Chapter 22~ The Favourite

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Chapter Twenty Two

Very Early Wednesday Morning
Kian POV

"Kian" A cry voice said.
"What?" I grumbled still half asleep. I rub my eyes to wake my self up a bit.
"I can't sleep" Laura said in a sad voice.
"What's wrong?" I turn on my salt lamp and sat up. I look at Laura's face and tear stains down her cheeks, "baby!" I add when I see her tear stains. I pull her into a hug and she starts crying again.

"Shh... you can tell me when your ready" I say rubbing her back,

"Your the most beautiful girl in the world" I whispered hugging Laura under the covers, trying to make her go to sleep.
"Your my world so I'm just beautiful to you" Laura sighed, while I just stare at her lips.

Beautiful Just to me?! Hell to the no!

I can't resist anymore I want to make her feel beautiful but how, I may be a 'hopeless romantic' but the hardest thing is to explain my feelings.

I lock my lips onto hers,
the taste I've missed,
craving like crazy.
We kiss over and over again, slowly turning into a make out session, I'm wanting to go further but I know she isn't ready so I won't push her out of her comfort zone. Plus it's 3 am no one wants to "do it" at 3 am.

-Laura POV-
I can tell Kian is wanting to do more then this make out session but I'm not ready.
"We should go back to sleep" I whispered into a kiss and Kian replied with a hum or a moan I couldn't tell, I've never heard it from him before.

Later that day
Kian and the rest of the guys invited me to go to a tour meeting. They didn't even ask their manager so how am I meant to know if I'm aloud to interrupt their meeting or not.

"I can't, I got homework" nothing wrong about a white lie, maybe they'll by it even though I've finished school.
"Laura you don't go to school" Connor said.

I cuss under my breath and looked down at my feet, a huge smirk appears on my face. Dad comes running down the stairs in a rush while still buttoning up his shirt.
"Sorry boys but Laura is busy today" dad said, "your cousins are coming so that means my sister is coming too"

"Aunty Julie!" Me and Ricky high fived.

Aunty Julie is the best. When we were younger she brought us presents every time she visited our old house. She's rich but she never knows what to do with the money so she would buy presents for everyone and gives some to charity and some to her kids.

Julie has 3 children, Jamie who's is 12 with blonde and blue eyes. She is very loud.
Brent who is 18 with dirty brown hair and green eyes, at school he's a badboy and a player but Julie doesn't see that because he acts totally different around her. He was best friends with hunter.
And Karla who is 5, she has brown straight hair that is shoulder height and hazel brown eyes. She doesn't talk mush VERY SHY it's cute though. She talks to me when we are alone.
Finally her husband Darrel works in business, he has brown hair and brown eyes. He's a very busy man but loves his family so much which is so sweet. I won't brag but let's just say that I'm his favourite.

"Yes we have to pick them up from the airport" dad said to me so I tie my shoes up.
"Well I guess we will head to our meeting then, I'll make sure in back before dinner bye" Ricky said and him and the guys walk outside. You idiot you didn't say bye to Kian, he's gonna hate you now!

"Wait!" I yell and stopped the door as it was almost gonna shut. I push the door back and ran to their car, Kian smiled as he noticed me running towards him. I sprung onto him wrapping my legs around his torso and his hands at my hips. I kiss him passionately and I feel him tense up, shocked by my kiss but then he relaxed kissing me back.

"Ok! Ok! No more PDA... OUR VIRGIN EYES!" Ricky screamed covering his eyes with his hand making me and Kian smile and blush. We both pulled away and chuckled.
"Ricky we are not all virgins here" Jc sassed talking about himself and Kian, I'm guessing.
His comment made everyone crack up laughing except me.
"We gotta go" Sam said looking at his phone.
"Bye" I yell out to them.

"So you and Kian dating I'm guessing?" Dad said breaking the silence on our drive to the airport.
"Yeah" I said silently not looking at him.
"Ok but do you ever miss Hunter? I liked Hunter even though I didn't show it but I did like him" He said making me tense at his question.
"I do miss him" I sigh.

He was my best friend since my last one ditched me to hang out with the popular mean girls and started telling them my secrets and talking shit about me. Hunter noticed me having a panic attack, came into the girls bathroom, helped me calm down and became my friend which made me happy again but one day he asked me if I wanted to be his girlfriend and I said yes which made me even happier then before.

Every time I had a panic attack he would always be their to calm me down.
I just noticed I haven't had a panic attack since the day we left to come here.

After I spoke it went silent again.

"MY FAVOURITE!" Darrel yells out and hugged me. Told yea, I'm his favourite still not bragging!.

"Laura!" A cute little voice chirped out knowing straight away who it was.
"Jamie!" I hug her, "How was your flight?"
"Good and omg guess what- actually you won't know but O2L IS GOING ON TOUR!!! Eeep!" She squeals. O2L? Wait I know o2l.

"Really!? No way, we must go!" I said.
"Wait do you watch our2ndlife?" She asks.

"Yeah I do my favourite is Kian!"

"No way, I never knew you liked them! My favourite is Trevor but I also like Kian and Sam!" She giggled. Um no Kian is mine!

I look over at Julie and Karla hugging her leg like a monkey like she never wants to let go. Cuteness overloaded.

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