Chapter Twenty-One

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"Watch out!" A voice cried out.

Whitekit gasped as an unfamiliar tom shoved her out of the way. She silently screamed--a heavy brick landed in the spot she had been standing on just a second ago.

"You okay?" The tom asked, panting heavily.

Whitekit was stunned. She stood still, taking in her surroundings.

It was loud--thunder boomed and echoed around the City. It was pouring rain, and lightning lit up the night. The wind was fierce and howling. Cats were shrieking and running for their lives. Whitekit could see giant waves crashing down at the docks, HarborClan cats escaping the water that threatened to drown them.

"To CentralClan! Everyone to CentralClan!" A tom's voice shouted.

Daddy! Whitekit cried in her head. She ran towards her father and noticed how big her pawsteps were. She had grown. . . But she didn't have time to think about it.

"My daughter! I'm so glad you're safe!" Thunderfoot purred. "Now quick! Let us run to CentralClan territory!"

With that, they took off. Whitekit was unsure of the territory, and she followed closely behind her father.

A creak was heard--it echoed in the City.

A she-cat screamed loudly. "THE NURSERY BUILDING! IT'S FALLING! IT'S FALLING!" She yelled loudly.

It turned even more chaotic than it was before. Whitekit looked behind her just in time to see the building collapse. A cat was underneath it--fur on end and wide-eyed.

In a single second, the building fell, the cat suffocating from the debris and getting crushed by the weight.

"We. . . Must. . . Keep. . . Moving!" Thunderfoot yelled above the wind that was screaming in their ears.

Whitekit turned around, horrified, but not looking back at the sight. She quickly dashed after her father, breathing heavily.

What was going on?

"Look! Look up there!" A voice yelled.

Whitekit looked to see a pale tabby she-cat. Palekit?

Her sister looked much older, her eyes looked duller than usual, and she had definitely grown.

Could this be the future?

The cats of EmpireClan were running for their lives. Whitekit saw many of her friends. . . They had grown. Ryekit was nowhere to be found. Where is he?

When Palekit spoke, heads swiveled to where she was looking. A muscular brown tom stood on top of one of the buildings, his fur was long and blowing in the wind. He stood there--on the roof like a maniac. The storm winds speed up--eventually, he would be struck by lightning.

Thunderfoot gasped, shouting loudly. "RUN! Another one is about to fall!"

Whitekit looked up. Sure enough, the center building--the warriors building--gave a loud crack before bricks and stone started to fall onto the ground. The sound of breaking glass was heard and Whitekit ran for her life, dodging falling stones and bits.

She took in a deep breath, debris filling her lungs. Whitekit coughed violently, running to Thunderfoot. Palekit was there as well. Together, they watched their home perish with a final thud, smoke filling the air and covering the three cats with dust.

Whitekit gasped, and her body started to shake from shock.

"She's going into shock, father," Palekit murmured. "We need to get to CentralClan before another building falls. It will crush is for sure!"

Warriors: Whitekit's Dream [Book One of the Voiceless Series]Where stories live. Discover now