Chapter Nineteen

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Once we were back at the school we rushed into the main office. "We need to speak to the Headmaster Funnelgust, please." I said to the secretary. I looked at the name plaque on her desk, Miss Thunderbloom
"Miss Thunderbloom please." I pleaded. The secretary looked at me wide eyed. I looked down at my cloths and realized why, my cloths were ripped and slightly charred. Also my hair was probably pretty wild too.
"My Maha, what happened to you?" She asked.
"Your going to think I'm crazy." I told her.
"But she's telling the truth." Spencer put in.
"We know for a fact." Alexis helped.
"Out with it then, what is it?" She asked impatiently.
"I killed the Black Dragon." I said. Miss Thunderbloom looked like she really believed me.
"Just a second dear." She pressed a button on her intercom. The voice was crystal clear,
"We have a student here uh-" she looked at me.
"Lira Riviera." I whispered.
"Lira Riviera." She said.
"Yes, yes out with it." The Headmaster pressed.
"Well, um..."
"Miss Thunderbloom, please I'm very busy."
"She says she's killed the Black Dragon." There was silence for a moment.
"Send her in." He said finally. I nodded and Alexis Spencer and I walked through the door in the office into the Headmaster's office.

His office was wonderful. The walls were pictures of a starry night sky with a full moon above the Headmaster's desk, the carpets were a navy blue, the Headmaster's desk was on a small platform that had maybe 4 steps to get up to it and bookshelves were on either side of the desk. It really was magical. The Headmaster was sitting at his desk when we walked in. "Hello." He said softly.
"Hi." We all said back.
"Lira! What happened to you?" I shrugged.
"It's not exactly a cake walk to fight a Black Dragon." I told him.
"It's so sad a 13 year old had to do something like this."
"Daniel was 12 and he was killed."
"Daniel?! Which Daniel?"
"Daniel Scorching-Embers. He was a first year Fire Mage."
"Yes I knew the boy. Why did he die?"
"He was the chosen one, who unleashed the Black Dragon. But he told me I was the chosen one who would unleash the White Dragon, he betrayed Zaha and was killed for it."
"What a tragedy." Headmaster Funnelgust said, bowing his head. "But wait, how did you summon the White Dragon?"
"My Dragon. She is a Purple Dragon but... Well she kind of transformed-" I explained.
"You have a Mirage Dragon?!" He asked.
"A what?" They were more Dragons I've never heard of?
"A Mirage Dragon. They have the ability to shape shift into any other Dragon but the last person to own one was- oh."
"Who was it?" I asked.
"Your mother." Now that made me shocked. My mother had had the same type of weird (apparently rare) Dragon as me? This was really strange.
"Do you think this is coincidental?" I asked. The Headmaster thought for a moment.
"I do not know. For now we must get the word out, the school will not be closed!" That was one of the clearest things I'd heard all day.

Alexis, Spencer and I walked out of the school building and joined up with our Dragons. "Come on Willow, we have to go unpack!" Alexis said, happily. Alexis and Spencer started to run off happily while I strayed behind. "Are you coming Lira?" Spencer asked.
"Actually, I have to go talk to Miss Fizzlewits about how I'm going to get Steamy into my dorm." It was a hilarious predicament. I could see Spencer was on the verge of cracking up while he said,
"O-ok, see, see you later." I smiled as I walked back into the building.

