Chapter Sixteen

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We landed just in front of the forest. "Where's the path?" Alexis asked as she hopped off Willow.
"It does make sense that their wouldn't be a trail to some random cave." Spencer said standing beside her.
"Then how do we know which way to go?" Alexis asked, angrily. I rolled my eyes,
"Alexis, map." I told her.
"Oh, right." Alexis fake giggled as her face turned red.

Suddenly, a creepy whisper rang through the trees that said, No one shall enter the forest. "Woah, what was that?" Alexis asked, slightly scared. Again the voice spoke,
Leave or die.
"Show yourself!" I yelled. Silence ran through the forest like the voice had run away.
"Why is it not talking anymore?" Alexis asked.
"I really hope this isn't like the movies where there's a jump scare by the person speaking." Spencer said as he and Alexis braced themselves. Still, nothing. I thought for a second, and determined the perfect verbal attack.
"Your just a coward!" I yelled. "An afraid little kid hiding behind a tree. If your some 'almighty' voice of the forest, then why are you hiding? Especially from 3 12 and 13 year olds."
RAWR! The voice screamed. How dare you insult the chosen one in that manner?! He had just revealed his big secret to us.
"So your the chosen one?"
Wha? Oh that is it! You chose to stay, now you must die! A shadowy figure appeared from the trees, caped in a black cloak. Suddenly, his cloak burst into a fiery red colour.
"AHHH!" Alexis yelped. As the glow of his cloak died and his face became visible I saw it was... "Huh!" I gasped. "Daniel?" I asked.
"That's right. Daniel Scorching-Embers, the hot guy." He looked towards Alexis as he said 'the hot guy'. Alexis blushed.
"How could you betray people like that? You betrayed the whole school!" I yelled angrily. He shrugged,
"It was my destiny."
"You didn't have to do it. It was a choice." Spencer pointed out.
"No it wasn't!" Daniel yelled quickly. "It consumed me. The need, the want to help Zaha unleash his Dragon. He spoke to me, and I obeyed. It was my only choice." I couldn't tell if Daniel was distressed or empowered.
"Do you wish you could change your destiny?" I asked. There was no hesitation,
"Not one bit." He was empowered, and I needed to take him down. I was angry and I couldn't hold it in anymore.
"That's IT!" I screamed as I sent a blast of icy cold water at him. He was knocked to the ground.
Spencer sent a large boulder crashing down on Daniels stomach. Not enough to break bones, but enough to knock the air out of him.
Daniel cast a fireball that made the boulder explode to fiery pieces. Daniel stood up and sent a fireball straight for Spencer's head!
Alexis blew the fireball back towards Daniel.
Daniel turned the ball into a huge igneous rock.
"Alright, you wanna play with fire? Have some heat!" I sent boiling water at Daniel; Spencer also cast some dirt into the water.
"AIIE!" Daniel screamed when the water hit him. Alexis sent a huge gust of warm wind out so that the dirt dried to caked mud instantly. Daniel couldn't move a muscle. I walked up to him and looked him straight in the eye, "Who. Is. The. Other. Chosen One?" I held my ground, waiting for an answer. He didn't answer. "WHO?!" I demanded as I sprayed boiling water down his head. I broke him,
"Shouldn't it be obvious? The one person who stood out from the rest this year? A first year? With interesting parents? And a Dragon who hatched a full month before they were supposed to?!" My heart skipped a beat.
"Me?" I asked.
"Ding, ding, ding we have a winner!" Daniel mocked sarcastically.
"H-how? You said Zaha talked to you; Maha never talked to me." I asked shakily.
"Do you know nothing of Maha? He does not tell a chosen one she is chosen like Zaha does; he bestows the bravery of the chosen in them so they can fulfill their destiny, but does not tell them they have the power so they won't exploit it. Maha does not need exploited powers waisted on nothing. For a true Chosen One steps up to the challenge just for the sake of good." This was all so much to take in my head was swirling like crazy. Right then the mud caked on Daniel exploded off of him knocking me 10 feet through the air! I landed on the ground with a thud.
"Lira!" Spencer cried. Alexis and Spencer came running to my side and helped pull me up. Daniel started shaking uncontrollably.
"What the-" I began before a voice cut me off.
You have failed Chosen One.
"Wait, Zaha. Please!" Daniel begged.
No! You have betrayed me by telling my secrets out of fear. You are weak and worthless. Say goodbye!
"No, no, NO!" Daniel screamed. Suddenly, Daniel became completely silent and fell to the ground.
"Oh my god." Alexis said covering her mouth.
"He knew he was betraying Zaha but told you anyway." Spencer said, amazed.
"Because he knew he would lose either way." I said as my eyes turned red. I stood up and breathed deeply. It was sad, yes. It was crazy, yes. It was a lot to take in, yes. But I had to move on. Emphasis on I. I couldn't afford to hurt my friend and my boyfriend and my Dragon. I looked at Steam Whistle and she looked mortified. She wasn't even fully grown and she had already seen death. Like me. I went over and hugged the 3 of them. "You guys are the best." I said. "But I don't want to see you get hurt anymore. You can stay here or go home. And if I'm not back by tomorrow... Just remember your the best friend, boyfriend and Dragon ever." I stood up and Spencer and Alexis stood up too.
"Your going alone?" Alexis asked.
"You have to let us come with you." Spencer protested. I turned back to them.
"Please, I need to do this on my own. At least if I go alone and something goes wrong..." I thought about the horror of watching them die. They could see it on my face and hesitantly nodded.
"Alright." Spencer said. "Good luck."
"Thanks. Goodbye." I said as I walked into the forest, alone. I just hoped that wouldn't really mean goodbye.

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