Chapter Thirteen

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Whitekit licked her muzzle, shifting uncomfortably. What? What does that mean? She thought in her head.

Seeing the kit's confusion, Rosestar flicked her tail. "Our time is limited," she said.

"Could you explain the. . . Dark City?" Valleysong inquired. "What power? Doesn't StarClan have powers too?"

Rosestar coughed. "I believe that it only goes to a certain extent," the former leader spoke. "But I'm sure you can figure it out on your own. More importantly, I must tell Whitekit something."

Whitekit tuned her ears, listening intently. My voice! She thought, slightly angered. All this time. . . I could have expressed myself--spoke freely as I pleased! Who could have done this to me? She cried in her mind.

Rosestar twitched her nose. "The prophecy. . . It's something I received a long time ago, when I became deputy. I was supposed to be the rose, however, StarClan soon found out that it was not for me."

Whitekit gulped.

"It was for you, Whitekit."

Whitekit didn't move for a moment--then, she took a step back. What was it again?

Rosestar spoke, as if reading the kit's mind. "The call of the coyote will awaken the rose who will join with the four. Together, they will stop defeat of the City."

Whitekit nodded slowly, looking into Rosestar's eyes.

"You must find the four. . . I will leave you to find them out for yourself--but I will warn you. The four might not be the ones you'd expect."

The kit felt a sudden breeze ruffle her fur, and she looked around, jumping up, startled. A dark shadow had consumed the space behind her, pure black taking its place. Turning to the StarClan warriors, Whitekit saw that they were unfazed.

"Until next time, Whitekit." Echomoon smiled. "Tell Emberpaw I love her. . ."

"We love her," Valleysong chimed in, tail waving.

Whitekit licked her muzzle, nodding. She turned to face the wave of darkness, and it crashed over her--consumed her--until she could feel a small prodding her side. Blinking her eyes open, Whitekit saw Palekit standing over her, giggling.

"You were sleeping for a long time!" She squeaked. "I helped Heatherstone out a lot, and you know what she told me?"

Whitekit shook her head.

"She said I was a natural with medicine!" Palekit exclaimed, puffing her chest out proudly. "And that I was super helpful!"

Whitekit smiled excitedly, happy for her sister. Palekit beamed with pride, proud of her accomplishments that day. Heatherstone smiled when she saw the two sisters, and the medicine cat walked up to them.

"Palekit," Heatherstone meowed.

"Yes, Heatherstone?" The fluffy kit asked, her head swiveling to face the older she-cat.

"Would you be interested. . . in becoming my apprentice?"

Palekit paused for a moment, looking around the room. Slowly, she smiled and nodded. "Yes! Oh, yes!" She squealed excitedly.

Heatherstone chuckled. "Alright--it's settled, then. I will speak with Wildstar, and in one moon, you'll be here working with me!"

Palekit's body shook with excitement. "Oh, Heatherstone! Thank you!" The kit squealed. "I can't wait!"

"Hey, quiet down!" Jaggedwing snapped from the other side of the room. He was sleeping on a soft-rock, his injured leg sticking out behind him.

"S-Sorry," Palekit giggled, flattening her ears.

Whitekit smiled, but inside, she felt a little sad. Palekit. . . Oh. . . What will happen when we become apprentices? She thought. Will you be too busy for me and Ryekit?

Palekit didn't seem to notice her sister's sudden change of attitude--she was caught up in the moment, not wanting it to end. "Did you hear that, Whitekit?" She asked excitedly. "A medicine cat! I'll become a medicine cat!"

Whitekit falsely grinned, pretending to match her sister's feelings.

"We should go and tell Mama!" Palekit continued, bouncing up and down. "Come on! Let's go!" She said, tugging Whitekit off the soft-rock.

Whitekit sighed, trailing after her bouncy sister. Together, they bounded up the steps to the nursery, pushing the door open at the same time. Whitekit licked her muzzle, padding over calmly to Willowshade while Palekit chattered away.

Whitekit curled up in the nest with her mother, glancing over to Tallflower and Tumblekit. The two were completely quiet, both facing the wall of the nursery. Tallflower was curled around her remaining kit, sleeping. Tumblekit was taking a nap as well, her pelt slowly rising up in down. Whitekit felt sad for the two. . . Ryekit, too. It would be different without Wolfkit in the nursery. Had he died?

Perhaps he was found by another clan--and they saved him! Whitekit thought to herself, barely listening to Palekit babble on and on.

"--about poppy seeds and cobwebs and catmint! I'll learn how to heal cuts and bandage broken legs. I'll even learn how to heal a cracked pad! Mama, isn't that wonderful?" Palekit's eyes twinkled.

"Indeed, my little kit. I'm so proud of you," Willowshade purred. "Just another moon, now. You, Whitekit, Ryekit, Tumblekit, and--" the queen paused and quickly closed her mouth, smiling. "I mean. . . Just a little longer. You four will help our clan in so many ways."

Willowshade brought her three kits closer to her. "I'm proud of all of you--you three are my little bundles of joy,"

Ryekit grinned as Willowshade licked his ears. "I love you, Mama!" He squeaked.

Willowshade smiled and proceeded to lick the top of Whitekit's head. "You're my special little miracles,"

Whitekit beamed, looking at her mother. Looking out the window, she frowned. I wish I had a voice. . . I wish I could tell Mama that I loved her! She sniffed, her blue eyes welling up with tears. But I can't. . .

Willowshade tilted her head in confusion as she saw Whitekit lie down and begin to cry. "Whitekit. . . Whitekit, what's the matter?"

Whitekit wanted to tell her mother what was wrong--she wanted to be able to speak so badly, but knew that she couldn't. She sobbed, taking in large amounts of air as tears streamed down her face. The kit would do anything for a voice. . . She had struggled for moons already. All she wanted to do was speak.

I wish I could tell you, Mama! Whitekit wailed in her head, crying into her mother's fur.

Willowshade looked down to her kit sympathetically. "My sweet kit. . . I'm so sorry. . ." She murmured.

I wish I could speak. . . I wish I had a voice. . . I wish I could tell you that I love you. . .


Ta-da! Was that okay? Feel free to leave constructive criticism :3

How do you guys like it so far, anyways? Or not like it XD, either way. Is Whitekit's struggle coming out more? That was my goal in this chapter, though I'm not sure if it was portrayed well or not. I can't believe it's already Chapter Thirteen!🐾

Warriors: Whitekit's Dream [Book One of the Voiceless Series]Where stories live. Discover now