When I got to Miss Fizzlewits room she was talking to a late stage Hatchling Yellow Dragon. "He has very nice wings." I said regarding the Yellow on the outside Pink on the inside wings. Miss Fizzlewits looked at me and smiled.
"He does have nice wings doesn't he?" I walked over and bent down to his level. I scratched his stomach and he purred like a kitten.
"What's his name?"
"Fizzle Wax." I held back giggles.
"I know it's weird but-"
"No, no." I said quickly. "It's very creative and unique. Besides, a lot of people find Steam Whistle weird."
"I guess your right. Speaking of Steam Whistle, where is the little beast? It's not good to leave a middle stage Juvenile alone you know." I laughed ironically.
"Actually, she's fully grown now. And apparently she's a Mirage Dragon."
"What? How do you know this?" Miss Fizzlewits asked standing up.
"She turned into a White Dragon while I was fighting the Black Dragon."
"WHAT?" She was freaking out. That's when I realized she didn't actually know about all that. I told her my story about the Black and White Dragons and soon she understood. "Ok, I get it. Now why are you telling me about this?" She asked at the end of my story.
"Well I need to know what I'm going to do with Steam Whistle now that she's fully grown." Miss Fizzlewits nodded.
"Ah, very common problem Mages come to me with all the time on weekends in December. Infact, Fizzle Wax here is my Dragon from when I was a girl. You should see him outside, he's a beast."
"I have to learn to shrink Steam Whistle?" I asked.
"Oh don't worry, it's easy and Steam Whistle won't hurt a bit. Now, let's go outside so we can practice." When we got outside Miss Fizzlewits seemed amazed. "She's gorgeous." I smiled,
"I know." She stroked her hand down Steamy's wings.
"Don't worry girl, this won't hurt a bit. Just a bit of shrinking." Steamy didn't even seem like she had heard her. "Alright, first can you remember what Steam Whistle looked like when she was a Juvenile or Youth?"
"Of course." I remember how beautiful (and small) Steamy had been on my first date with Spencer.
"Good. Now, keep focusing on that memory and say, 'Weebitty'." I nodded. Sounds easy enough. I thought. I focused on the memory long and hard and then,
"Weebitty." Steam Whistle only shrunk maybe a foot.
"That's alright dear try again." I thought even harder. About how her scales looked Royal Purple, about how she was as big as a full grown tiger and about how she, myself, Spencer and Rocky had all fit on my balcony. Again,
"Weebitty!" Steam Whistle shrunk down to her youth size. I had done it! "Yeah!" I celebrated.
"See, I told you it was easy. Just a matter of good memory. And to turn her back you just think of how she looks fully grown and say, 'Tallbig'." I nodded. I thought about how Steamy had looked just seconds before; how her wings looked full and beautiful, how her scales were perfect and shiny Purple. "Tallbig!" Immediately Steam Whistle grew to her normal size.
"Fantastic! Now your all set. Is there anything else I can help you with?" Miss Fizzlewits asked.
"Nope. Thanks for the help though, see you tomorrow!" I said running off with Steamy by my side.
"Goodbye!" She yelled as I ran away.

When I got back to my dorm (I shrunk Steamy at the door) I didn't have any unpacking to do since I didn't pack anything before Spencer and I had left. I took a shower and brushed my hair and changed my clothes. I put on purple capris, a blue slouchy shirt with a rhinestone snowflake on it and I couldn't forget to put on the raindrop necklace from Alexis again. After that I decided to go on my balcony look out at the courtyard. The sun was starting to go down now and a cool breeze ran through the air. What an insane day. I thought. Daniel was dead and so was the Black Dragon. Steam Whistle was a Mirage Dragon and was fully grown now. The school wasn't closing and it was because of me. Oh boy. I thought. This was year one? I watched the people celebrating in the streets. I should go join them. I put my shoes on and rushed to go join the party.

I was just walking out the door when, BASH! I fell to the ground. "Hey watch it!" We both yelled. The voice sounded familiar. I moved my bangs from my eyes and saw... you guess it, Alexis. "Hey Alexis." I said as I stood up and helped Alexis up.
"Hey Lira. Come on let's dance." Alexis and I danced to a bunch of popular songs (some English, some Naharian) with whatever crazy dance moves that came to our heads. After awhile I asked,
"Where's Spencer?"
"I think he's helping some kids conjure a bonfire or something." Ha, ha, ha, very clever Spencer. I thought.

Eventually he came over to us and guided us to the bonfire. "Pretty awesome huh?" He asked. I nodded. He conjured a log and the three of us sat together. The fire let off a warm glow into the otherwise cool night. However, the stars overhead were still very visible. Amazing. I thought.
"Remind you of anything?" Spencer asked. I laughed,
"Spencer your an idiot." I said as I pulled him in and kissed him. Aren't I glad I didn't stay on my balcony.

We danced and sang and laughed until it was very late. The final song ended, "Alright I have to go home, I have school in the morning." I joked as I walked back to my dorm. I got into my dorm and started to get ready for bed. My pyjamas bottoms were dark blue and covered in stars and my top had a picture of Ursa Major the Big Bear constellation on it. I then plopped on my bed and nearly fell asleep instantly. I was pooped. For the first time in a long time... I had a truly sound sleep.

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