Chapter Sixteen

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"It's official!" A male voice shouted happily.

Whitekit looked up, seeing the mossball fly past her face. Whoopsie!

Ryekit looked up as well, stopping mid-way in his dash for the plaything.

Strikeclaw was standing proudly next to Finchwing, their tails intertwined. Both were smiling.

"Yes. . . We're mates now!" Finchwing purred.

The clan murmured to each other, most of them nodding in agreement to the new mates. Whitekit looked around, happy for the cats. Meeting eyes with Wildstar, she saw that the leader looked unhappy. . . Expressionless, at the least.

He cleared his throat, surprising some of the cats. "It's sunhigh, and tomorrow is the Gathering," he said, interrupting the mates.

Finchwing nodded, walking away from Strikeclaw and heading towards the highrock. Wildstar trailed after her, tail sagging down. Together, they yowled to call the clan together, and one by one the cats came to sit.

"Tonight is the Gathering--a chance for EmpireClan to prove it is strong!" Wildstar spoke.

"Finchwing, Embersun, Longstep, Duskheart, Thunderfoot, Boulderstripe, Heatherstone, and Softgaze will be attending the Gathering. Please, eat now and rest. . . I will call for you when it is time to leave. Cinderflame shall be in charge of the camp." Wildstar said.

Strikeclaw frowned, not being able to attend the Gathering. Sighing, he walked to Finchwing to share a small pigeon.

Whitekit thought to herself. A Gathering! I want to go to the Gathering too! Dashing up to Wildstar, she bounced up and down. The leader bit his lip, unsure of what the small kit wanted.

"You. . . want to play?" He asked.

Whitekit shook her head, and flicked her tail to Duskheart and Thunderfoot--two of the warriors going to the Gathering.

"You want to speak to them?" Wildstar guessed.

The kit shook her head again.

"Willowshade?" The leader called. "Would you. . . Would you mind coming here for a moment?"

The queen nodded, walking away from her conversation with Cinderflame. "Of course, Wildstar. What seems to be the matter?"

The tom gestured to Whitekit, who had a wide grin on her face. "I. . . I'm a little unsure of what she wants," he explained.

Whitekit licked her muzzle, bouncing up and down, looking at some of the cats attending the Gathering.

Willowshine nodded. "Ah, I see. I believe this little kit wants to go to the Gathering, now. Is that right?"

Whitekit smiled and nodded eagerly. Yes! I want to go to the Gathering too!

Wildstar chuckled. "I'm afraid I can't let a five-moon-old kit go, Whitekit." He said.

Whitekit stopped bouncing, cocking her head. Aw. . . Why not?

Wildstar continued. "You're too young at the moment. Only six-moon-old cats and older can go--you know that it's a rule,"

Whitekit's ears drooped with embarrassment. She had forgotten about that rule. . .

Seeing the kit's sudden change of attitude, Wildstar added in to his statement. "No worries, young one. You'll become an apprentice shortly."

Whitekit sighed, turning away and looking for her sister. After an effortless search, a simple walk to the medicine den, she found Palekit sleeping in a pile of herbs.

I hope she's clean. . . Whitekit thought to herself.

She padded to her sister, poking her side with a sheathed paw. Palekit! I want to play! Wake up, up!

Finally, Palekit grunted, sneezing as she opened her eyes. Whitekit leaped away as a few herbs flew from the pile, landing at her paws.

"Oops!" Palekit mumbled, hurrying to pick up the fallen herbs. "I guess I fell asleep when I was checking them out. . . I'm still super excited!"

Whitekit half-smiled. What if she's too busy as a medicine cat. . . What if she's too busy to play with me anymore?

Palekit tossed the herbs back into an unorganized heap. Looking back at Whitekit, the she-kit noticed her sister's expression--deep in thought.

"What's wrong?" Palekit asked, sitting down. She put her tail over her small paws and tilted her head.

Whitekit frowned, gesturing to the herbs with her tail.

Palekit thought for a moment. "Are. . . Aren't you happy with me becoming a medicine cat?"

Whitekit shrugged, walking over to a soft-rock. She had mixed feelings on her sister's future.

"What does that mean?" Palekit asked, mimicking the shrug.

Whitekit shrugged again, circling around on the soft-rock and eventually sitting down.

Palekit looked saddened. "I thought you were happy for me!"

Whitekit nodded. I am, but. . .

Palekit looked as if she were about to cry. She turned away, starting to walk out of the medicine den. Sighing, Whitekit watched her leave.

I guess I made it worse than it would have been in the first place, she thought. I didn't want it to be like this!

In her mind, the kit cursed at herself at her foolishness.

Wildstar yowled with Finchwing. "Rest up if you haven't already!" He said as a time warning.

Whitekit slowly crept out of the medicine den. There was no sign of Palekit. Quickly trotting to the nursery, Whitekit searched for her sister.


Where had she gone?

Ryekit walked through the door, his mossball clamped in his jaws. "Herru Whruitekeet!" He mumbled.

Whitekit tilted her head in confusion. Ryekit spat the mossball out.

"Hello, Whitekit!" He repeated, this time it was decipherable.

Whitekit smiled half-heartedly. Where was Palekit?

"Hey, where's Palekit?" Ryekit asked.

Whitekit sighed. That's what I'm trying to figure out. . .

"Now now, young one," a muffled voice came from across the hall. The voice came from the elder's den.

Ryekit and Whitekit looked at each other, bounding across the hall side by side. Pushing the door open together, they found Ivyfang comforting a crying Palekit.

Whitekit's heart sank. Palekit. . . I'm sorry! I. . . I didn't mean to! If only you knew what I was really thinking. . .


This chapter was mainly to show a struggle between Whitekit and Palekit. Did it work? Or was it a bust XD

I have an updating streak! How awesome is that? It probably will end on Monday, I suppose. Nearly done with school! Smooth sailing finals from here!🐾

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