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I was at the train station with Zoe and I was worried. I wasn't used to her panicking and I was afraid she was going to panic on the train ride back to London. Stupid, I know, but I wasn't so sure about how anxiety disorders worked. Zoe explained it to me a bit, and I guess I was less worried something bad would happen on the train back, but I was still worried. 

Due to all the confusion and worry and time spent sitting in the hospital with Zoe I had no time to tell her how I truly felt. No time to ask her if she would be my girlfriend. And it was nawing at me. I didn't want to do it over the phone and I wouldn't see Zoe until next weekend. 

Luckily, I was seeing her so soon though. We had made plans for me to come to London and spend the weekend at Zoe and Tanya's flat. I was actually really excited. Even though I loved Brighton so much, I did enjoy London a lot too. 

Before I knew it Zoe was on the train and the train was gone. I kind of just stood there on the platform by myself, just standing there. I was so lame. After about ten minutes of just staring at nothing I started to move. 

I walked back to the carpark and got back in my car. I started to drive back to my flat. Everything was going in slow motion and I didn't like it. I missed Zoe. I guess that was the first sign that I was falling in love. Zoe had only been gone for 15 minutes and I already missed her. 


I parked the car after the lonely and eerily silent five minute drive back to my flat. I walked up the steps slowly to the seventh floor and pulled out my key to unlock the door. To my surprise the door was already unlocked. 

I opened it catiously wondering who was inside. I briefly ran through a list of people who had a key. Poppy, Zoe, maybe Marcus, Tyler, my parents. There was one other person but I couldn't remember who.

I swung open the door and found Niomi sitting on the couch waiting for me. 

"Niomi?" I asked quizzically. After I had dumped her she made it seem like she never wanted to talk to or see me again. 

"Alfie," she said choking back a sob. Why was she crying? She stood up and walked over to me. "Alfie I miss you," she said this time fully breaking down into tears. "I miss you a lot," she said reaching her arms out and hugging me. 

I didn't stop her. 

"Niomi," I said trying to think of what to tell her. 

"Yes?" she asked looking up at me; she looked as helpless as a newborn puppy. 

"Why are you really here?" I asked trying not to sound rude. I had dated Niomi for ages I knew everything about her. She would not come back to my flat just to tell me she had missed me. The one thing I knew about Niomi was that she held grudges. Big ones. So there was obviously some bigger reason for her being here. 

"I told you, it's because I miss you," she said in a whiny tone. She reached up one of her pale hands to wipe away her tears. 

"Cut the crap," I said, this time opting for a bit more rude expression. She was here for a reason. I just needed to figure out what it was. 

"Okay, I actually don't miss you," she said suddenly snapping out of her fake dramatic scene there. "But I am lonely. Do you have any friends you can set me up with?" she asked looking at me expectantly. 

I was shocked. Well actually I wasn't. Niomi was the sort of person to do this, but why would she come to me? She had plenty of other guy friends she could talk to. 

"I don't know-" I said slowly running through my head all the guys I knew who were single and weren't gay. It was a very small list. 

I was about to tell her a few names when there was a knock on the door. "Just a second," I said standing up to get it. 

"Okay," Niomi tittered. She was being so odd today. There must be something I had no idea about that was going on. 

I opened the door and was surprised to see Marcus. Then I remembered we had made plans for him to spend the week with me. His parents house was getting redone and whilst his parents were staying at a hotel he wanted to stay at a friend's place. 

"Hey!" he said smiling. Then his eyes say Niomi and his smile vanished. He looked at me with worry. 

"What's wrong?" I asked quizzically. 

"Nothing," he said blushing. 

"Come in," I said gesturing him inside. "Marcus, this is Niomi my ex-girlfriend," I accentuated the ex part. 

"Hi! Nice to meet you!" Niomi said springing up from her seat. She walked with a bit of hop in her step over to Marcus. She shook his hand and smiled at me. Then she looked at me and winked. 

Great my ex-girlfriend was falling for my best friend. How much more complicated could my life get? Apparently a lot more. 


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