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Zoe was gone. As quickly as she was there she was gone again. And I knew I had no chance of getting her to come back. She was probably half way to the train station by now. 

I walked over to the camera and turned it off before making my way to the couch. I just started to feel really down. I had had such a fun time with Zoe and the kiss. The kiss was amazing but she was dating Jack. And I knew she felt terrible about kissing me. There was no chance of her ever even looking me in the eye again. 

I flicked the TV on but I really don't even know why I bothered. I never watched TV anymore. I didn't even know why I had purchased one in the first place. I skimmed through the channels until I found an old rerun of Friends. I started to watch it but before I knew it I was already drifting off to sleep. 


I don't really remember falling asleep but I was asleep for a while. I was awoken by the sound of a sharp knocking on my door. I groaned, I had a major headache for some reason and I felt like I was starting to get sick. Also, no one ever knocked on my door. Who would be calling this late? It was already like 9 pm. 

I woke up groggily and walked over to the door where the knocking was continuing. I opened the door to find a blonde haired woman whom I only vaguely recognised. She just walked inside. 

"Um hello?" I said the veil of sleep still making everything a bit foggy for me. "Who are you?" I asked a bit sleepily. 

"Louise," the woman said promptly before sitting on the couch. Then I remembered. She was at he party with Zoe and Tanya and she made Youtube videos. 

"Ooooh," was all I said. She just smiled at me before launching into some speech she had probably already prepared. 

"Mr. Alfred Deyes, Zoe has asked me to come here on her behalf," I groaned at the mention of Zoe's name. I didn't even want to think about this right now. I just wanted to push it to the side of my brain and pretend it had never happened. Louise plowed on through my sigh. 

"Zoe really likes you but she wants you to know that there cannot be anything between you guys. Zoe is with Jack and you are with Niomi and she wants it to stay that way. She doesn't want anything to happen. Got it?" Louise looked at me expectantly awaiting an answer. 

"Um sure," I said. I hadn't really listened all that carefully to everything Louise had said but I got the gist of it. 

"Great," Louise said standing up to leave. It was a very weird encounter. I had never really experienced anything like it before. I actually really liked this Louise person though. 

I had no idea what made me say it but it just came out. "Would you like to stay for dinner Louise?" I asked with a wide smile. 

"I would love that Alfie," she said returning a smile of her own. 


Louise ended up helping me make pasta and it actually turned out pretty well. We talked a lot during dinner about a lot of different things. The only thing we didn't talk about was Zoe and I liked that. Talking a lot about Zoe would come up much later. 

We talked about how Louise really liked Matt and we talked about Tanya. And Louise's experiences in college and Uni. I still couldn't believe that Lousie had gone to Uni. She looked way younger than 21. 

We even had a nice ice cream dessert. Louise stayed a little while after we finished eating and we just talked some more. I had a feel I was going to like this Louise person a lot. 

Around 11 pm she told me she had to rush off. We exchanged numbers and then she was gone. And I was left in my empty apartment again. I sat down on the couch and tried to watch TV to get myt mind off things but it just wasn't working. 

I couldn't stop thinking about Zoe. 

And the one thing Louise had said that I had actually remembered. The fact that Zoe liked me. I so desperately wanted to text her and tell her how I had fallen for her but I knew I couldn't. Louise hadn't wanted me to. And I bet Zoe hadn't wanted me to. 

I needed to tell her in person. Kiss her again, hold her tight. Tell her how I really felt. I knew that if Zoe was in control of things though we wouldn't be seeing each other for a very long time. Knowing Zoe the little bit that I did I knew she was stubborn and ashamed of what she had done. She was going to stay away from me for a while. 

Around 1 am I decided I had done enough thinking for one night and headed off to bed. I knew what I was going to do the next day though. I was going to go and see Marcus. He wasn't a Youtuber so he wasn't biased. He would know what to do. 

I would call him first thing in the morning so we could talk. I wanted to get all of this sorted out as soon as possible. 


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