Chapter Ten

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When I got to Dragon training I had five minutes to spare so I asked Spencer who was next to me, "What are you going to name your Dragon?"
"You know I was thinking about it all last night and I still couldn't think of a good name." I thought for a minute.
"Hmm. What about Rock N' Roll." I said doing air guitar. Spencer laughed.
"Good element joke." He said. I couldn't help it, I blushed.

We were sitting in Dragon Training class learning about how to handle our Dragons when a girl came running in.

She had long light brown hair that was pulled back in a ponytail, dark brown eyes, dark skin and was wearing a yellow robe with red images of flames on it. She looked to be 15 or 16.

"Miss Fizzlewits! Miss Fizzlewits!" She cried. Miss Fizzlewits ran over to the girl,
"What's wrong Madison?" She asked urgently.
"Well, me and a couple friends were running to class when we think we saw a Black Dragon." Everyone gasped.
"You did?!" Miss Fizzlewits was shocked. Madison nodded. "Where did you see it?"
"Come, I'll show you." Madison said motioning towards the doors of the classroom.
"Alright." Miss Fizzlewits turned towards the students again. "Everyone grab a text book from the corner over there and read pages 27-42. I'll be backed in just a moment." She turned away and followed Madison outside the door. Was there really a Black Dragon on campus? I wondered to myself.

Weeks past and all was well until April 1st rolled around. It was the last period of the day and I was in Magical Sword Training.

"Now everyone remember what I taught you." Mr. Flame-Ash said at the beginning of class. "To enchant a blade concentrate and think about images to do with you element. For Ozone try a Tornado or Hurricane. Terra you can try a mudslide or sandstorm. Incandescent try a bonfire or forest fire. Aqua Pura try a Tsunami or waterfall. Ok first to the ring," he looked at his list of names. "Jenny Paulo and Lira Riviera." I rolled my eyes, of course. I thought.

We grabbed the rubber swords we had been using all month and stepped into the ring. This time we were supposed to enchant our blade and then sideswipe our opponents sword out of their hand. Whoever did this first, won. "Ready," Mr. Flame-Ash said. Jenny and I nodded. "Begin!"

I felt extra into it today. I was side swiping and X Breaking like a pro. The battle raged on for a good 5 minutes. "Enchant your blade Lira! You'll have her!" Mr. Flame-Ash yelled. I barely heard him over the sound of our blades crashing against each other. It's like I was taken over by a different person. I side swiped Jenny's sword out of her hand and dropped my sword to the ground. I ran over to the holders that were holding real medieval swords. Even though it should have weighed a ton, I barely felt anything. "Lira what are you doing!?" Alexis screamed from outside the ring. I ran to the now standing Jenny and started to swipe. She managed to press her and my swords into an X. This was it, I thought about a snowstorm. One so deadly and cold and powerful that it could kill and person in an instant. My blade was consumed by ice and almost automatically made Jenny drop to the floor. I could see her nose was bleeding and she was whaling like a baby. But I didn't care. I raised my sword above my head and prepared to thrust towards her stomach. I pushed my blade down and then...

Legendary Dragons: The Black DragonWhere stories live. Discover now