Chapter Four

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I woke up screaming and in a cold sweat. It was dark now. I looked at the digital clock on my night table, 12:47. Some girl ran into my room with a worried look on her face. "What's going on in here?" She asked half sleepily and half alarmed. I felt a sudden urge of guilt,
"Incredibly sorry, just a bad dream."
"Must of been the dream from hell the way it woke you up." I nodded and readjusted myself under the covers. The girl walked out and closed the door.

The rest of that night I was tossing and turning in a half sleep.

My alarm went off at 7:30. I lurched out of bed a groaning monster. I forced myself into black capris and a black t-shirt that wouldn't clash with my blue robe. I brushed my teeth and hair and was ready to go by 8:00. I grabbed my book satchel and opened the door into the hallway. By now I was refreshed and racing down the stairs and out the doors into my first day.

I was running down the path towards the school when all of a sudden I was pushed sharply to the left by a warm gust of black that smelled foul. I tumbled to ground. I moved my bangs out of the way, "What the-?" That's when I saw him, tall, light brown hair with red stripes, a red robe with golden images of flames on it and dark brown eyes with flecks of... Red? His whole body just screamed fire. "Oh, I'm so sorry." He had a deep voice but looked my age.
"Uhh," was all I managed to say. Great first impression Lira. I thought. He extended his hand out to me, I grabbed on and hoisted myself up. "Thanks." I managed to say.
"I didn't mean to knock you over. I was just running so fast and didn't want to hit you, I meant to create a small smoke gust just to move you out of the way. Not knock you over even worse!" I shook my head quickly,
"It's absolutely fine. In a school full of Mages..." I looked around us, "worse is sure to happen." Wow, two whole sentences... Impressive. I thought.
"What's your name?" He asked.
"Lira, Lira Riviera. Yours?"
"Daniel, Daniel Scorching-embers." He shook my hand, butterflies.
"Hey Daniel!" I looked over to see another fire Wizard motioning for Daniel to come.
"I'm sorry, I have to go." He said starting to leave. "Bye!" He yelled.
"Bye!" I chocked out over butterflies. I sighed, Daniel. I thought.

"Hi." I heard a voice from behind me say. I turned around, he was wearing an emerald green robe with golden trees and rocks on them, was tall, had shoulder length light brown hair and green eyes with flecks of... Gold. He was obviously an earth Mage. He spoke more lightly and friendly, not butterfliey (is that even a word?).
"Hi." I said. Who was this guy? Was I just a cute boy magnet today? I wondered.
"My name is Spencer Maplereef."
"Lira Riviera." I said shaking his hands. Again, butterflies! "May I ask why your being so friendly to me?" He shrugged,
"I kind of decided to make friends with the first person I saw who didn't seem too nasty."
"An explanation with a hidden compliment? Clever." I said, smirking. Right then Alexis walked up to us and said,
"Hey Lira who's this?"
"Uh, Alexis this... Is Spencer Maplereef." I looked towards Spencer. "Spence this is Alexis..." I looked at her, I didn't actually know her last name.
"Alexis Gentle-breeze." They shook hands. Spencer looked at his watch,
"Uh oh, 8:10 we better get to orientation. Come on." He said running off. Alexis and I ran after him.
"You've been here less than a day and you already have two cute guys at your heels! How do you do it?" She asked nudging my shoulder.
"You saw that huh?" I said.
"Of course I did, so which one did you like?" She asked a playfully plodding. I chose to be honest,
"Well, Daniel makes me feel so nervous and gives me butterflies when I speak to him."
"And Spencer?" She dug.
"He's more of a 'he's a boy who is a friend' not a 'boyfriend'. But when we shook hands, butterflies." Alexis nodded and smiled,
"Love triangle!" I shoved her playfully and ran off towards Spencer.

When we got into the school building first we saw the front office, a short lady with a dark purple robe with golden lightning bolts on it, dark blue eyes, short black hair and thick dark purple glasses sat behind the front desk. The secretary. I thought.

I didn't have time to review the front office further as we ran past it and into the left hallway. Spencer stopped abruptly at a door that opened into the centre of the octagonal building and nearly knocked Alexis and I over. "Woah!" I yelled as I struggled to regain balance.
"Sorry." Spencer said as he opened the door.

The classroom was golden yellow with large windows, had long desks with several chairs and a single chalkboard at the front. The only seats available were in the third row right next to each other. We rushed over and took our seats. I looked at the clock, 8:14 perfect timing.

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