Chapter Fourteen

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he next morning I was woken up by intense screams. Right away I hopped out of bed and went to my balcony. This time there wasn't nothing, I saw a Black Dragon wing pass right by my balcony. I felt a searing pain in my head like there was a knife going through it. "Ahh." I cried as I dropped to the floor. I was on the floor for about a minute until the pain went away and I willed myself to get up. I put on jean capris, a gold t-shirt and tied my hair back in a pony tail. I ran over to the green building and knocked on door 7. Spencer opened the door. "Did you see that?" I asked.
"I did. I can't believe Black Dragons actually exist."
"I know it's insane."
"We should go find Alexis."
"Alright let's go." We both rushed down stairs and into the white building. I nearly smashed into Alexis as she opened the door just as we got to her dorm. "Woah!" She cried.
"Sorry." I said quickly.
"Did you see it?" Spencer asked. Alexis nodded.
"It's really fre-." She was cut off by a high pitched scream.
"It's sounds like it came from just outside." Spencer said.
"Let's go." I said, already hopping down the stairs. When we got outside we were stunned by the sight of the sky. The clouds were shaped to read the sentence:

The chosen one returns

"The chosen one?" Alexis asked.
"Probably the one from the legend Ms Greenwood told us about. The chosen one is the person who freed the Black Dragon."
"What are we gonna do about this?" Spencer asked.
"I don't there's anything we can or should do. I think for now we just relax and wait until Monday to see how much danger were really in." Alexis and Spencer nodded in agreement.

Later, Alexis and I were sitting under the willow tree while Spencer was in the restroom. "So, how was riding session with Spencer?" Alexis asked. I had almost completely forgotten about last night by then.
"Actually I have some pretty exciting news." Alexis squealed.
"Alright, spill it."
"Well first off the evening was just gorgeous."
"Beautiful, wonderful blah blah blah get to the dirt."
"At the end of the night..." She looked extremely expectant. "He kissed me." She squealed louder than Steam Whistle. "And now were dating."
"AHH!" She screamed with delight. "Congratulations!" I smiled happily.

Monday came quickly and my first class of the day was Wizarding History. Once everyone was in their seats Ms Greenwood made an announcement, "Students as you may know, this past Saturday there was indeed a Black Dragon on campus. You may have also seen the note written in the sky. It is true, the chosen one has unleashed the Black Dragon. I know this is harsh but if this Dragon attacks us we have no hope. It is practically unstoppable unless we can find the chosen one who can unleash the White Dragon. We may have to close the school if there is another sighting in the couple of days." This could not be happening. I thought. All of a sudden Madison from a couple months ago ran into the room. "Ms Greenwood!" She cried.
"What is it Madison?" Ms Greenwood asked, alarmed.
"Daniel was taken by the Black Dragon!" Everyone gasped.
"Which Daniel, dear?"
"Daniel in this class! Daniel Scorching-Embers!" The name made me gasp. "Isn't that hot guy?" Alexis asked in my ear. I nodded. Daniel was actually a really nice guy. I hope he's ok. I thought.  "He was sitting under the willow tree trying to clear his head after his Super Charge yesterday when the Dragon came and just snatched him up!" Ms Greenwood had a grim look on her face. "WDSWA is going to have to close because of this new development." Noooo! I screamed in my head. I really liked this school. And what am I going to do with Steam Whistle? I can't just bring her home like a pet cat! The look on Alexis's and Spencer's face told me they were thinking the same things. That's when Ms Greenwood made it official, "Students, I'm afraid you'll all have to go back to your dormitories and start to pack your things. Assume that your leaving tomorrow." As everyone got out and left I just sat there, petrified. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Spencer's sulking face looking at me. "Come on Lira, we got to go." I nodded and stood up.

Spencer walked with me to my dorm room. When I opened the door I was greeted by Steam Whistle who was now 2 feet taller. I just wish I was in the mood to be excited or happy or even kinda pleasant. "Hi Steam Whistle."
Whaaa roooong? She asked.
"Were going to have to leave the island sweetie."
Beeecaauuuuseee ooof Blaaaack Draaaagooon?
"Yes because of the Black Dragon. The chosen one has released him and now has the direct power of Zahala apparently." I told her as I went to sit on my bed.
"Do you think that the Black Dragon really is the Zaha's Dragon?" Spencer asked. I nodded,
"I do. That's kind of what the legend makes you think."
"So that's why the White Dragon can defeat it? It's Maha's Dragon?"
"Yes." I answered. I looked out to my balcony. I got up and stepped outside and Spencer joined me.  "I'm gonna miss it." I said as I looked out over the courtyard. The willow tree, the students, the school, the magic, everything. Spencer kissed my cheek,
"There must be something we can do." He said hopefully. I thought about it for awhile. Was there anything we could do? That's when it hit me,
"I need to go see that movie again."
"The Shadow Monster? The one that gave you that horrible nightmare?" I nodded quickly. "That movies not playing in theatres anymore."
"And no one owns it?"
Aaaaaleeexiiis. I heard Steam Whistle say. I looked towards her,
"Alexis owns that movie?" She shook her head.
"Alexis knows someone who owns the movie?" Spencer asked. She nodded. I looked at Spencer,
"Let's go find Alexis." I said and Spencer and I started to run out the door with Steam Whistle at our heels.

When we got to her dorm we knocked on her door hysterically. "Alexis!" I cried. "Alexis it's me, Lira! Alexis open the door!" The door swung open and Alexis looked like she was having a heart attack,
"What's going on?!" She asked, breathing heavily.
"Steam Whistle said that you know someone who owns the movie 'The Shadow Monster'."
"Yeah, it's my uncles favourite movie, why?"
"No time to explain, let's go." I grabbed onto Alexis's arm and pulled her down the stairs.
We rushed out the door into the courtyard. "Alexis you should call for Willow Wind." Spencer told her.
"Oh, right." She said, nodding. "Willow Wind! Come here girl." The Yellow Dragon burst out from Alexis's balcony window and down to the ground. Alexis and I looked at Spencer with a questioning look in our eyes.
"What?" He asked after awhile.
"Do you think Rock N' Roll is magically going to know your in need of him?" Alexis asked sarcastically.
"Oh, Rock N' Roll! It's time for action!"
"It's time for action?" I asked. "What are you, Superman?" Right at that moment Rock N' Roll landed next to Spencer. He pointed towards the Dragon,
"It worked didn't it?" I rolled my eyes.
"Let's just go." I said as I mounted Steam Whistle. They both nodded back and mounted their Dragons.

As we took to the skies Steam Whistle let out as close to a mighty roar as ever, GRAAAAAAWR! Alexis and Spencer looked just as amazed as I was, "Can you do that, Willow?" Alexis asked. Willow let out a roar that was slightly quieter than Steam Whistle's, GRAAAAWR! But it was still pretty amazing. "Come on Rocky, you to!" Spencer yelled. Again, GRAAAAWR! Flabbergasting! Willow, Rocky and Steamy (yes I said it. Sue me it's cute) were truly amazing.

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