Chapter Twelve

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A few days later I woke up and there was a piece of paper just inside my door. I hopped out of bed and grabbed the note off the floor, it read:

Attention all WDSWA students,

Due to the fact that today is class reorganization day there will be no school for students. Classes will resume tomorrow at the regular time. For students wondering about schedule changes tomorrow will be counted as Day 8 and not Day 7. Have a great day!

                                                                                             Sincerely, Headmaster Funnelgust

Awesome. I thought. A day off. But wait, what am I going to do with Steam Whistle? I didn't have any idea of how to take care of a Dragon Hatchling. I'll try to make friends with it. I decided. I walked over to Steam Whistle, who was sitting on my night stand. But how? I wondered. I'll tell her about myself. I thought.

I bent down so I was eye level with the desk. "Hi Steam Whistle." She scurried towards me and sniffed my nose. I giggled, "Do I smell nice?" I asked jokingly. "My name is Lira. Lira Riviera." I heard her make a small squeaking noise, Leeeeraaaaa. I was amazed, "That's right. Lira." Again, Leeeeraaa. "I like to read and I love watching movies." Mooooooviiieeeees.  I smiled proudly, "That's right, very good."

Right then there was a knock at the door. "Hold on for a second while I go get the door." I got up and felt something on my shoulder. I looked and saw Steam Whistle happily bouncing on my shoulder. Mission accomplished. I thought as I opened the door. It was Spencer. "Hi Spence, what's up?"
"Alexis and I are going to catch a movie. Wanna tag along?" He asked.
"Sure. I'm just gonna get dressed and I'll meet you downstairs."
"Ok, see you in 10." He turned back and walked down the stairs.

I got dressed in white capris with a white t-shirt with purple and blue polka dots and my white army jacket.

After I was done changing, Steam Whistle hopped up onto my shoulder again. "I guess I'll have to bring you along." I said to her. "I can't leave you here when your just a hatchling." I shrugged and left my dorm to go join up with Alexis and Spencer.

"Hey guys." I said as I walked out the door.
"Your bringing your Dragon?" Alexis asked, wide eyed.
"I have to." I told her. "I can't leave her home alone. She could get into some serious trouble."
"She'll get in to more trouble if you bring her into town!" Alexis argued.
I motioned my hand forward to say no worries. "I can keep her calm. If anything gets out of hand... I'll figure something out."
"And what if you can't figure something out?" Alexis questioned.
"Then you can say 'I told you so'."
"Guys!" Spencer yelled.
"What!?" We Alexis and I yelled back.
"It's almost 8:30. We have to go now or were gonna miss the movie." I shook my head to regain my sense of reality.
"Sorry Spence." I apologized. "Your right, we should go."

We walked out of Mati Polo into Gahgahla Keke. The sign didn't say what that meant but it sounded familiar. "So what movie are we going to see anyway?" I asked as we walked past numerous shops and cafés.
"It's this really cool adventure movie called 'The Shadow Monster'. It's about an Ancient Tetion Tribe giant Lizard monster that was thought to have 4 heads, 2 that spit fire and two that spit acid. Anyway, there's this hero named Nina of Nami and she volunteers to go slay the Dragon. It's supposed to be really good." Spencer said. I nodded approvingly.
"Sounds great."

We got to the cinema and grabbed some popcorn from the refreshment stand. I was holding the popcorn and Steam Whistle came down from my shoulder and starting eating the popcorn! "I never knew Dragons liked popcorn." I said, giggling.
"Me neither." Alexis said, also giggling. Then we all starting laughing our heads off.

We grabbed seats near the middle of the theatre and the movie began. About 10 minutes into the movie the narrator was explaining how the Tetion's had awoken the beast and showed the monster roaring awake. As it's huge lizard body struggled to get up I saw it change, I saw it change into a Legendious Black Dragon. My heart stopped beating for a good 30 seconds. Then the Dragon's head popped out of the screen and was right in front of my face. I looked to my left and right but neither Spencer nor Alexis were there. In fact, the whole theatre was empty. The Dragon breathed out red flames and the seats caught on fire. As I observed the seats further I saw that in every seat was a skeleton of the person who was sitting there. I dared to look to my left and right and saw the skeletons of Alexis and Spencer next to me. The Dragon turned to me and breathed fire straight in my face. I screamed out in pain and watched my hands turn to bones. I looked at Spencer's skeleton next to me. "Lira. Lira wake up. Wake up Lira. Lira!" I was snapped back into reality with Spencer shaking my shoulders. I was still screaming hysterically. "Lira your ok! It's me, Spencer! Lira!" I couldn't take it, I jumped out of my seat and ran out of the theatre into the bathroom.

Eventually, I managed to calm myself down and stop screaming. I breathed deeply and repeated to myself, "It's ok Lira, it's ok. It was just a dream, it was just a dream." I curled up in a little ball on the toilet seat and put my head between my knees. In and out, in and out. I thought to myself. I heard the door open and a familiar voice say, "Lira? Are you in here?" She spoke softly and quietly. "It's me Alexis." I lifted my head from my knees. "I just want to comfort you." I got up and opened the stall door. Alexis saw me and ran to hug me, "Lira, your ok." I nodded.
"I'm fine." I said, breathing heavily.
"What happened?" She asked, looking me in the eye. I told her my story and she said, "Oh my gosh, that's horrible." I nodded.
"But I think I'm ready to go back." I told her.
"Your going to go back there? After what happened?!" I nodded.
"I'll be fine." I said shakily. "Wait, where's Steam Whistle?!" I asked urgently.
"Don't worry Spencer's got her." I let out a sigh of relief.

After the movie was over we were walking out of the theatre when I saw Tristan Abby giggling with her friends. (Sarcastic tone) I could only wonder what they were giggling about. Tristan was a tall brunette, her hair was long and 90 degrees straight, she had bright green eyes and everything she was wearing (even her shoes) looked like they didn't cost below $30. I saw her pointing at me as I walked by. Well why don't you try going though extreme emotional trauma and see if your all smiles and sunshine?

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