Chapter Eight

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Lunch went by uneventfully and soon it was time for Magical Sword Training. "Students!" The man was big and burly and muscular, wore a red robe with golden flames on it, light brown eyes and dark brown hair. "My name, is Mr. Flaming-Ash and I will be your Magical Sword Training teacher. Here you will lean the basics of how to fight with a normal sword and enchanted sword. You will also learn how to enchant a sword yourself." I looked at the sword holder Mr. Flame-Ash was standing next to, there were swords of all shapes and sizes. The room was humongous and in the centre was a circular battle ring. "Let's begin with... Lira Riviera and Jenny Paulo." My heart skipped a beat. Great. I thought. Now I have to embarrass myself first.

Jenny and I stepped into the ring.

Jenny had long brown hair, dark green eyes, her robe was white with golden images of wind gusts on it. She looked just as scared as me.

"Now girls, take a sword from the holder on my left." Mr. Flame-Ash said gesturing to the holder filled with normal sized medieval swords. Jenny and I both grabbed one and then returned to the ring. "Alright, good. Now we need to go over some basic moves." Mr. Flame-Ash grabbed a sword from the holder and stepped into the middle of the ring. "We'll begin with a simple Hatu, or Sideswipe. You just take your sword and wave it like this." Mr. Flame-Ash waved his sword above his head and swiped right in front of the middle of his stomach and banged on my sword, knocking it out of my hand. The movement made me jump. I collected my sword from the ground and got back into position. "Next, I'll show you a Kakaki or an X Break. Lira come get into an X with me." I put my sword over his to make an X shape. Mr. Flame-Ash then pushed on my sword and knocked me to the ground. "To do a successful Kakaki you have to place your feet firmly on the floor, leaving a small space between the right and left foot; you'll want to put your dominate foot in front. Then you have to put all the leverage you can muster on your front foot and push down on the opponents sword." I stood up and prayed that was the last move. "Finally..." Oh great, another one. I thought. "This is the real butt kicker, a Lajaya or Death Thrust." I turned pale as a ghost. I hope he doesn't need a volunteer for this one. I thought. "All you have to do is simply thrust towards the stomach. Alright, I think that's it. Begin!" Mr. Flame-Ash walked out of the battle ring and left Jenny and I to fight.

I made the first move. I swung towards her stomach and she retaliated by pushing her and my sword in an X shape. We pushed on each other's swords until my arm failed me and Jenny's sword made a dive for my arm. That's when it hit me, if she hits my arm hard enough it could come clean off! I thought as I watched the blade come closer to my arm as if time was moving in slow motion. I turned my head in fear as the blade came deathly close when...

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