Chapter 6~ Californa

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Chapter Six
I wiped my tears away and stopped thinking about them I should be thinking about Los Angeles the beaches, the cute boys and I finally get to meet o2l!!

Dad and I get up from my window seat and did a last look of the empty house.

"Good bye, childhood house" I say on the floor hugging it.
Yes I'm that type of person, don't judge!
I get up and walk outside and closed the door.
Don't cry Laura, don't cry I say in my mind.

We arrive at the airport checked in and ...
"Flight 203 to Los Angeles now boarding". Airport person said.
That's our flight! I'm so excited!!

We didn't need to say goodbye to anyone so we just left.

We go through hand luggage security and walk to our plane, we find our plane seats and I love the window seat so I sit their and dad sit next to me.
After a while we take off.
I put my headphones on and listens to 5sos and fall asleep. Don't worry I took some photos before falling asleep.

-After plane ride-
"Laura wake up! Where here" I hear someone and feel them shaking me, I open my eyes and see dad smiling at me and pointing to the window.
"Where have arrived!" Dad says excited.
We get of the plane and get our bags we had 2 big suitcases and a carry on bag each we have delivered somethings there too and we walk to find Ricky.

"Theirs Ricky!" I say excited and pointing at him. We started walking towards him and a hot, tall man standing next to Ricky and Ricky was looking around.

As we got closer to them the tall man face got clearer and I recognised him but I don't know where...
"DAD, LAURA!!" Ricky screams like he sees a celebrity while going in to hug dad and me, then adding...
Ricky points to the hot, tall man and says... " oh and this is kian, Kian this is dad and Laura" Ricky added while Kian checking me out which made me feel uncomfortable but Dayum Kian is hot and tall...

We start walking to the car
"So what do you think of Kian?" Ricky questions me while walking beside me, dad and Kian were talking in front of us.
"What do you mean Ricky? I just met him! God" I frowned at a him.
"Well he looked like he was checking you out!" Ricky says which made me blush.
"I know, I noticed" I reply.

We find Ricky's car in the car park and drive to mine and dads new house. (picture above)
Once we arrive to the new house I step out of the car and looked at the house...
"Wow" I say getting my bags out of the boot.
"Here, I'll get those heavy bags!" Kian suggested to me and I gave him my suitcases.
"Thank you, Kian" I smile looking at him and he's looking at me.
"Omg! LAURA! Go have a look inside its amazing!!" Ricky yells from the house excited.
"Umm" Ricky says appearing our of nowhere and scary both me and kian because we where just staring at each other. When Ricky said that it knocks us back into real life. Awkward...

I walk inside the house with Kian by my side carrying my Suitcases.
"Just plop my suitcases here, it will do for now" I say to Kian.
"No, I'll carry them to your room" Kian says "if.. You don't mind" he added.
"Oh thank you, that would be good. Follow me, ill show you which room is mine." I say. Leading him to my room, that's upstairs. Yep this house is double-story.

Kian and I walk up the stairs and go to the room I picked, second biggest, a join bathroom, a big walk-in-wardrobe and a big window with the view on the front yard.

"You can put my bags down th-" I say
"-Ricky really cares about you" kian interrupts me.
"He talks about you all the time" he adds.
"Wow, I feel loved" I joke while smiling.
"I'm serious, Laura. He talks about you all the time to me and the o2l guys" he confessed.
"Really?! Don't you guys get bored listening to him talking about me?" I giggled.
"Haha, all the time. But I kinda get why he talks about you... Your cute, you have a great smile, your funny, you have a great style in music... 5sos fan I'm guessing?" Kian confessed making a me smile and blush.
"Stop your embarrassing me!" I say smiling
"How did you guess that I liked 5 seconds of summer?" I questioned
"Well your iPhone 6 cover" he says.
"Anyway I better get going. O2l is having a party tonight so I better get the house ready for it to be trashed!"  He added. Once Kian finished talking he walked to my door, stopped and turned to look at me...
"You should come! ask your dad and Ricky if you could!" Kian smiled and winked at me.
"Oh course! I would love you-"
"Too! I meant too." I say correcting myself. Kian smiling when I said it.
"Haha that's cute. Have to go, bye Laura. I'll text you my address". Kian smiled and left my room and I went to my bathroom.

"I messed up big time, why did I say you when I was meant to say too!! UGH!! but he thought it was cute!" I say to myself in the mirror.
"What are ya talking about Laura?" Ricky says next to me, appearing out of no where.
"SHIT! Ricky you scared me! God don't do that!!" I say pouting
"Haha I sorry. But what ya talking about?" He questions.
"Omg did he call you cute?! Aww!" Ricky added.
"Kian and Laura sitting in a tree, k-" Ricky sang, but before he could sing 'kissing' I cover his mouth with my hand and said
"don't you dare finish that song, if you do I will hide all your Pokemon's!" I glared into his eyes for a few seconds then when I finished I let go.

"Oh and Kian wants me to come to your party!" I sassed.
"Well I'm not letting you" Ricky sassed back at me
"Well I'm going" I sass
"You going with me!" He volunteered
"Fine!" I say
"Fine! Be ready at 8" He says before leaving my room.

Yaaasss I'm going to my first Los Angeles party!!

Now is 4 so I could unpack some things and maybe find an outfit for tonight. My jet lag hasn't come yet so I feel good to party!

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