Chapter Eighteen

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"RAWR!" Came the mighty roar from the passageway leading into the room. I looked and it was a White Dragon! Yes! I thought.
"What? How could you?!" The Black Dragon asked. The White Dragon was just as big but looked younger. His wings were full and new looking and he had no horns. He was amazingly beautiful, the very ground shook as he walked. The White Dragon ran over and bit down on the Black Dragons neck. I was so happy, until the Black Dragon dropped me and I fell to the lava. The White Dragon quickly scooped me from the air. Iicee. He said.
Ice? I looked around me. I saw a tiny, tiny ledge that was just to small for me to stand on. Oh, ice. I realized. I shot a thick layer of ice at the ledge making it plenty big for me to stand on. The White Dragon placed me on the ledge and continued his fight. Thank Maha. I thought as I breathed heavily. I watched the Dragons bite and claw at each other. I have to do something. I sent out a lot of ice at the Black Dragons claws. The Black Dragon dropped down to the lava as he crumbled from the weight. He wailed in pain and the White Dragon stepped on the Black Dragons wings. The Black Dragon banged his frozen claws into the lava and broke free. He slashed at the White Dragon and I heard the sharp RIP! The movement the Black Dragon had made ripped his wings clean off. "NOOOOOO!" He screamed. The White Dragon brant his jaw down towards the Black Dragons heart. However the Black Dragon managed to trap the White Dragon's jaws in his claws. I couldn't let this just happen in front of me. I managed to cast frostbite into the Black Dragon's hand. The Black Dragon recoiled in pain. But my spell didn't last long, the Black Dragon managed to fight his way to his feet. The White Dragon fought valiantly but the Black Dragon got a bite onto his chest!
NOOOOOO! I screamed in my head. I sent boiling water at the Black Dragon and his jaw lost its grip. But it was too late, he pierced the White Dragon's skin. I sobbed to myself. But again, the White Dragon did not fall. I was so confused. I looked the White Dragon up and down and then I saw it. I gasped with the extreme luck the White Dragon had. The Black Dragon's bite was on the right side of the chest, and the heart is on the left side of the chest! The White Dragon retaliated with a deep bite into the Black Dragon's heart. The Black Dragon screamed and clawed but it was no use. The bite more then pierced the heart, it destroyed it! "YOU REALLY WERE ALWAYS A BUG, MY DEAR." The Black Dragon said to me in a wheeze.
"I have a name Dragon, it's Lira Riviera!" I yelled out loud. The White Dragon let out a mighty roar of triumph. I couldn't roar, but I let out a mighty WHO HOO! Of triumph. "Thank you White Dragon." I said, huffing.
"Huh, yea- wait. What did you just call me?" I asked.
Liiiraaa! That Dragons voice sounded way too familiar.
"Is there something you want to tell me?" The White Dragon nodded and started to glow! I shielded my eyes from the searing light. Eventually, the glow dimmed and I looked towards the Dragon. He was no longer a humongous White Dragon; she was a full grown huge Dragon (not monstrous anymore) her wings were clean and new looking and her scales were sparkling Purple.
"Steam Whistle! Your fully grown!" She nodded.
I preeeettyyyy! I smiled and hugged her head.
"Yes you are pretty. Very pretty! But how did you change into a White Dragon?"
Looong story.
"Ok you can tell me after."
Leeeaaaveee? Laaaavaaaa baaaaad. I looked down into the sea of lava below us and nodded.
"Yeah, let's leave."

I have never been so glad to see sunlight in my life. "Alright Steamy, we just killed a Black Dragon. Let's arrive in style."
Styyyyyle!I couldn't help but giggle. I hopped onto her back and we flew above the trees to the front of the forest.

When we landed I was greeted amply. "Lira! Your alive!" Alexis yelled as I got off Steam Whistle.
"I'm so glad your not dead!" She said as she hugged me.
"Huh, me too." I joked. "W-where's Spencer." I asked looking around for him.
"Lira!"he appeared from behind Alexis.
"Spencer!" I cried as I pulled him in and kissed him. I knew Alexis was smirking at me, but I didn't care. When we were finished Spencer asked,
"Should we get out of this forest and talk to Headmaster Funnelgust?"
"There isn't anything I'd rather do." I said. As we mounted our Dragons and flew away I looked back at the cave and thought to myself, I never want to see that forest again.

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