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I got up early the next morning to get ready for the party. I had finally convinced Niomi to go and I couldn't be more excited. My best friends Louis and Troye were going to be there and I hadn't seen them in ages. And I just loved going to parties. 

Niomi came to my house around 6 and we had a quick dinner before heading to Google. 

"And you promise you'll hang out with my friends and me next weekend," Niomi said smiling at me in the cab. 

"I promise," I said clicking off my phone and stowing it in my pocket. 

"Are you sure?" she said looking at me waiting for a response. 

"Positive," I said with a grin. And I really was, I didn't mind hanging out with Niomi and her friends it's just that I was always busy and never had the time. I wished I had more time to hang out with her I really did. "I can't wait," I added and she smiled widely at me. 

Before we knew it we were at Google. I paid the driver ten pounds and told him to keep the change. I helped Niomi out of the cab and onto the curb. It was raining and we hurried inside the building. It smelled so fresh and was very clean. 

I loved Google so much, it was one of my favourite places. We got in the lift and made our way up to the third floor where the party was. There were already loads of people there and Niomi drifted away from me to all of her beauty guru friends. 

As much as Niomi always moaned and groaned about going to all of my Youtube events she had made loads of new friends from it. I think Niomi just liked to complain. I didn't mind though. I loved her. 

I wandered my way to the back of the hall to get some food and found Troye and Tyler. They were holding hands and both smiled at me when I walked up to them. "Hey Alfie," Troye said grinning. 

"Hey!" Tyler said taking a bite of a peeta chip. 

"How are you?" Troye asked. We all started to walk over to a corner of the room and sat down. There was music playing in the background and loads of people were dancing. I suddenly realised that there were loads of new Youtubers that I had never met. I was seeing many new faces that I didn't recognise. 

"I'm great," I said with a smile. "How are you guys?" I asked. Troye and Tyler were some of my favourite people. The fact that they were together was even better. I was so happy for them. Ever since Troye came out people had been shipping them. Little did everyone know that they had been together for ages. That had been one secret that was quite difficult to keep. 

"Is Louis here yet?" Tyler asked looking around the room. 

"I haven't seen him," I said yawning. I was already tired and I had hardly been here five minutes. It was going to be a long night. 

"Have you see Jack or Finn?" Troye asked looking me in the eye. 

"I haven't actually ever met them before. I really want to though," I said with a smirk. I loved watching Jack and Finn's videos and I had always wanted to meet them in person. They seemed like the nicest guys. 

"Lucky for you they are going to be here tonight," Tyler said with a giggle. "Oh look they're over there," he said pointing to the other side of the room. Tyler was obviously already very drunk. 

"Thanks, I'll come back later," I said smiling at them before standing up and walking over to the twins. There was a girl standing near them that I'd never seen before. She was very pretty and had obre hair. I couldn't believe i had never seen her before. 

Throw that out, she was more than pretty. She was gorgeous. I hated even thinking this but she was way prettier than Niomi. I tried to throw those thoughts out the window though. I loved Niomi, not this girl I didn't even know the name of. 

"Jack, Finn. I'm Alfie nice to meet you," I said holding out my hand to shake theirs. "And you are?" I said gesturing to the girl. 

"Zoe Sugg, Zoella on Youtube," she said flashing her perfectly white teeth in a large smile towards me. She held out her small, smooth hand and I shook it. She was perfect. 

"Hey Alfie, we've wanted to meet you for ages," Finn said grinning. 

"We should do a collab sometime mate," Jack said with a smile just as wide. They really were nice people in real life. 

"Definitely," They then lead me to another corner of the room and we talked for a while. The gorgeous girl Zoe seemed to find a way out of the conversation and slipped away. I was actually disappointed. "So Zoe, she seems nice. You guys must be really good friends," I said to both of the twins. 

Jack started to blush and Finn just laughed. "Actually Zoe is Jack's girlfriend," Finn said with another chuckle. This time I felt more than disappointed. 

"Oh," was all I could muster. Finn understand and immeadiately changed the subject. 

"How are you and Niomi?" he asked with another wide smile. I was happy for the change. My mind was now on my actual girlfriend. Just as I was about to answer Niomi came over and wrapped her hands around my waist. She slid her way into my lap. 

"I heard my name," she said with a giggle. 

"We were just talking about," you I said sliding my hand up into her hair and messing around with it. 


I spent the rest of the evening talking to Jack and Finn and Troye and Louis. I kept trying to find Zoe again to talk to her but she was hanging out with Tanya and they were both trying to find Jim to talk to. There was no way I would be able to talk to her. 

On the cab ride back to my flat I tried to talk to Niomi about her. 

"So, are you friends with Zoe?" I asked trying to be as nonchalent as possible. 

"Zoe Sugg? Ya I guess, why?" she asked looking through twitter on her phone. 

"No reason," I said quietly. There was silent for a bit then. "Is she nice?" I asked again. 

"I don't really like her. She's just too perfect," Niomi said with bitterness in her voice. "Why are you suddenly so curious about her?" she asked turning her phone off and looking carefully at me. 

"I just met her for the first time today and I wanted to know more about her. She seems nice," I said smiling. Just thinking about her made my insides flip. I really needed to stop thinking about her this way though. 

"Well she's really not," Niomi said turning her attention back to her phone. 

"Oh," I said looking out the window. 


Niomi was spending the night and she fell asleep the instant we got home. I got into bed and stayed up later. Once I finally turned the lights out though I still couldn't fall asleep. I could not thinking about Zoe. She was just so perfect. 

I loved Niomi though. I could not forget that. I loved Niomi. 


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