Chapter Seven

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Next I had Naharian classes. "I'm so excited were learning Naharian!" Spencer exclaimed as we walked up the stairs to class.
"Icei colo." Alexis and Spencer both glared at me with confused expressions. "Me too." I repeated.
"You said icei colo." Alexis told me.
"I did?"
"Yeah, it was pretty weird." Spencer said. At that moment we reached class 307 on the third floor. We walked inside and grabbed seats in the second row. A woman stepped up to the front of the class. She wore a white robe with golden images of wind gusts on it, had long white hair, was very tall and young and had pale blue eyes. "Jalo bahume, ici kap es Miss WhiteWind. Kee vur lopo kaps?" I was the only one who raised my hand to answer her question. "Hig?" She asked me, confused. I looked around and saw everyone staring at me. I was so puzzled at why they were staring at me so weirdly, but answered anyway.
"Jalo, Ici kap es Lira." She looked amazed, as did everyone else.
"Gueno ma." She said lightly clapping her hands.
"Tato." I replied. Nobody would take their eyes off me. Ok, now I was really weirded out. "What?" I asked finally.
"Lira." Alexis whispered to me. I looked in her direction. "Your doing it again."
"Doing what again?" I asked in a whisper.
"Speaking in a weird language. It must be Naharian."

Now I was stunned. All I heard was Miss WhiteWind saying, "Hello class. My name is Miss WhiteWind. What are your names?" I had raised my hand and she said, "Yes?" I replied,
"Hello, my name is Lira." She had told me,
"Very good." And I simply said,
"Thank you." Was I really talking in another language?

Anyway, after Naharian class I had Wizarding History. Alexis Spencer and I grabbed our seats and Ms Greenwood began her lesson. "Class, for those of you who don't remember my name is Ms Greenwood. Today we will be learning about the legends of the Black and White Dragons. For billions of years stories have been told of Black and White Dragons. Although none of the stories have ever been confirmed to be true. No one has ever owned a White or Black Dragon and none have ever been caught. But the most famous of these sightings was from Maraloth Hiesenburg. He wrote in his journal that he saw both a White and Black Dragon in the same spot. He also wrote," Ms Greenwood grabbed a book off her desk. "'I nearly caught the black one, but he was to swift and dived into the hole.' If Maraloth had caught the Black Dragon that day... Who knows what secrets we could have unlocked about the Dragon World. Because Maraloth failed to catch either of the Dragons everyone of course thought he was just going crazy from the battle he had faced just months ago. However, because there have been so many acclaimed sightings throughout history many believe that theses Dragons actually do exist. Whereas many also think these sightings could be compared to sightings of the Yeti or the Lock Ness Monster. Another legend tells that there is a chosen who will one day unleash the Black Dragon on all humanity just to gain power. This legend also tells of another chosen one who will unleash the White Dragon to defend against the Black Dragon's attack." Jenny Paulo raised her hand. "Yes, Jenny?"
"Why do we assume the White Dragon will help us?" Jenny asked.
"Exactly, why would we just assume one mythical Dragon will protect us against another Mythical Dragon just because it's a different colour. Besides, Black is the new everything." Tristan Abby budded in.
"Even though I don't exactly appreciate your tone Miss Abby I do have an answer to your question. The tribe that wrote this legend is called the Pupala Tribe, or Nature Tribe. The Pupalans believed strongly in Maraloth's writings and on one page Maraloth wrote, 'The White Dragon gave off an aura of Mahama -or heaven- itself; the Black Dragon gave off an aura of Zahala -or not heaven- itself.' So when the Pupalans read this, this is truly what they believed." I raised my hand. "Yes Lira?"
"Will we ever know if these Dragons are real or not?" I asked.
"Truthfully, I do not know."

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