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I'm going to die. What a great way to start a story huh? Well, it's true. I'm standing on the edge of deaths pit. How did I get here? Long story. Let me begin about 13.8 billion years ago during a war against Wizards and Dragons.

For hundreds of years Wizards had thought they were alone on their planet. At that time their planet  was just molten rock, so the Wizards decided to shape the planet so it was comfortable to live on. The Earth Wizards shaped lands and added grass and trees to give the land added beauty. The Air Wizards added oxygen to the smoggy air so the Wizards could breathe normally. The Water Wizards came together to create oceans and rivers and lakes. The Fire Wizards were daunted by a great task, they had to create eternity lasting heat. Together they created a small ball of gas that would last 10,000 years. They flung it into space and it expanded, now it would last 16 billion years. With their new utopia the Wizards settled into homes constructed from rock and wood. What they did not realize is that they had awaken sleeping beasts, Dragons.

The Dragons came in all shapes and sizes. Red, Green, Blue, Purple, Orange, Yellow, Pink and the mysterious-if not mythical- white and black Dragons. Ranging from tiny to mid sized to large to huge to monstrous and (rarely) Lengendious. Their life cycle was Egg, Hatchling, Juvenile, Youth, Grec (full grown male) or Gresh (full grown female)

The Dragons arose from the core of the earth smoking hot and with grudges. Many of the Wizards were killed just by the extreme heat the Dragons had brought with them. The remaining 50 Wizards quickly suited up for battle. The Earth Wizards crafted armour from steel; Fire Wizards enchanted the armour with fire resistance magic. The Wizards bounded into battle at full speed. The Dragons were fierce enemies and could not be killed easily. You could only kill a full grown Dragon by damaging its wings and piercing it's heart. All the Dragons they were facing were fully grown Monstrous Dragons. They fought for 12 months 12 days 12 minutes and 12 seconds. As the clock ticked to the twelfth second, the final Dragon fell. Only 29 Wizards remained.

They celebrated their victory by naming the planet Earth. Which was a Naharian word for 'land of great promise'.

As the remaining Wizards trudged through the ashes of the battlefield they discovered a nest. It was full of Dragon eggs of all colours. There were 29 eggs. Each Wizard took one egg that they would train to protect them, and help them in battles to come. What the Wizards did not realize is that two Dragon eggs had fallen out of the nest. One egg was white, and the other was black.

A month later once the eggs had hatched the training began. The wizards first taught their dragons to listen to their instructions as if they were their mothers.

One wizard named Maraloth Hiesenburg was very interested in studying the dragons, and recording the stories of dragons he had met. One day he was sitting on a rock near a river when he thought he saw a white dragon. Nobody in the village owned a white dragon, and although it was just a baby it gave off an aura of heavenliness as if the gods had sent this dragon from Mahama (heaven) itself. Before he could think to grab it the dragon dropped into a hole in the ground next to Maraloth. He tried to look down the hole, but all he saw was blackness. He sat back up and saw now a black dragon beside him. This tiny hatchling gave off an aura of devilish proportions as if it had been sent up from Zahala (not heaven) itself. Maraloth made a dive for the beast, but it swiftly slithered away into the hole. None of those 29 wizards would ever see those two dragons again.

Eventually the wizards wished to speed up the repopulation rate of the Earth, so they crafted wizard like beings. But they discovered these beings did not possess magical powers and fainted when the wizards tried to reveal their powers. They called the beings Humans. Which meant, odd life form. They sent the humans to different parts of the Earth. The Wizards kept their island hidden away from all the humans so that the humans would not start acting stupid due to the realization of the Wizards powers.

Eventually the Wizards named the island Mutomati. Which meant, Island of Dragons.

A few billion years later, a baby was born. Her name was Lira and she was gifted with the magic of Aqua Pura or water. Although she would not know it for another 12 years.

She had just been born and was resting in her mothers arms in Toronto General Hospital on December 12th 12:12pm. Her mother was crying tears of joys. Lira was wrapped up in a white blanket that was as soft as silk. She was looking straight at her mothers wet and red face. A women walked into the room, a doctor. She said something to Lira's mother and Lira was handed away to the doctor. A few days later Lira was sitting in the back of her mothers light blue Toyota in her carrier. Soon she was in a strange new place, a large house. The walls were a beautiful cream colour and made Lira feel all bubbly inside. But the happiness was not to last. A Dragon burned straight through the roof just as Lira and her mother walked in the main hall. Her mother guarded Lira with her arm, but it was no match for the monstrous Red Dragon. It trapped Lira's father in a ring of fire, "Syra!" He screamed in eternal pain. Taurus!" Lira's mother whaled. Syra sprayed water from her hands to free Taurus, but as he stepped out a new blaze of fire started. Syra watched in horror as Taurus burned to ashes. Syra looked down to Lira who was wailing from her carrier. Syra pounced for the door but when her hand touched the knob her palm was burned and she dropped Lira's carrier. The baby watched as her mother screamed in pain and fell to the the floor. The Dragon swooped down to grab Syra and in the gust from his wings blew Lira 20 feet away. Lira wished the Dragon would disappear as she watched the Dragon send a single burst of blue fire onto Syra. Lira cried out in pain as the Dragon flew away and all she was left with were two charred corpses. Lira's vision grew fuzzy as the smoke fumes knocked her out.

I know this story, because I am Lira.

Legendary Dragons: The Black DragonWhere stories live. Discover now