Chapter Seventeen

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It didn't take long for me to find the cave. The path inside looked incredibly long and incredibly dark. Turn back. I thought. Get Steam Whistle to come with you to provide light. I almost turned back. No, I couldn't. I didn't want to take Steam Whistle with me and I had nothing that would burn long enough. I had to just go for it. I gripped the rain drop necklace Alexis gave me and walked inside.

Once I was in the cave the temperature changed almost immediately. It was very humid. There were puddles on the floor and the walls were wet which made the whole cave seem as if it were sweating. But I pressed on deeper into the cave. Soon enough I could see no light on either side of the cave. You can do this. I told myself. You have to do this. I was now covered in sweat as I dug deeper and deeper and deeper into the cave. Eventually I saw a tiny amount of light peer out of the darkness. I was overjoyed and starting sprinting off to reach it. When I saw a large opening to another passageway I started to walk more carefully. Who knew how close I was to the Dragon now? As I stepped through the opening I saw the walls were now lined with torches. I continued down the hall at a brisk pace. When I turned a corner and saw a huge carving of a Red Dragon on the wall. I hopped to Maha it was just red paint. As I continued down the passageway it started to get hot. Really hot. Soon the heat was almost unbearable. I also started to hear... Snoring? The Dragon was asleep, fantastic! I could use the element of surprise to my advantage. I pressed right up against the wall as I peered my head around the corner...

It was HUGE! It was so big I had nothing to compare it to. Also it had horns and a huge spike at the end of its tail. It's wings were beaten and broken (but still usable) that showed its 13 billion year age. I thought through my attack decisions, I could go for the wings but he can't really fly anyway if he's in a cave. I thought. I can go for the eyes and blind him though. I nodded and made my first move towards the Dragon. I started to think hot water, really hot water. "Do you really think you can sneak up on a 13 billon year old Dragon?" I nearly had a heart attack the voice scared me so much. I looked at the Dragon a bit more, had he really just spoken to me? He still seems asleep. "Yes I really did just speak to you. I always find they hesitate to run away if I keep my eyes closed because they think that means I won't attack them." He said calmly. Was he reading my thoughts now? "Now? Haven't you been here the last couple months?" What? Was he talking about my dreams? "Oh my Maha the girls a genius." I was really freaked out now, I decided to just ask a straight up question. Are you really reading my mind? "Have you not figured it out yet?! Of course I can read your mind! This is the genius Maha chooses to save Mutomati Island!" The Dragon boomed. I couldn't let that insult crack me. Tell me about my dreams, what do you know about them?
"Know about them?! HA, I created them!"
What?! How?
"Same way I can read your mind. I can get to people when their feeling alone. Your mind was tricky to get into though, you kept it all locked up. But I watched you 24/7 and I knew you give me the edge."
When did you get to me?
"Don't you remember? On the boat with Alexis? When you started to think about your parents?"
You caused that memory?! He laughed evilly,
"That's right my dear girl, and I just got stronger after that. Do you remember your first dream?"
In the pit of lava. I recalled.
"Yes. Now that was fun, wasn't it?"
No. I thought instantly. He laughed again.
"Do you remember the second dream?"
The carving on the wall, I was paralyzed. I thought glumly recalling my first Super Charge.
"Music to my ears." He said evilly delightful. "The third dream, dear?"
The movie theatre. Was all I wanted to think. I didn't feel like rehashing the worst dream of them all.
"No, that's not good enough." He said authoritatively. I sighed,
You burned everyone in the theatre including my best friends Alexis and Spencer. I thought hesitantly.
"Including your best friends?" He prodded. I gasped, I was not going to say it.
He was my best friend at the time. Be fair. I pleaded.
"You think I'm not playing fair?!" He asked angrily.
No, no. I'm sorry.
"Humph, and the last dream?" I was smug about this one.
I beat you. I got into your head. He opened his eyes suddenly. His eyes were bright yellow and catlike.
"What did you say?!"
Your aloud to be smug about your accomplishments and I'm aloud to be smug about mine.
"I creep into people's minds when there alone and give them brain crushing dreams and I'm smug. You merely get 1 word out of me and you think you deserve to be smug?!" The Dragon screamed.
"HOW DARE YOU THINK SUCH THINGS!" His eyes practically set on fire.
It lead me to you didn't it? Oh man, he was angry now. He screeched in pain and distain.

