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It was two months on and I was actually starting to get excited for Zoe to have her baby. Jack said he woud help out whenever needed but that me and Zoe would be the main gaurdians. I was scared, but also excited. I had always wanted to be a dad. 

One morning, well you could hardly consider it morning since it was still black outside, Zoe came into my room groaning. 

"I don't feel well Alf," she said slowly. 

"Lie down with me," I said leaning over and kissing her softly. She crawled under the covers and cuddled up next to me. I thought it would take forever for me to fall asleep again but with the warmth of Zoe beside me I was asleep in seconds. 

The next thing I remember was Zoe's nervous voice. Her oh so nervous voice. 

"Alfie, I'm bleeding she said," sitting up. I jolted awake at this point and sprung into action. 

"Do you feel faint? We need to get you to the hospital, oh my God," I said slowly realisation dooming on me. I just kept saying 'oh my God' over and over again. 

"Alfie calm down," Zoe said. Being the voice of reason for once as we walked to the carpark for our building. It was still dark outside, I was guessing it was around 5 am or so. Zoe was being surprising calm, I didn't even see a single shed tear yet. 

She got in the car and leaned her forehead against the cool glass as I got in beside her and started to drive to the hospital. I would remember that drive for a very long time after it happened. The roads were empty. Zoe was holding my hand, and everything seemed to go in slow motion. 

Finally, after what felt like ages we were at the hospital. A nurse admitted Zoe into emergency care but I was required to stay outside of the room. I sat down in the waiting room and picked up a small children's book that was lying on the counter. 

I flicked through it aimlessly, tapping my foot anxiously on the white floor. At this point I was just worried that even Zoe would survive. Let alone the baby. I wanted to know what was happening. I was so worried. 

After what felt like ages a woman dressed all in white finally came out of the room. She was smiling and I took a slight breath of relief. 

"Alfie?" she asked looking at me, I nodded. "You can come in now," she said smiling even more. I followed her, slightly confused into the room where Zoe was. Zoe was sitting on the bed smiling as well. Why was everyone smiling? 

Even though Zoe was smiling though, she looked weak. Very, very weak. Her face was much more pale than normal and her eyes drained of all their colour. She looked happy though, that must be good. 

My eyes scanned the room and stopped on a small plastic boxish like thing in the corner of the room. Lying inside was one of the smallest babies I had ever seen in my life. It was all wrinkly and red and looked to be about the size of my hand. It was a girl. 

I then turned to look at Zoe again. She only nodded. And for the first time that night I broke out into tears. Tears of happiness. 


"Gentle with her arms Alfie!" Zoe said jokingly giving me a little nudge in the side. 

"I am, I am!" I said protesting a bit. I was carefully putting Ellie Rose Sugg into her carrier. We were taking our baby back from the hospital. Now I say 'our' loosely since I'm not techincally the baby's gaurdian. I just like to think of it that way. 

"I'll sit in the back with her," Zoe said smiling at me. 

"Alright Boo," I said pulling my jacket tighter around me as I walked to the front of the car and got in. 

Zoe and I had had to stay at the hospital for around two weeks with Ellie. She was born so prematurely the doctors thought she wasn't going to survive. She pulled through though, much to the doctors' astonishment. 

She was a strong little baby pushing through like that. She was born weighing only 1.6 kilograms, but now weighed a healthy 2.7. She was our little miracle as Zoe liked to call her. 

As I pulled out of the hospital carpark I kept looking back at Zoe and Ellie. Ellie had her little fingers wrapped around Zoe's index finger and it may have been one of the cutest things I had ever seen. Zoe caught me looking at us and smiled at me. 

"I love you Alfie," she said softly. 

"I love you too Zo." 


The Impossible Couple { A Zalfie Fanfic }Where stories live. Discover now