Chapter 9~ Drives

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Chapter Nine

'Something about you makes me feel like a dangerous woman...'
My alarm goes off and my phone rings.

"What do you want?" I say like I just woke up cuz I did.

"It's good to hear your too, Laura" the person on the phone said.

"Why did you ring me Hunter?" I ask.

"I just want to see how your going?" Hunter sassed.

"Well doing good. I got to go bye" I say not wanting to talk to him...

Today I've decided to do a little shopping.

I got up, had a shower and got changed into a black skater skirt, a white cropped jumper with the words 'flawless' on it, white converses, left my hair natural curly, a cute necklace and the bracelet that my mom got me that a wear everyday. (outfit photo above)

I walk downstairs to the kitchen grabbed an apple and my car keys. I'm 19 so I have my license, my dad bought me a car when we moved to California and plus I'm a good driver! I swear!!!

I drive to the mall and park my car in the carpark. I walk into the mall and see Forever 21 and American Vintage Clothing- I buy 3 pairs of jeans, 5 pairs of cropped tops, flannels, jumpers and some t-shirts that I could 'diy' it and after all that I'm already tired so I drive to Taco Bell for lunch, it's a few blocks away.

I get out of my car, walked inside and ordered my food when I got my food I started walking to the door and I get a text from Kian.

Kian- "before you leave come sit and eat with me :("
Me- "what?!"
Kian- "turn around"
Me- "what do you mean turn around?"

"I mean turn around" a familiar voice said while grabbing my shoulder to turn me around to face them.

"Oh Kian!" I say when he made me face him.

"Come eat with me!" Kian says grabbing my hand that is free and locked our hands together, we walk to where he was eating before and we eat and talk, and Kian gets a text, he looks at his phone and sighs, putting it back into his pocket, he looks at me and spoke.

"Laura?..." Kian says concerned and I look up from my taco and raised my eyebrows.
"Yeah" I say with a mouth full of food.
"Haha very sexy." He says laughing and changing the subject.
"Oh, im sorry that I spoke with my mouth full" I apologise.
"Haha it's fine at least it was cute" he says.

We finished our food and he walked me to my car.
"Did you drive here?" I ask.
"Ah no I walked" he replies.
"Well I'll drive you home, cuz I'm responsible haha" I offered.
"Well-" he started but I cut him off
"stop being a girl and get in the car" I demand and he just laughed.

He got in my car and we started driving to his house.
"O2l house I'm guessing" I ask
"Well that's the only house I live in" he laughs and placing his hand on my thigh, which made me flinch making me swerve, almost crash.

"Jesus girl you almost got us killed!!" He yells scared and removing his hand from my thigh as fast as he could so we won't almost crash again.

"It's your fault your making me laugh!!!" I say and cracking up laughing which making the car swerve again.
"Stop Laura we gonna die!!" Kian laughs grabbing the wheel to control the car.
"Ok, ok stop making me laugh!!" I say laughing.
"Ok, hey, great, I won't" he says putting his hands in his lap and looking out the window.
"Oh, hey their was my house" he say pointing to o2l house as we drive past making me burst out laughing, so I pulled over.
"Stoop" I whine laughing, turning off the car but not getting out.
"Stop what?" He chuckles.
"Making me laugh!!" I say laughing.
"That's impossible, cuz I'm so funny and plus your laugh is cute" he says grabbing and holding my hand and I lock eyes with his.

Kian leans in to me for a kiss and I lean in too just about when our lips touch he stops leaning in and opens his eyes- "come and meet my friends" he says smiling and sitting back in the passenger seat,
"You tease!" I say "oh your gonna get revenge" I added in a evil voice.
"I'm so scared I'm going to pee my pants" he says in a kids voice and looks at me.
"I'm serious" I say looking back at him.
"And I'm Kian, nice to met you!" He greeted and winked at me.
"Whatever" I say getting out of the car, Kian gets out too and I lock the car.

We start walking holding hands to his house which its only 3 doors down from my car.
We get to his house and Kian knocks on the door and this young-looking person answered the door.

"Hey Kian!" The person said.
"Hey Trevor!" Kian says and pushed past Trevor to get inside grabbing my hand tighter.

"Hi guys!" Kian yells didn't even mentioned me. I walk and he rushes to the kitchen to grab some snacks and I sit on the kitchen island.

"Hey Kian!!" Everyone replies no one looked up from their phones so they didn't even see me. Once Kian was finish he grabs my hand dragging me to his room.

Kian drags me upstairs and I hit my shin on a table.
"Shit!" I yell stopping and a door opens in front of me, kian grabs me and pulls me into his room and locking it so that the person wouldn't see me.

"Be quiet that was Ricky!" Kian whispers and I nod.

"Kian?" Ricky knocks on kians door.

"Uh, yeah?" Kian says

"Are you ok?" Ricky questions knowing something is up.

"Yep just filming a video" Kian says.

"Oh it sounded like a girl through"
Ricky questions.

"Nope!" Kians says quickly "bye now!" Kians adds and Ricky went down stairs...

"What are we gonna do now?" I ask.

"Well we could... you know" Kian
joked wiggling his eyebrows and I realise what 'you know' is...

"Ew Kian no!" I say playful slapped his arm.
"Haha I'm joking" he teased. "We could go to the beach? The pier? The movies?" He suggests "oh! Our date!!" He adds grabbing my waist and pulling me towards him and hugs me.
"Yass!" I say looking up at his face and he presses his lips onto mine moving in sync, every time we kiss it gets more passionate...

"Ohh Ricky is going to be soo mad when he sees this!" Someone says as we hear a 'snap' from a phone meaning they took a photo of me and Kian kissing. We jerked our heads towards where the voice came from.

"Shit! Noo!" Kian yells "Sam No delete it!" Kian whinning.

"Nope" Sam says popping the 'p' and starts running down stairs and Kian runs after him.
"STOP!" I yell running down the stairs to where there are, "first how bad is the photo?" I say grabbing Sams phone of him but he snatches it out of my hands before I could delete the photo and the front door swings open and its Ricky...

I'm props dead.

"what is going on here?...- Laura why are you here?" Ricky says confused.
"Nothing!" I shot out putting my hands up in surrender....

        Continues next chapter...

-Might upload Friday or Saturday depends how busy I am.

-What do you think will happen next????

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