticed until now. They also thought it very odd that I wasn't showing yet. But then they told me how wonderful everything looked on the sonogram and blah blah blah. I mostly tuned them out at the visits. 

It was nice living with Alfie. Nice having him close, being able to talk to him whenever I needed to. There was still one thing I had to do that I had been dreading and putting off until the last moment. I had to tell Jack about our baby. 


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