Chapter Six

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"Class," the teacher began once I was in Dragon Training. She was young, tall, wore a rich red robe with golden images of flame on it, her eyes were half green half blue and her short pink hair was spiked up in all directions. "I am Miss Fizzlewits and I'll be your Dragon Training teacher. To start, each of you will get a Dragon egg from the nest beside me. This Dragon will become your best friend and loyal protector. Once you have an egg, you CAN NOT exchange it with any of your friends. You will have this Dragon for the rest of your life. All these Dragons were born in the same month so they will all grow around the same time. Dragons age quite quickly, they will be fully grown by the end of the school year." I was lucky enough to have Spencer and Alexis in my class. I looked to my left and saw Spencer raise his hand. "Yes, Spencer?" Miss Fizzlewits asked.
"Will any of these Dragons grow to be Monstrous or Legendious?"
"No. The school made sure all these Dragons will only grow to be huge." Spencer looked a bit sad at her answer. "Now to continue, I will call your names 1 by 1 and when you hear your name you will come and RANDOMLY chose an egg. Is that crystal clear?" She asked in a warning tone. Everyone nodded. "Good. Now," she looked at the class list. "Tristen Abby." Tristen got out of her seat and grabbed an egg from the nest.
"Pink, my favourite!" She walked back to her seat.
"Derek Alma." He walked up and stuck his hand in the nest.
"Orange, cool." He sat back down. The list continued until it got to Alexis.
"Alexis Gentle-Breeze." She smiled and ran up to the nest.
"Yellow!" She yelled excitedly. More names were called until,
"Spencer Maplereef." He raced up to the nest with a huge smile plastered across his face.
"Green! It's perfect!" He raced back to his chair. More and more names I didn't care about until,
"Lira Riviera." I stood up slowly. I hope I get a nice colour. I thought. I put my hand in the nest and dug around for awhile. So many eggs. I closed my eyes and grasped an egg. I pulled it out and slowly and opened my eyes,
"Purple! It's wonderful!" The last few names were called, and then we were given our first instructions,
"Now, you'll have to keep the egg HOT. And I mean fire hot."
"I'll just throw it in the microwave." Joseph Zepher said to Kyle Bee beside him.
"You best not Mr. Zepher. That would cook your Dragon like a chicken egg."
"Then how do we warm them?" Joseph said in a mockingly sarcastic tone.
"That's for you to find out." Joseph groaned,
"Can't we make them grow faster?"
"No. Now stop the stupid remarks or go to the principals office." Is Joseph felt any remorse, he didn't show it. He just kept sitting there, rolling the poor Dragon egg across his desk. How careless. I thought.

Next I had Sinister Magic Defence. The teacher was a short girl that wore a dark green robe with black images of dead trees on it, had dark brown eyes and jet black hair. "I am your Sinister Magic Defence teacher, Ms E. V. Il. Yes I know my name is unusual, no you may NOT make jokes about it. Any silly behaviour whatsoever will mean a one way ticket to Headmaster Funnelgust's office. Do I make myself perfectly clear?" Everyone nodded. Except for Joseph who rolled his eyes as he mouthed,
"Oh yes, I'm hanging on your every word."
"Mr. Zepher it'll do you well to NOT talk in my class." Joseph looked shocked. Mr. E. V. Il had seen Joseph's mouthing while he was facing the wall. "An apology would be expected. And maybe this time try to be the least bit sincere." Joseph swallowed hard,
"S-sorry Mr. E. V-v. Il." The teacher smiled with the joy of the fear he had given Joseph.
"Maybe that will teach you a lesson. If not... Remember, I have eyes in the back of my head." The look on Joseph's face made him look like he really believed that. "Now, to continue. Our first lesson will be in the art of recognizing Ju Ju Juice in a drink. In case you don't know Ju Ju Juice is a potion dark wizards will use to give the drinker bad Ju Ju or luck. A dark wizard will usual tell the drinker that the Ju Ju Juice is Grape Juice because of its similar colour. Now depending on how much Ju Ju Juice is given depends on how bad the effects are. For example, a single sip could mean you trip over you untied shoelace and get a bloody nose. However, a cup could get you impaled on a stake." Everyone's face was as white as a ghost, except for Liam MacDonald. His lips were, watering? Mr. E. V. Il caught it too, "Does that sound quite appealing to you Mr. MacDonald?" Liam was shaken from his daydream,
"Well who wouldn't want bad luck to bring them steak? That's not bad. Unless it's undercooked of course." Everyone giggled as Liam looked around with a confused look on his face.
"Mr. MacDonald let me assure you that a stake is much worse than even the most under steak." Liam still looked confused. Mr. E. V. Il just shook his head and continued.
"As I was saying, Ju Ju Juice can be a very dangerous potion in large amounts. That's why today we are going to learn how to tell if your Grape Juice is Ju Ju Juice. First, everyone look at the cup in front of you." I grabbed the cup in front of me, it looked purple. "Some of your cups are filled with Ju Ju Juice and some are filled with Grape Juice. To find out which you have, cover the cup with your palm and say 'Ju Ju Justica'. If the juice turns green, it's grape juice but if it turns red, it's Ju Ju Juice if it doesn't change colour... You've done the spell wrong. Commence!" I placed my hand over my cup and slowly repeated the words, "Ju Ju Justica." When I removed by hand from the cup I saw my juice swirling into a deep red. I had gotten Ju Ju Juice, I didn't like grape juice anyway.

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