Chapter 1~ Intro

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Chapter One


12:36 pm
I woke up to the sound of a deep man voice that isn't my dads. I jump out of bed to see who's here and look out my window and see a police car in our driveway. I run downstairs and their is a police officer talking to my dad I can see sadness in his face, the other police officer on the phone. I am so confused to what I am seeing I couldn't say anything, I'm shaking i don't know why maybe because their is two police officers in my living room.

I was at the bottom of the stairs where I could see them. I cleared my throat to get everyone to notice me and it worked, everyone looks at me and I finally say something,
"What's going on?" I say confused
The police officer on his phone walks towards me and hungs up on who ever he was talking too and says
"I'm sorry but your mom has passed away" he says, I'm speechless. My mom was is a alcoholic and a drug addict she was always getting out drunk or I don't know. when I was young after a while she stopped to focus on me and my two older brothers before they left dad would sometimes say to me that mom is still doing drugs and drinking behind our backs, but this year she was diagnosed with cancer, I've never really seen her at her best, she always is drunk or drugged so she was always fighting with dad and sometime it got bad and she put all the anger on me by abusive me, kicking, punching, and calling me words.

I walk over to dad who is sitting at the dinner table with his hands on his face, I sit down next to him and hug him tightly, he looks up and a little smile comes on his face full of tears which makes me cry. 

We were close with mom when she was in hospital because it was her normal self but just really sad and depressed. My brothers never visited mom in hospital so me and dad were the only ones their that's probably why she gave up on life because they never came and visited. I tried going back to sleep but I couldn't

One week later
'Guess I'm ordinary cus I don't give a what' "shut up alarm!!" I made it stop and got up and then I remembered...
Today is moms funeral, very sad day for me and dad. I did try calling my brothers telling them to book a flight to North Carolina, I called them the night we found out she died but it just went to voicemail so I left a voicemail hopefully they would come.

"Laura! Are you ready?" Dad yells getting impatient.
"Yeah coming! Has Ricky or Jacob said anything about if they are coming or not?" I said while walking down the stairs.
"No sorry sweetie" he says while giving me a hug.

While I was growing up Ricky, Jacob and I were very close we weren't like normal siblings we got alone fine never had fights, we were very close until mom started drinking they decided to both move to California, Ricky moved because he is in a YouTube collab called Our Second Life (o2l) and did some singing, and Jacob moved out with his girlfriend Emily because they can both sing really good, well emily can't she sounds like little children screaming. i also hate her but It has been two years so they most likely not together or maybe she has gotten nicer? Haha I doubt that!.

Dad and I got in his car and drove to the funeral. When we got their i can see about twenty people mom didn't really know that many people so it's kinda good because I hate lots of people and crowds
We found some sits front row and two seats beside me are empty... Ricky and Jacob... They haven't came.

It is now dads turn to say something. I can hear his voice cracking.... his crying, watching his tear roll down his cheek makes me cry. He finished now it's my turn, I'm a mess I can't go up their I'm crying about my mother that didn't care about me growing up.
Stop crying Laura!! I whisper to myself.

I got up looking at my dad who said my name to come up and say something, I started walking past mom and I look over at her in a coffin. I stop at her coffin and whisper "be proud of us"
Saying that made me feel like I can do anything so I walked up to dad passing me the microphone and started to speak,
"Mom" I start while looking over my shoulder to her "I am glad to say now that you weren't the best mother growing up, you never cared about your family all you cared about was the money, I'm sorry to have to say this at your funeral, but where else can I say now that your gone" I can't think of anything else to say. I look around to see who's here their is moms friends and family and dad friends and family.

I look down the gravelled path and at the end of it I see one of my brothers, Ricky... But where is Jacob.

Hey it's Mahalia,
I just want to say this is my first ever story so no hate!

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