Chapter Twenty-Five

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Whitekit licked her muzzle and looked around.

"Where did she go?" Palekit asked.

Ryekit blinked. "I don't know. . ."

A sniffle was heard behind the fresh-kill pile.

Found her, Whitekit thought. She bounded over to see Tumblekit lying down with her head in her paws. She was crying.

"Tumblekit!" Palekit squeaked, running over. She was quickly followed by Ryekit.

"That was pretty bad, wasn't it?" Tumblekit sighed.

Ryekit nodded. "To put it nicely, I guess you could say that."

Tumblekit laughed lightly.

Palekit let out a sigh. "We're so close to becoming apprentices. . . But we're trying to rebuild the clan. With the loss of some of the warriors. . ."

"My mom needs to help!" Tumblekit meowed with a hint of annoyance in her voice. "She can't do so by sitting around all the time!"

The kits were silent.

Wildstar was heard--he was talking to Finchwing. "Do I name a new one? Temporarily, of course."

"Yes. . . I just found out and I'll be there for the next eight moons or so. I'm not sure I can carry out my duties as a deputy as of now. Strikeclaw wants me to move in immediately."

Whitekit peeked out from behind the fresh-kill pile. She saw Wildstar nod. "Okay, I'll have a ceremony now. Best of luck to you,"

"Thank you," Finchwing purred, following her leader to the Highrock.

Together, they yowled, and some warriors in the clearing immediately gathered under the Highrock. The four kits scrambled there too, wondering if they were to become apprenticed a few sunrises early. Whitekit began to lick her pelt clean, as did Ryekit.

"Warriors of EmpireClan!" Wildstar spoke loudly. "Our deputy, Finchwing, is expecting kits!"

There were a few murmurs, and some cats said their congratulations to Strikeclaw and his mate.

Wildstar continued. "She will be in the nursery for the next eight moons, and so, I must appoint a temporary deputy to serve in her place. I hope that StarClan approves of my choice. . ."

The clan quieted down, each of the warriors slightly hopeful.

"The deputy will be Thunderfoot." Wildstar meowed.

Cheers erupted from the crowd, for they all knew the tom was probably the best choice. He had mentored three apprentices, and knew EmpireClan very well. Willowshade lovingly licked her mate's ear.

"Congratulations," Willowshade meowed.

"Yay! Daddy is the deputy!" Palekit squealed with excitement. "Our dad is the deputy!"

Tumblekit smiled, wondering if Jaggedwing would have been deputy if he were here. She sighed. "That's awesome, Palekit!" She meowed enthusiastically.

Ryekit beamed with pride, as did Whitekit.

Thunderfoot looked shocked, then he smiled. "I'll do my best to serve the clan well," he said.

EmpireClan approved of the choice, and the meeting was dismissed. Whitekit saw her mother walk up to Finchwing, and she followed her.

"Congratulations, Finchwing!" Willowshade purred. "At least I'll have company!"

Finchwing gasped. "You mean. . ?"

Willowshade nodded. "I'm having another kit!"

Whitekit gasped. Mama is having another kit? What will they be like? Will she still love me a lot?

"That's great! I'm having two," Finchwing purred.

"Come on, let's get your nest set up!" Willowshade meowed. The golden she-cat nodded, and together they padded towards the nursery.

Whitekit licked her muzzle and turned around, her face landing in a cat's chest. Oof! Sorry! She thought and looked up. She jumped, taking a step back. Rosestar!

"Hello, Whitekit," Rosestar meowed. "I've come to tell you of something very important. . . two things, really."

Whitekit looked around for other cats.

"They can't see me," the tan she-cat meowed. "First, I must tell you. . . Willowshade's new kit. . . a tom. Get to know him. . . very well."

Whitekit cocked her head. Why? We'll be moons apart!

"And. . . Jaggedwing has been framed."

* * *

Jaggedwing muttered a curse under his breath as the pigeon flew away. It had been a sunrise or two, and the warrior had not eaten a single morsel.

The tom wondered if he should join a clan or not--at lest he would have shelter and food. If there were ever a battle against EmpireClan. . . He would be stuck.

The gray tom sighed, dragging his hind leg to a building in uncharted territory. It was tall, and had glass in the ceiling. There were many hard blocks that opened up--they had black markings inside them, which were undecipherable for a cat.

He had made a small nest on a pile of open marked-blocks, a nickname he had come up with. Jaggedwing was starving.

The tom thought about his clan choices. For HarborClan, he couldn't swim. He would spend his life as an elder.

If he joined CentralClan, he would spend the rest of his life as an elder, too. He wouldn't be able to climb trees.

IvoryClan, however, might be a different story. All they did was navigate, and perhaps Jaggedwing could survive there. He could run through the museum if his leg were healed.

But his one question: What if IvoryClan and EmpireClan had a battle?

He contemplated it that night, when the sun was far past the skyline, and the coyotes could be heard.

Jaggedwing shuddered. Coyotes.

He was huddled in the corner of the building's main room, thinking to himself. What would Tumblekit's warrior name be? Who would be her mentor? Her mate in the future?

How was Tallflower? Jaggedwing hoped that she wouldn't mourn for long, but after Wolfkit was taken, he decided that she would definitely throw a fit.

"Every cat for himself," Jaggedwing mumbled to himself. "If I don't meet another cat, I'll go insane."

A rogue, maybe? He could search for one. One of those greedy. . . Hungry. . . Gruesome. . . Merciless. . .

No, he wouldn't find a rogue.

Looking out of a window, Jaggedwing saw the moon. The same moon that his family was surely looking at. . . Wishing for him and Wolfkit to come back. So they could be a family.

The tom had too many worries--too many thoughts. His mind drifted back to one of his first questions: What if EmpireClan and IvoryClan had a battle?

Jaggedwing spoke softly to himself. "What if they didn't?"


Hey guys! I'm at the pool right now, but it's just really cold XD

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! What do you think Jaggedwing will do?🐾

Warriors: Whitekit's Dream [Book One of the Voiceless Series]Where stories live. Discover now