The ground around me starting cracking all around me. The floor falling away under my feet. Actually, the ground under my feet was the only thing not falling away. I was left standing on a small pillar of bed rock surrounded by... Oh no, lava. This scenario sounded familiar. "You think your smug huh? Well just try and stop me." The Dragon said as he toward above me with his long snaky neck. He came down to my level and blew smoke right in my face. I coughed and stepped backwards, nearly falling off the pillar. I flailed and grabbed at the air as I tried to regain balance. I got my footing and stepped away from the edge. I couldn't afford another blast like that, next time I might not be so lucky. I crafted a bubble that surrounded my mouth and nose but and allowed me to breath normally in all the smoke. "You think a mere bubble can keep me out?" He breathed another breath at me but I shot boiling hot water back at him. He roared in pain as the water entered his eyes. "YOU CAN'T STOP ME WITH HOT WATER!" I knew that fire was coming so I crafted a bubble that would shield me. But he sent the fire, hard. I concentrated on making it hold up over the fire. I grunted over the sheer force of the flame. Enough. I thought. I sent out a blast of ice that froze the fire solid. "Stupid girl." The Dragon breathed smoke on me and I could feel my arms cramping up. I tried to move my hands but I couldn't. I tried to take a step and I couldn't. I couldn't even move my head, or my lips. I was paralyzed, frozen in place. The Dragon smiled, revealing his 5 foot teeth. They were sharp and numerous. Great. I thought. I can freeze, but can I unfreeze? Maybe I can. I started to think of melting ice. Like when you put salt on an ice cube and it melts really fast. "NO!" The Dragon yelled. I knew he could see what I was thinking. He opened his jaw and was suddenly frozen in place. I had managed to set myself free and had frozen his mouth. "Hh dr ou!" The Dragon mumbled. I sent an ice shard straight for his heart. His claw came deadly close to crushing the shard like glass, but he missed! The shard hit its target! The Dragon sent out a burst of fire so big, the ice on his mouth exploded all over the place. This was a problem, a huge chunk of ice was heading straight for me! I had nowhere to go. I sent a burst of water at it at the last second and it tumbled into the lava. Phew. I thought. I turned to the Dragon to watch him fall to his death, but he just stood. He grabbed onto the shard striking out of his chest with his claw and pulled it out. I watched in horror as he squeezed the shard and it was crushed into tiny pieces. H-how?
"Do you not remember anything? Any legends? NOTHING?! WHAT THE CHOSEN ONE IS ACTUALLY SUPPOSED TO DO MAYBE?!" The realization hit me like a bullet.
The White Dragon. He laughed.
"That's right my dear."
But I don't know how to summon the White Dragon.
"Well that's a problem now, isn't it?" He asked evilly.
Oh no. I was dead no mater what.
"That's right." He said bringing his mighty jaws down to me. I stepped out of the way as half the pillar was taken down by his teeth. The half pillar started to shake. This was it, I was done for. I could here it cracking underneath me. No, no, no. I pleaded uselessly. A crack ran straight between my feet.
Here it comes. I braced myself. The pillar broke apart and I plummeted to the ground. I screamed hysterically as I fell. Why? I don't know. My life seemed to flash in front of my eyes. My parents dying, coming to the school, meeting Alexis, meeting Daniel, meeting Spencer, my first Super Charge, Steam Whistles birth, that day at the movies, my birthday, my first date with Spencer, Daniels death, my death... I closed my eyes and was prepared to be burned by lava when, BUMP! I hit something hard and, cold? I opened my eyes and was shocked. I was lying in the Dragons hand! Why did he catch me?
"I didn't do all this just so the chosen one can burn in lava!"
Uh oh. I knew what that meant. He raised me higher and higher and higher. "To think, the Gahgahla thought you would be the perfect chosen one." The Dragon laughed.
What? What is the Gahgahla? It sounded so familiar. The Dragon seemed shocked.
"You don't know?"
No! Tell me! The Dragon just laughed. I was so confused. Your going to die. Just forget it, there are better things to think about. I stood up and looked up at my fate. This is it. No turning back. No waking up screaming or freezing or in hysteria. This was the end of the road. I kept getting higher. Goodbye Alexis. Higher. Goodbye Spencer. I was nearly in his mouth... Goodbye Steam Whist-

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