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I started to tidy up the house a bit before Marcus came over. I was excited to see him. To get my mind off of things. I knew that I had to tell Niomi the truth, that I couldn't avoid it anymore. And I guess I thought it was crucial to hang out with a friend before doing that. 

There was a soft knock on the door and I walked over opening the door to see Niomi, not Marcus who I was expecting. Niomi walked in before I could say anything to stop her. 

"I know you said Marcus was coming over, but I miss you Boo. I wanted to talk," she said with a smile. 

Great, she was in a good mood. If I said anything she would be in a bad mood and I really didn't want to hurt her. 

"Oh," was all I managed to muster out. I really had no idea what to say. I wasn't ready to tell her yet, but I knew I had to. 

"How are you?" she asked pulling me over to the sofa. I sat down next to her and smiled weakly. 

"Good, I guess," I said softly looking at the ground. I couldn't even look her in eyes. I was such a coward. 

"That's nice," she said sweetly. I couldn't take this any longer. 

I looked up from the ground into Niomi's eyes and spoke. 

"Niomi, do you feel like there isn't anything between us anymore?" I asked strongly. I wasn't going to cry, I wasn't even nervous anymore. I needed to get this over with. 

"What to you mean?" she asked looking at me, her face filled with worry. 

"Do you still love me?" I asked looking at her soft and gentle face. The one I had kissed and held so many times. The one I had loved only a month ago. 

"Yes," she said looking at me with even more worry. "Alfie what are you saying?"

"Niomi, I don't think I love you anymore," I said slowly. I looked at the ground again. Not because I was ashamed of what I had said but because I didn't want to see the pain in her eyes. I knew she still loved me. And I had just wrecked her. 

"Alfie," she said, I looked up at her.  I had not even a second to react to her hand slapping me across the face. "You're a dick," she said before turning on her heel and leaving the flat with a slamming of the door. 

"You're right, I am," I said softly but she was long gone. 

I just sat there on the couch. Not feeling anything. I could have felt sad, or annoyed, or angry at myself. Or even sad that I had been so terrible to Niomi. But I felt nothing. I just sat there, feeling nothing. 

I was shaken out of my neutral state with a knock at the door. For a second I thought it was Niomi come back to talk to me but then I remembered that Marcus was coming over. I went to the door and opened it. Again surprised with who was behind the door. 

It was not Marcus, it was Zoe. 

Just like Niomi she walked in without saying a word. I didn't even have any time to say anything. She walked over to the counter and picked up the red apple there just spinning it around in her hands, not saying anything. 

After a few minutes of silence she sat down the fruit and looked at me. "I broke up with Jack," she said softly. There was love and tenderness in her eyes. As well as a distinct sadness. 

"Really?" I asked. I had thought they were going to last for ages. 

"Yes," she said solemnly. 

"I broke up with Niomi," I said quietly looking ashamed. 

"You did?" she asked looking astonished. 

"Yes," I said solemnly. 

Before I knew it her lips were upon mine in a heated makeout session. Just as quickly as we had come together though we were apart again due to a knock on the door. This time I knew it had to be Marcus. 

I blushed slightly at Zoe who blushed back and sat down on the couch. I walked over and opened the door. "Hello mate!" he said loudly walking in. Then he spotted Zoe and turned to me with a incredulous look. I nodded and he grinned. 

"Hello Marcus," Zoe said softly. I was surprised Zoe knew who Marcus was. I had mentioned him to her when we were filming but I didn't think she had remembered. "I have to go Alfie, I want to talk later okay? I'm staying the night at a hotel in Brighton. Text me," she said before turning on her heel and leaving. 

Marcus looked at me a bit confused. "What happened mate?" he asked setting down the beer he had brought on the counter. 

"I have absolutely no idea," I said slowly. And I really had no idea. 


Marcus and I played a few games of Fifa and I even filmed a video with him. He said he really liked the idea of Youtube but that it wasn't really for him. The video was still fun to film though. He had to leave around five though because his family was requiring to have a family dinner. 

I bid him farewell and told him I would tell him all about what had happened with Zoe when I actually figured it all out. He just smiled at me and left. I was so glad I was friends with him. 

Now to see Zoe and talk to her. I got dressed in some nicer clothes and texted her. She told me the hotel she was staying at and I got directions on my phone. I was actually scared to see her. I was scared of what she was going to say and what was going to happen. 

Nevertheless ten minutes later I found myself sitting in my car in the hotel carpark. Part of me wanted to turn around and go home but I knew I had to do this. I got out of the car and started to walk towards the brightly lit building. What was the worst that could happen?


The Impossible Couple { A Zalfie Fanfic }Where stories live. Discover now