Chapter Six

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"Mama, will she be okay?"

"Yes, Ryekit! She was just startled by the height. . . Catch up to your father, now. Wildstar will bring her."

Whitekit flinched.

"Mama, see? She's moving, she's moving!"

"Quiet down, Palekit!"

Whitekit flicked her ears one at a time, stirring and beginning to open her eyes. Everything was in a whirl, her mind filled with nothing but confusion. Her eyes were open in slits. She looked around and found herself in a room she didn't recognize.

All she could see was a blur of gray and white pelts, Wildstar's mottled fur standing out. Whitekit glanced around, eyes half closed. She looked for her mother, and finally, Willowshade met her daughter's gaze.

Willowshade's eyes showed her fright, and her eyes flickered back and forth from the window to her kit.

Gaining more consciousness by the minute, she felt her bitten paw shake strangely. Whitekit made out Heatherstone's kind eyes. . . Gentle, warming, yet with alarm.

The medicine cat murmured something to Willowshade, who nodded.

What's going on? Whitekit thought, slowly starting to rise. She cocked her head and flicked her tail, asking her mother.

"You passed out when you were in mid-air," Willowshade started to explain, then stopped, fur bristling as a howl was heard.

Every cat stopped.

"The last warrior has come!" Wildstar shouted. "Keep moving!"

In a flash, teeth bit down on Whitekit's scruff, and she could feel herself slowly sinking away from reality. . . Slipping back into darkness.


Darkness. . . It was the only word Whitekit could use to describe her placement.

What's going on?

A sound was heard. Whitekit looked behind her, then in front of her--she looked to the right and left, but could not pinpoint where the sound was coming from. It wasn't above her, or under her, and it was too dark. She couldn't see her own paws.

The sound--it was coming from all around her. . . engulfing her in its strange rhythm. It was not a strong pitched note, nor a breeze one would hear on a green-leaf day. It was a sound of thunder, almost. Pawsteps--even. One after another after another after another. The beats pounded. . . They pounded into Whitekit's head until she opened her mouth to scream.

As Whitekit's mouth opened and her paws flew up to cover her ears, she saw it. Beady yellow eyes in the midst of darkness. In the center, a pair of blue eyes.

The sound of thundering pawsteps grew louder and louder, and slowly, Whitekit could make out the shapes of coyotes, all running towards her, their beady yellow eyes fierce and raging. The pair of blue eyes belonged to a cat, grown and strong. Whitekit could not tell if it was a she-cat or a tom, and its scraggly fur was missing tufts. Scars lined the cat's pelt and throat.

They came--they charged towards the small kit. The battered cat yowled loudly, it rose above the sound of the pawsteps pounding on the ground, making it shake.

Whitekit did the only thing sensible to her. . . She ran. Away from the creatures of vengeance, but they were too fast and cunning. They gained on her quickly, and Whitekit was confronted with a rose.

The rose was perfect. . . Its petals all in place, the stem of it long and thorny. The scent wafted into the bewildered Whitekit's nose.

A yowl of the cat was heard again, followed by howls of the coyotes. Whitekit turned around, and to her horror, the coyotes were upon her. . . Trampling her and the rose that lay beside her. She was writhing on the ground in pain, gasping for air.

Turning on her side, Whitekit saw the rose, which barely remained. A second ago it was innocent and in tact. . . But now, it was trampled and dead. Its petals were missing and dirtied, the stem cracked in half.

Whitekit was left in silence. How could it be? The thundering of the paws had just stopped--just like that.

Seeing past the disheveled rose, Whitekit gazed into the darkness. There were. . . Orbs, almost. Or rather, pairs of eyes. Whitekit strained her neck, breathing heavily.

Staring into the darkness, Whitekit could make out the eyes of four cats. They didn't move or blink--the eyes simply stared at Whitekit until she felt the need to turn away.

The kit felt like she was being lifted, all of a sudden. With that, the eyes vanished, and when Whitekit looked back, the rose had disappeared too.

Getting to her paws, Whitekit was left in the dark once again. She breathed in and out nervously, wondering what was to happen.

"The call of the coyote will awaken the rose who will join with the four. Together, they will stop defeat of the City." A voice spoke to her.

What? Whitekit thought to herself, looking around in the darkness, trying to spot out the owner of the voice.

The cat and the pack of coyotes. . . The trampled rose left to die on the ground. . . The eyes. . .

What. . . What happened? What's going on? Whitekit thought frantically.

"The call of the coyote will awaken the rose who will join with the four. Together, they will stop defeat of the City." The voice spoke again.

Whitekit took a step back, nervously looking around.

"The call of the coyote will awaken the rose who will join with the four. Together, they will stop defeat of the City."

Stop! Whitekit panicked, afraid of the voice speaking.

"The call of the coyote will awaken the rose who will join with the four. Together, they will stop defeat of the City."

Stop it! Stop! Whitekit cried in her head.

"The call of the coyote will awaken the rose who will join with the four. Together, they will stop defeat of the City."


Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Ah, finally! The dream--what the book is actually titled! :) There we go. . . Voila! The dream! What does it mean? Or rather, what do you think it means? 🐾

Warriors: Whitekit's Dream [Book One of the Voiceless Series]Where stories live. Discover now