Chapter Fifteen

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"Look, it's my uncle's house." Alexis said pointing to a small blue house right on the corner of the street.
"Steamy, let's land." We dove down and landed in a perfect stop. Well, except for Willow. She came down way too fast and smashed into the pavement and skidded to a shaky stop. "Alexis!" I cried as I bent down to help her up.
"I'm ok. Willow looks ok too." Alexis assured.
"You definitely need to work on that landing." Spencer joked.

"Alright guys, enough fooling around. You said this was the house right Alexis?" I asked, ready for business. Alexis nodded. I walked up to the door and Spencer and Alexis followed. The door knocker was in the shape of the four headed monster from the movie. I could barely get one knock out before the door opened. Alexis's uncle was very tall, had wild blue hair, pale blue eyes, was wearing a blue robe with white snowflakes on it and looked frazzled. "Yes? Who are you?" He asked.
"I'm Lira Riviera, Mr-" I looked at the name tag on his robe, Craz .Y Deranged. "Deranged?" I asked.
"It's pronounce Deraunged, it's Naharian. Now, why are you here?"
"Uncle we've come because we need to watch your movie." Alexis put in.
"My movie? Oh, of course come in." He said moving out of the way of the doorway.
"What does you uncle do for a living?" Spencer whispered to Alexis as they walking in the door.
"He's a scientist. He thinks this movie contains the secret finishing his latest invention. This seemed so coincidental to him that he thinks the movie was made for him. Even the best scientists go a little mad sometimes." She explained in whisper.

Once were inside, Mr. Deranged showed us into his living room. The room was filled with all kinds of model figures of Monsters and Dragons and strange inventions that looked incredibly dangerous. In the centre of the room was couch that was in the shape of a Red Dragon sitting on the floor and his television was a hologram! But since I had been living amongst all kinds of weird magic for the past couple months, it didn't really surprise me. We all took our seats on the couch and Mr. Deranged put the DVD in the player. It did surprise me that even with holographic TV there was still the need for DVDs.

The movie began and I amply tried to just focus on the movie and not anything else. It got to the part where they were showing how the Tetion's had awoken the sleeping beast when, once again the beast turned into a Black Dragon. It popped out of the screen with a humongous roar. I breathed deeply and reminded myself it was just a dream. The Dragon once again set everything on fire and I didn't care. "I'm not afraid of you." I said. The Dragon looked genuinely shocked. In a Dragony sort of way. "I need to know where your hiding." I demanded. The Dragon remained immobile. "Ok then, if you can get into my head... Maybe I can get into yours." I concentrated hard trying to penetrate into the Dragon's mind. Let me in. I need to know. LET ME IN! Finally, I heard a male voice say 'Gahgahla'. It sounded so familiar, "Gahgahla." I repeated out loud. The Dragon let out a mighty roar that shook the very ground. I barely moved a muscle as the Dragon breathed a breath of red fire at me and I returned to reality. "I got it." I said, jumping out of my seat.
"Then where are we headed?" Spencer asked, standing up.
"To Gahgahla Keke." I answered.
"The main shopping strip on the island?" Alexis asked.
"Yup." I said as I opened the door. "Mr. Deranged thank you for letting us watch your movie by the way." I said before walking out the door. Spencer and Alexis rushed out the door and walked beside me.
"You really think that's where the Black Dragon is hidden?" Alexis asked.
"No, but it's gonna put us one step closer." I said as I mounted Steam Whistle. I knew my friends thought I was crazy, but I had no time to care right now.

When we landed on Gahgahla Keke I surveyed our surroundings, Marty's Magic Hut, Elements R' Us, The Zap and... The perfect shop, Abram Azzem's Antique Book Shop. "That's where we need to go." I said and we rushed inside.

The shop was dark, old looking and covered in dust. The bookshelves stretched all the way to the roof and were bursting with books. There was an ornate maple wood desk further to the back of the room. Behind the desk sat an short old man with a bald head, a long fire red beard, had reddy brown eyes and his cloak was mahogany with golden images of candles on it. "You must be Abram Azzem." I said to the man.
"Why yes I am. How may I help you?" He asked.
"My friends and I our looking for the Black Dragon's lair and we thought you might know something that would help us."
"Hmm, perhaps. Do you have any clues?"
"The name of the place may have to do with the name of this street, GahGahla." Abram thought for a moment.
"There is a cave with the same name located in the Lamaca forest on the edge of the island."
"Do you have a map that could take us there?" I asked urgently.
"I, I do actually." He said bending under his desk. When he came back up he was holding a very old looking map. "This is the last map to be made that included the cave. After this Headmaster Funnelgust had map makers take it off so meddling students couldn't go looking down there. It's very dangerous."
"Yet your still letting us have this one... Why?" Alexis piped in. Abram had a smug look on his face, "The schools closing, their rules don't apply anymore." He smiled and winked at me. "Knock that beast out."  I smiled,
"I will." I said as I began to walk out the door. "Thanks!" I yelled before the door closed.
"Alright, Lamaca forest here we come." Spencer said. We mounted our Dragons and took off to take down this beast.

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