Chapter Eighteen

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Whitekit gasped for air as the cat's tail covered her mouth and nose. She looked up at the tom, realizing that she had no possible advantage. . . physically. Inside, she was angry, and she stared into the cat's eyes with pure hatred.

All those times I couldn't speak. . . It was because of you? Whitekit thought angrily. You don't know the struggles I've gone through because of you! For what? Why did you do this to me?

And with that, she bit down as hard as she could on the tom's tail, feeling the blood seep into her mouth. She spat it out with disgust before biting down hard again. Whitekit could her the tom clench his teeth with pain, yet he said nothing.

"You must think you're tough, Whitekit," he snickered, "But not tough enough!"

Whitekit's ears flattened. What was I thinking?

She gasped as an unsheathed paw flew towards her, ducking. The kit winced as the claw hit her ear, leaving a nick in it. The golden tom laughed lowly.

"Where are my manners? I know your name, but you don't know mine."

Whitekit began to cry, backing up to the wall, hoping that some cat would find her. She crouched down, her ears flattened, and her tail stiff. Her wide eyes were filled with tears and fright as she hit the wall, unable to escape anywhere.

"Blaze," the tom sneered.

Whitekit gasped as the tom threw his head back with a loud laughter, sure to wake up the queens, kits, and elder. She trembled, her eyes wide as Blaze's large, unsheathed paw crashed into her. Darkness flooded her vision, the stench of blood hitting her nose.

* * *

"I think she's waking," a voice said.

Whitekit's vision was blurred, and she slowly blinked her eyes open. The first thing she noticed was the amount of cats surrounding her. She could make out Heatherstone, Willowshade, and a couple other figures.

The second thing she noticed was when she looked down. It was dried blood on her paws. The kit stiffened, and the figure of Heatherstone quickly moved away. The medicine cat soon came back with wet moss in her mouth. Skillfully, the moss was used to remove the crimson stains.

"Thunderfoot, Willowshade, Palekit, Ryekit, Tallflower, Tumblekit," Heatherstone said, "She'll be alright. Don't crowd, though. Please,"

Tallflower nodded. "My apologies," she spoke before leading the three kits out of the medicine den. Palekit protested slightly, eventually leaving the herbs behind.

Thunderfoot and Willowshade sat side by side, their faces filled with worry. What's going on? Whitekit asked herself--her vision was slowly coming back, and she tried to stand up.

"No, no!" Heatherstone shouted, startling the other cats in the room. Her ears flattened. "Sorry! It's just that it's not wise for Whitekit to stand at the moment."

Whitekit flopped back down in the nest, resting her head on the side. What's happened?

Heatherstone sat in front of Whitekit, who realized that the cats had come back from the Gathering. The medicine cat curled her tail over her delicate paws, and cleared her throat.

Warriors: Whitekit's Dream [Book One of the Voiceless Series]Where stories live. Discover now