Chapter 12~ Screaming fans

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Chapter Twelve
"Do you wanna get some fro-yo?  Kian asks me.
"Sure thang! could we penny board their?" I ask.
"YASS!" Kian screams.

Kian puts on a shirt, we got our penny boards and rode to the nearest fro-yo shop.

We rode next to the beach hand in hand, next to each other.
"I've missed this and I've missed you" Kian says.
"Me too, and i missed you" I say with a smile.

I feel like myself again like everything is normal.

We arrived at fro-yo and we pick what we want.
"What flavour do you want?" Kian asks me.
"Chocolate chips please"

Kian says our orders and we heard screaming from outside, we grab our fro-yo and we started walking to the door but we see lots of girls faces and phones squished against the window screaming...
Heaps more but those were the loudest but I also heard a faint.

"Oh wow" Kian chuckles "that's a lot of squished faces" he adds
"You can go through the back door if you want to avoid the fans" the other girl who works here says to us while holding the front door so no fans can come in.

I guess she knew it was us because we are the only costumers here.

"That would be great, thanks!" I say. Another girl who works here shows us the back door and we exit, before she closes the door she spoke.
"Wait! Before you leave can I please get an autograph?" She asks with a smile.
"Oh sure!" Kian says handing her an already signed paper card.
"Oh sorry, not you but thanks. I ask one from Laura I'm a huge fan!, if you don't mind" the girl says awkwardly.
"Haha I don't mind" I approve and I grab the paper that Kian signed and I sign underneath his autograph.

We leave the shop and all the fans spot us and came running towards us, We are now crowed around screaming loud fans.

I text Ricky to help us:
Me- "Can you please help me and Kian we at the closes fro-yo we have been mobbed by screaming fans. Please I hate this." As soon as I sent it he replies.
Ricky- "oh my god why! Uh I'm coming hang on"

While Ricky is on he's way kian sign some pictures, took some selfies, and they gave him some gifts, some even came for me but I refused to sign or take pictures.
We got through about 19 people it felt like 5 hours but It actually took about an hour. Then Ricky finally came to the rescue, I seriously could not handle anymore of it.
Once I see Ricky walking towards me I run out of the little meet up session and run up to him crying and he pulled me into a hug.

"Laura." Ricky sighs into my hair and I return the hug while I sob into his neck.
We release the hug and I run to the car while Ricky and some security guards helps Kian get out of scream fest.
"AHH RICKY!" They scream and Ricky grabs Kian take him away to his car...

"Shit that was intense" Kian says opening the car back seat door revealing me curled up in a human ball crying basically having a panic attack.

"Laura!!" Kian screams and crawls into the back seat to me, he put me in his lap and cradles me while I'm still crying and having a panic attack.

"Shh it's ok" he whispers over and over again trying to calm me down.
"I wanna go home!" I cry.
"O2l house? And you can sleep in my room? Or Ricky's?" He asks and I nod and fall asleep

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