Chapter Four

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Whitekit looked around in panic, trying to scramble for camp. Wincing, she ran on three legs, trying not to add pressure to the stinging paw. She knew it was not deep or worth crying over, but it tingled oddly.

Ryekit gasped, and so did Wolfkit. Ryekit dashed after his sister, while Wolfkit was frozen in place.

"WOLFKIT!" Tallflower called, spotting the three kits from the camp entrance. "WOLFKIT, MY KIT!" She wailed.

Willowshade's eyes were wide as she grabbed Whitekit and Ryekit's scruffs, hurrying them to the middle building--the warrior and apprentice building. The warriors stood guard at the den entrance, while the medicine cat, queens, kits, and elders waited inside.

Placing her kits down, Willowshade examined her kits up and down. "What were you thinking?" She exploded with anger.

Palekit and Tumblekit ran over, and Tumblekit glanced around the room. "Wolfkit. . . Where is he?" She asked worriedly.

Whitekit twitched her nose.

"You can't possibly want to go outside!" Palekit cried out.

The small white she-kit shook her head. She pointed her nose upwards and puffed out her chest, walking around to mimic Wolfkit.

Ryekit chirped up. "Outside. . . Wolfkit is still outside!" He cried.

Tallflower's ears perked when she heard Ryekit speak. "Wolfkit! My Wolfkit! Someone save him!" She wailed, trying to scramble past the warriors guarding the den.

A she-cat named Cinderflame held the queen back with all the strength she could muster.

Tallflower grunted as she tried to knock the wall of warriors down. "You. . . Can't keep. . . Me. . . Away from my. . . Kit!" She shrieked loudly between heavy breaths.

Cinderflame was joined by Duskheart, who spoke in his low voice. "Tallflower! If you scream, we'll all be killed, including your other kit!" He roared above the wind and coyote calls. "Stop being a rat-brain and get back inside!"

Tallflower's eyes went shiny, and she gave up, falling to the ground in a heap of mussed fur and tears for her kit.

Tumblekit ran over to her mother, curling up beside her. "Mama, will Wolfkit be okay? Mama? Mama!"

Tallflower sobbed loudly as the coyote call was heard once again, closer to camp. Many steps were heard, and then not just one call was heard--but many, many more.

"A whole pack! I knew it wouldn't be alone!" A warrior cried out. "How will we defeat it?"

Wildstar was heard above the cries of the clan. "Higher ground!" He shouted. "Go, go! If they find us, we will need to leap!"

The two queens gasped, they had not leapt from building to building since the day they found out they were carrying kits.

Wildstar shouted once more. "Run up! Leap if you must! Now, go!" He hollered, pushing the warriors towards the flight of stairs.

Jaggedwing helped his mate, Tallflower, to her paws, grabbing Tumblekit and leading his family up the stairs with the rest of the clan. In his eyes, grief showed for the sudden loss of his son.

Whitekit breathed in sharply as her own father, Thunderfoot, picked her quickly up by the scruff. Willowshade was carrying Ryekit while Cinderflame held on to Palekit. They rushed up the stairs, hearing the pawsteps of the rest of EmpireClan.

The coyote calls were heard outside, and it frightened Whitekit terribly. On the inside, she was mewling like a newborn kit. She took in large breaths of air as Thunderfoot dashed up the steps to the next landing.

"Keep moving up!" Wildstar called above the cries of the clan.

On cue, the cats hurried up to the third flight, Whitekit trembling with fear. She licked her paw which had dried blood. It was slightly swollen, quite odd, and she kept off it when Thunderfoot placed her down.

She looked at the cats crammed next to each other on the landing. No one dared to move away from the crowd.

The pounding coyote paws felt like thunder.

"What's going on?" A tom shouted out.

Another cat was near the window, and she glanced down. "They are circling us!" She cried out.

Sure enough, the pack of coyotes were slowly circling the center building, ready for any measly cat that tried to escape.

"They'll surely come up!" Another voice called.

Wildstar gulped and turned to his deputy, Finchwing. The she-cat nodded slowly, and began to call out the names of a few cats.

"Stoneleap! Echomoon! Jaggedwing!" She called out. The clan muttered words of fear. "You will need to take the kits over!"

Willowshade bit her lip. "Where's the closest open one?"

"The next floor," Wildstar replied, kneading his paws on the ground.

Whitekit looked up at Thunderfoot. She licked her blood-crusted paw once more before nudging her father. What's going on?

Wildstar coughed loudly to get the attention of the cats. "We must go," He called.

Palekit uttered a cry. "Where are we going, Mama?"

"Palekit. . . We need to do a dangerous feat," Willowshade murmured in her daughter's ear.

Finchwing lashed her tail. "Flight team?"

"Here," Stoneleap, Echomoon, and Jaggedwing replied.

"Take Willowshade's kits. I'll take Tumblekit," She meowed confidently.

"Mama!" Tumblekit wailed. "Where's she taking me?"

Tallflower sniffed. "I'll be right there!" She said, not wanting to lose her other kit.

"EmpireClan! May StarClan guide you!" Wildstar shouted above the cries of the clan. "Now go! Leap!"


;-; I keep writing Tallpoppy lol. Please let me know if I did anywhere so that I can fix it!

Was that chapter slightly interesting? Was it confusing in any way? Please let me know that too, so that I can edit it and fix it up.

What do you think is going to happen to Wolfkit? 🐾

Warriors: Whitekit's Dream [Book One of the Voiceless Series]Where stories live. Discover now