Chapter Thirteen

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The next day I was sitting in Naharian class when Miss WhiteWind said, "Jalo bahume, cona fey gorgor e plue terrikay poying bes bahume. Hello class, today we have a new student joining our class." I was really excited to hear who it was. "Dece kap es Daniel Scorching-Embers." I was frozen in my seat. Daniel? I thought, astonished. Daniel Scorching-Embers? The fire wizard Alexis thought (emphasis on thought) I liked?! And then he walked in, red and gold as ever. I looked around me and saw the seat right next to Alexis was empty. Oh great. I rolled my eyes. Of course he's nearly right beside me. Now-or at least in Naharian Class- I'd always be afraid to open my mouth and say something stupid. When he walked by me he said, "Hey, good to see someone I know." I was so frazzled I barely let out a smile.

As the month changed to May a lot of Dragons started hatching. Alexis's did on the 24th and Spencer's on the 26th. Alexis's named her Dragon Willow Wind and... Well I don't actually know what Spencer named his yet. Steam Whistle grew to the size of a Kamodo Dragon, one big lizard. It was on the 31st that something amazing happened again.

I was Mati Polo's courtyard playing with Steam Whistle when she starting running in a straight line, very fast. Faster, faster, faster and then... Her feet lifted off the ground! She rose 10 feet in the air! She was flying! "Ahh!" I cried in delight. "She's flying! Steam Whistle you're flying." She let out a squeak, but at a lower tone; it was closer to a small roar. I watched and cheered as she flew for 5 minutes straight before getting tired and landing back down. Her scales turned to a darker, richer shade of purple as I stroked her back. She was now officially a Juvenile.

We continued to practise her flying skills so that when she grew to be a youth she would be amply ready to carry me. More time flew by and soon Steam Whistle was as big as a full grown tiger. The other Dragons were also around that size. But only Spencer's Dragon was nearly caught up with Steam Whistle.

June 27th rolled around and it was my birthday. My birthday landed on a Friday so I was super excited to have as much time as I wanted to celebrate. Once the final bell rang while we were in Wizarding History Spencer and Alexis raced out of class without me. Well there overly excited to get home. I thought. I was expecting on my birthday they'd at least walk with me. Maybe they'd forgotten. I realized. Or maybe... I was so excited I sprinted the walk to my dorm room. When I opened the door I was greeted by a great big "SURPRISE!"
"Guys this is fantastic!" I yelled. The whole room was covered in blue and purple streamers and balloons and a sign that read, Happy B-Day Lira! I ran up and grabbed both of them in a bear hug. "Thanks guys."
"Your welcome." They said in unison.
"Now come open your presents!" Alexis urged as she held out a small white and blue box. I opened the lid and there was a small blue felt box. I opened that box and found a gorgeous silver chain necklace with a blue bejewelled raindrop charm. I was speechless,
"Alexis, this... This is amazing. Thank you so much." I said hugging her.  
"Ok, now open mine." Spencer said handing me a medium sized white and purple box. I opened the lid and found a statue that was in the shape of a Purple Dragon sitting on an egg. "It's a desk light." Spencer told me.
"Spencer it's astounding. You must like that don't you Steam Whistle?"
Draaaagooon. She said.
"Yeah. I'm gonna put it right on my night stand." I said as I placed it down.
Meeee preeeeseeent! Steam Whistle cried.
"You have a present for me too?" I asked bending down to her. She nodded. Steam Whistle started pushing on her hind legs and her front legs started to lift off the ground! She adjusted slightly and was standing straight up! "You can stand now!" I yelled excitedly. "Your such a big girl now!" I said as I bent down and hugged her. This was the best birthday ever.

