Chapter Five

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A women stepped in front of the chalkboard. She was older, tall, wore a black robe with golden images of trees on it, had dark brown hair that was tied in a bun and dark green eyes.

"Hello." She began, silencing the room. "My name is Marilyn Greenwood, you can call me Ms Geenwood. I'm going to be your Wizarding History teacher. Here at WDSWA you will take 6 classes: Wizarding History, Sinister Magic Defence, Magical Sword Training, Elemental Magical Skill Building, Naharian classes and... Dragon Training." There was a burst of excitement at the mention of that last class. Ms Greenwood raised her hand to silence the students. "I'll write the names of the classes on the board." Without her moving a muscle the chock lifted itself up and wrote the names of the classes on the chock board. Even when I knew she was a Wizard, it still shocked and amazed me. "I'll be giving each of you a schedule with your assigned classes. We go through a cycle that repeats every ten days. Different elements will be integrated." Alexis, Spencer and I looked at each other hopefully. "Now I wish I didn't have to be the bearer of bad news but... They're are bad days for all Mages. On some days that correspond with certain elemental Mages... Well, I'll give you an example. Say... Bob is an Aqua Pura Mage and it's Rainy Season in Jamacia. Well, Bob's powers get sort of 'Supercharged' and become unpredictable."
"What do you mean, 'unpredictable'?" Someone asked nearer the back.
"I mean, at one second Bobs in Dragon Training and the next he's in a bathtub!" I looked around, everyone seemed kind of scared.
"When exactly does this happen?" Someone in the row beside me asked.
"Well it's different for every Mage. An Ozone Mage might experience this during a Tornado or Windy Season, an Incandescent Mage might experience this during a dry season or even during a forest fire, a Terra Mage might experience this during an earthquake or mudslide, and an Aqua Pura Mage might experience this during a rainy season or snow storm. And even though it may be say a... Rainy season an Aqua Pura Mage might send out random bursts of snow. And different Mages might experience a Supercharge during a different time then a Mage of the same element." That's why we start in March, because they're are too many extreme weathers in other places for any of our students to be safe at school."
"Do these Supercharges happen for the rest of our life?" I asked.
"Once you turn 18 you will no longer experience Supercharges and if your lucky they'll fade away when your 17 or 16. Now, as a final announcement,Headmaster Funnelgust will give you all a warm welcome." A very old looking, tall man with a long Snow White beard, white robe with golden tornadoes on it, pale blue eyes and long scruffy beard stepped in front of the rows of desks. "Students." He said in a booming voice that could have filled a room twice as big as the huge room we were in. "For years this school has trained Ozone Mages to become stronger than Tornadoes, Incandescent Mages to be stronger than blue fire, Terra Mages to be stronger than earthquakes and Aqua Pura Mages to be stronger than tsunamis!" It sounded quite astonishing. "And you, are the next generation of those Mages. Although only 1 out of 30 of you will become Sorcerers or Sorceresses, all of you can achieve greatness. For it is not a simple title that changes the world, it's the person that wears that title and their choices." The way he spoke was insightful and inspiring. "This year you will learn the basics, and 6 years from now you will leave full Wizards amply trained to face all the challenges ahead." He bowed to signify the end of his speech. Everyone clapped and cheered excitedly.

Ms Greenwood returned to centre stage, "You may now continue to your first period class." I picked up the schedule that had been placed on my desk during the Headmaster's speech as I stood. I looked over to Day 1 Period 1: Dragon Training. I smiled, let the ride begin.

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