Chapter Eleven

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"NO!" Mr. Flame-Ash cried as he jumped between my blade and Jenny. He cast a spell that burned my sword to ashes. That's when reality hit me. Oh my god. I thought. I just tried to kill her. I dropped to my knees and started to sob. "Lira!" Alexis cried starting to run to me.
"No!" Mr. Flame-Ash warned and Alexis stopped dead in her tracks. "Lira's probably just experiencing a Super Charge. It's April, it's raining everywhere." I saw Spencer mouthing, 'April showers bring May flowers'. "We need someone to bring Lira to her room. Someone she won't hurt." Spencer piped in right away,
"I'll do it." Mr. Flame-Ash nodded as Spencer came over and helped me to my feet. The crowd of people covering the exit quickly parted as I passed.

Once Spencer and I made it back to my room he sat me on my bed and plopped down next to me. "You should go, Spencer." I said. "I'm not safe." He scooted closer to me and put a hand on my shoulder,
"I'm not afraid of you." I looked at his hand and I saw it turning blue. I pushed him off of me.
"Ahh!" He yelped as he grabbed his hand.
"I told you." I said. He waved his hand towards me.
"It's just a little cold."
"No it's not." I cried. He started to move back next to me.
"Lira..." He started.
"I. Said. Get. OUT!" I sent a burst of ice from my hand that sent Spencer flying out the door.
"Lira." He chocked out.
"NO!" I yelled angrily as I cast a wall of ice just upside my door, trapping Spencer outside. I then sent a snow flurry out to slam the door.

Again, reality. I screamed out in pain and flopped face down on my pillow, sobbing. I whaled uncontrollably until I finally drifted to sleep.

When my eyes opened I was in a cave with carvings of Dragons on the wall. The carving of the Black Dragon came to life and came down to my level. I coughed because of the smoke coming from its mouth. I dropped to the ground, paralyzed. I wanted to run but I couldn't. The Dragons horned head came right in front of my line of view. It's mouth opened wide and I could feel the heat getting closer and closer until... (Ok, Megan here because I have to say something, I used way too many cliff hangers in this book, unnecessary ones, right? Anyways, Megan out)

I woke up freezing cold. I was nearly frozen to my bed sheets that were covered in frost. I wiggled so I was under my bed sheets and hoped I didn't freeze to death.

I woke up the next morning with a horrible throbbing headache. I looked at the time: 11:35am. I was really late for school. I decided to just stay home.

I was feeling much better around 4:30 and decided to do some reading. I barely even sat down before I heard the screams. "Black Dragon!" And "Demon beast!" And mostly "AHHH!". I ran out onto my balcony and looked over the courtyard. Nothing. Weird. I thought.

Days later when I was back in school something very exciting happened.

"It has now been about a month now since you got your Dragons. They were born a month before school started so that means they will hatch mid-late next month." Miss Fizzlewits said at the beginning of class. As she spoke I thought I heard small crackling noises. I tried to figure out the direction in which the noises were coming from. Crack, crack, crack. Where is it coming from? I wondered to myself. The noises got louder. Crack, crack, CRACK. I found it was coming from my extra book satchel that was holding my Dragon egg. My heart skipped a beat. Could it be? I wondered. I grabbed my egg and placed it on my desk. "Miss Riviera is my lesson not holding your interest?" Miss Fizzlewits asked disapprovingly. I looked up at her with an alarmed expression.
"N-no. M-my egg. It's making n-noises." I told her holding up my egg. She looked shocked.
"Put it down, dear. Now." She said urgently. My hands started to burn and I dropped the egg to my desk. The cracking was almost as loud as thunder now. CRACK, CRACK, CRACK! My egg started to break apart and I saw a scaly piece of Purple Dragon. "Is this it? Already?" I cried.
"I believe so." The top of the egg started to crack, slowly but surely. I watched as a small Purple head popped out of the egg. It was so cute. The whole body emerged and it was almost lizard like. I reached out my hand so it would walk onto it. "Come here baby." It slithered up to me and sniffed my fingers. I watched in amazement as it hopped into my hand and I lifted it to my eye level. "Here let me see it." Miss Fizzlewits said holding out her hand. I placed the hatchling in her hand and she examined it closely. "Interesting." She said, amazed.
"What?" I asked.
"It's looks healthy even though it hatched a month early." That was good news to me.
"Is it a boy or girl." She looked for another second and said,
"It's a girl." She said handing it back to me.
"Hi little one." I said to it. "I think I'm gonna call you Steam Whistle." It let out a high pitched squeal.
"I think she likes that name." Miss Fizzlewits said, smiling. I looked over the Dragons sparkling purple body. I smiled, let the ride begin. your story

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