On July 3rd Spencer came up to me when I was sitting under the willow tree in Mati Polo's courtyard and asked, "Hey Lira?"
"Yeah Spence?"
"Well, our Dragons are ready for flying with us now, so how about we go flying together tomorrow?"
"Ok, that sounds fun. Is Alexis coming too?"
"I asked her but she says she's busy tomorrow. She has to go to the dentist or something."
"Oh, that's to bad. I guess we'll just have to have fun without her." Spencer smiled,
"When should I come over?" I thought for a moment.
"Around 7:00, after dinner."
"Ok, see you then." He said as he walked away. "Well that seems fun." Alexis's voice almost gave me a heart attack.
"God you scared me." I said turning around. She smiled,
"Sorry." I just shrugged. "So your going Dragon riding with Spencer huh?"
"Yeah, it's just to bad you can't come too." She looked puzzled.
"What do you mean?" She asked.
"Well Spencer said he asked you and you said you had to go to the dentist or something."
"Lira, Spencer never asked me. Also, I have absolutely no plans for tomorrow." Now I was confused,
"Why would Spencer lie to me?" Alexis just shrugged.

The next night at 6:30 I was looking through my closet trying to find something to wear. I wanted to wear something really pretty and purple because it was a special occasion. All I had that even came close was this ugly greeny purple dress that stretched to my ankles. I remembered that a couple months ago Tataron had used a spell on me to change my cloths, 'Galeus'. I stood in front of my dress and thought, be pretty, be pretty. At last I said, "Galeus." My dress turned into a purple cosmicpattern dress. I put it on and absolutely fell in love with it. I put on the necklace Alexis gave me and not long after that Spencer came knocking on my door. I opened it and saw he was wearing (ironically) black jeans and a cosmic patter t-shirt. "You look amazing Lira." He said. I blushed,
"Thanks, you look great too." He smiled.
"You ready?" I nodded and we headed downstairs. With our Dragons at our sides. In the beautiful colours of the setting sun Steam Whistle looked a royal purple colour.
"Alright, let's mount." Spencer said. I hopped on to Steam Whistle's back,
"Alright girl, let's fly!" She started to run as Spencer followed closely behind. I could feel us just lifting off the ground ever so slightly. Soon my feet were nearly off the ground. "This is it!" I yelled excitedly. I felt my flats just lift off the ground and squealed with delight. Spencer came up next to me,
"This is amazing!" He cried.
"I know!" We were both now a good 5 feet off the ground and going higher. I bent down towards Steam Whistle's ear, "Don't push yourself to hard to fast. Just breath." She was breathing very calmly and eventually reached an ideal 15 feet in the air! Spencer joined me very soon. We were both beaming. We got to a small waterfall and our Dragons dived down with it and just pulled up in time for us to touch the water but not get soaked. I grabbed a handful of water and threw it at Spencer.
"Hey!" He yelped, covering his face. He looked at me, Oh, so that's how you want to play huh?" He grabbed a handful of water and threw it at me. We laughed as we raised back up. We continued to fly all over Mutomati Island enjoying the sights, the sounds and the warm summer air. By the time we got back to Mati Polo's courtyard the sun was just beginning to sink below the horizon. It painted the sky a beautiful mix of orange and pink. "Let's land on my balcony." I said, pointing at it.
"Ok." We hit the metal floor of the balcony and dismounted our Dragons. We stood and watched the sun set in silence for awhile until I said, "You know you never did tell me what you named your Dragon." He smiled sheepishly,
"I named him Rock N' Roll." I blushed at the answer of the stupid name I had suggested.
"I like it." I said. Right then near the middle of the courtyard some 4th years conjured a huge bonfire that lit up the whole night. Someone turned on a stereo and a slow song started playing in Naharian. The main words of the some seemed to be kams kore samas moisen which means, 'life's short loves forever'. Spencer smiled, "Want to dance?" He asked, sticking his hand out towards me.  I grabbed his hand and we started to dance. We could have fooled anyone to think we were actually doing a dance but we were just moving our feet to where they wanted to go. As the song was nearing the end my heart started pounding uncontrollably and I couldn't tell why. As the singer lifted into the final high note Spencer pulled me in and kissed me. Kissed me! And I was so inexplicably happy. "Spencer." I said, speechless. He looked hopefully expectant. I grabbed him in a hug, "I like you too."
"Does this mean were a couple?" He asked. I smiled,
"I guess so." I pulled him in and kissed him again under the starlit sky and above the warm bonfire. What an absolutely perfect night.

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