Chapter 24~ Moving In Together?

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Chapter Twenty Four

Thursday Night
Kian's POV
Laura was right Jamie is annoying but adorable. I think Laura got angry at me but I was just trying to be nice!

"Hey ladies" I said from behind Laura and Karla. I just came out of her bathroom.
"Where were you?" She ask.

"Oh well Jamie is getting told off and this is Karla"

Laura is now fast asleep on her bed but I'm wide awake thinking,

While I was on my way to the bathroom I noticed their are only two pictures of Laura, Ricky and Jacob none were of her dad and her mom not that I was snooping around.
And who is Hunter? Is it her other brother? Her best friend? She's never said anything about a Hunter?

"Penny for your thoughts?" Laura smiled. How long has she been awake?
"It's normally what the British people say when you want to know what another person is thinking, usually because they have been quiet for a while" she giggles.
"Oh... if you say so"

Laura rolls over so she is lying on top of me with her forearms across my chest and she looks up to me. Literally a goddess, her brownish-hair falling in the right place, her light freckles all over her nose and under her eyes, her brown sparked eyes... uhhh I can never explain how much I love her...
wait, love? I think I love her...

"Come on" she says snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Who's Hunter?" I blurted out with out thinking. Maybe I shouldn't of said that her face is blank, "I'm sorry I shouldn't of said that, it's not my business"
"I-it's fine...he was my ex and my best friend before I moved here" she signed and I nodded. "Ok..."
"Anything else?" She smiles.

"I don't think I should say this but...where is your mum?" Her face went pale like she has seen a ghost. She's not speaking oh shit.
"I-I'm s-sorry" she stutters. why is she stuttering? She only stutters when she nervous.

"LAURA!" Someone yelled very loud. Laura jumped and started crying. I pull her into a hug to comfort her.
"D-don't t-touch me!" she yelled at me and try to wiggle out of my grip but I wouldn't let her, "please" she pleaded looking straight into my eyes. I let go and she runs out of her bedroom. I try calling out for her but she didn't stop.

What the fuck did I do?!
What just happened?!
Maybe Ricky would know?

"I said something wrong to Laura! help me!"

"What did you say?"

"I asked about her mother and someone yelled and then she started crying so I tried to comfort her but she yelled at me and run off"

"Your in deep trouble >:( find Laura and I'll get the boys to look for her too!"

I don't understand what happened!

Laura POV
I never talk about my mother because it always scares me and I know she had died but it still scares me. It always brings back the memories of her kicking and punching me.
Black eye after black eye, bruses after bruses, painful words filling the room and falling onto me like a snowflake but very less delicute kinda like a canon ball.

I sprinted out of the house onto the warm Hollywood streets luckily the sun isn't gone yet so it's still a bit light outside.
Where am I going to go, I still don't know my way around La.
Maybe I could text lily and daisy.
I walk about another 10 minutes and decided to texted them.

"Is anyone home?"

"Queen what's up"

"Hey can I come over? I kinda may have run away and still don't know my way around La"

"Why did you run away?"

"Sure come over! you too lily, lets have a sleepover!"

"Yes bitches SLEEPOVER!"

"Could one pick me up I don't have a car. I'm stranded on the streets"

"I will and we could get some snacks together. Where are you?"

"What up sista!" Lily said after I got into her car.
"Not much" I said then awkward silence fills the car.
"So why did you run away?" She asked after a minute of silence.
"Um I not ready to talk about it" I sighed looking out the side window.

"Omg! You guys were gonna have sex and you got scared?!" She squeals.
"No! Of course not, its just personal I promise I'll tell you when I'm ready"

"Your pregnant?!" She yelled.
"No I'm not pregnant for your information I'm a virgin" I said sternly.

"Are you gonna get that?" Daisy asks.
We are half way through The Hunger Games Mocking-Jay -we are binge watching all the Hunger games- and someone decides to ring me. I just know it's going to be Kian or Ricky so I wasn't gonna pick it up.
"I wasn't going to but fine" I sighed.
"It's probably the boys stressing about where you are" lily said.

I look at my phone and it's dad.
Oh what does dad want?
I accept the call and put the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I said into the phone.
"Laura where the hell are you?" Ricky's voice come through the phone. Ugh!
"I can't talk right now I'm busy" I said
"Laura where are you we drove around all LA finding you! Where are you! We all gave up looking but Kian is still trying to find you! Please tell me your safe at least!" Ricky yelled.

"I'm fine Ricky" and I hung up. I seriously just want time alone with my two best friends.

"Um guys my rent just expired cus' I haven't paid it, she's kicking me out in two days and I don't have enough money to buy another few months-" lily says pulling her phone away from her ear.
"Hey why don't we all move in together? Because I was thinking about moving out, what do ya say guys?" I admitted.
"Yes!" Daisy and lily yelled.
"So I guess we are moving in together?" I said.
"Yay!" Lily screamed.


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