Chapter Twenty-Six

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Whitekit woke up in a small series of coughs. Looking outside, she saw a bit of light outside. The sun was rising. She then looked around the room. Willowshade was curled around her and her siblings. Tallflower was sleeping alone--Tumblekit had used Whitekit's soft-rock for the night. Finchwing had just moved in. The deputy had a new nest, and was curled up peacefully.

Stretching, Whitekit stood up and out of her mother's protection. Careful not to disturb her siblings, she pushed the door open with her nose and padded into the hall.

The first thing she scented was death. It was the only thing she scented, really.

Looking around, she noticed the it wafted out of the elder's den--the den with the door always propped open. In that moment, Whitekit knew that Ivyfang had died.

The small kit crept inside, seeing the elder lying down under the window. Whitekit supposed that the elder had wanted to see the sun set for the last time.

Running to the nursery, Whitekit nudged her mother awake. The kit sniffed, for she had felt a bond when Ivyfang told her the story. Ivyfang was kind, and caring. . . but the elder was also very old. Her face was lined with age, and her eyes were filled with the battles she had seen.

"What is it, Whitekit?" Willowshade murmured, opening her left eye.

Whitekit licked her muzzle before curling her upper lip in a fake snarl. Fang--Ivyfang!

"I don't think that's one of our signs," Willowshade said.

Whitekit sighed, tugging at her mother's tail.

"Alright, alright! I'm coming," Willowshade muttered, yawning and standing up. The mother was careful and tried not to step on her two kits, or disturb the one in her belly.

Whitekit stood at the doorway, waiting for her mother to follow her. When she finally came, the kit darted across the hall.

Willowshade gasped at the sight of Ivyfang's body that had once held her spirit. She looked to Whitekit.

"I think I can take her down. . . We'll get Wildstar."

Whitekit nodded. Her mother was strong, and she managed to slowly carry Ivyfang down the steps of the nursery building.

The camp clearing was already fairly busy, even though it was only dawn. Whitekit could see Thunderfoot ordering patrols, with Wildstar speaking to Stoneleap. The kit realized that Stoneleap was the only one left on the Flight Team. With Jaggedwing exiled, Echomoon killed, and Finchwing in the nursery, the Flight Team had fallen apart. Perhaps they would revive it.

Most of the cats stopped, however, when Willowshade placed Ivyfang's body on the ground. A sigh or two was heard, along with a few mumbles.

"She died in her sleep," Willowshade muttered.

Heatherstone's face had a look of sadness. She went to the fallen elder. "At least she can be happy amongst the stars. She lived a long life of happiness."

There were murmurs of agreement, and Wildstar stepped forward. "It's a shame we no longer have any elders. . . they complete the clan." He took a breath. "Assigned patrols, head out. I'll stay and help prepare Ivyfang's body,"

The cats of the clan nodded. Some cats headed out into the territory for the patrols while some cats stayed where they were. Whitekit stayed by Willowshade, and they were soon joined for Wildstar.

Sighing, Wildstar sat down in front of Ivyfang's dead body. Willowshade and the leader began to lick the elder's pelt clean, and Whitekit watched from the sideline.

When the two cats were done, Wildstar sighed again. "Ivyfang. . . you've been around since I was just a kit. I've seen you care for others. . . you were a kind cat. May StarClan forever light your path."

Willowshade smiled lightly, looking at the elder. "I wish I got to know you better. May you peacefully rest in StarClan."

Whitekit pressed her nose into Ivyfang's fur. Thank you for telling me that story.

* * *

Palekit sighed and looked to Whitekit. "I wish she could tell us that story again. I might not remember it," she whispered.

Whitekit nodded.

The camp was silent for the most part. Ivyfang's body had been placed in the center of the camp even though the vigil for her had not yet begun. The sun was blazing overhead, and Whitekit lapped up some water from a piece of moss.

"But I can't wait to venture out of the territory," Palekit said aloud. "Ivyfang said I'll get to see CentralClan. And the green grass! That sounds exciting. . ."

Whitekit nodded again. I can't wait to leap! Who knows. . . Maybe I'll get chosen for the Flight Team!

"Do you want to be on the Flight Team?" Palekit asked, turning her head to her sister.

After a moment of thought, Whitekit nodded shyly. Perhaps she did want to try for it. After all, it was nearly every warrior's goal.

Whitekit sat down, staring at Ivyfang's body. Somehow, the old elder looked young again. Her fur was groomed, and her eyes were shut.

The kit thought about the Flight Team. What if she did make it? She would surely try her best. She might have a chance.

Will Stoneleap be my mentor, then? Whitekit asked herself. Then I would get the best training for leaping!

Maybe she was getting a little bit ahead of herself.

Whitekit sneezed, causing Ryekit to turn and look. The tom giggled. "You have a funny sneeze!"

Whitekit pouted. At least I don't snore when I sleep!

The kits watched as warriors came to say their final goodbyes to Ivyfang. Whitekit soon learned that Stoneleap was the elder's last apprentice. She had never known.

Whitekit learned more about the elder. She had had a family, but her mate died a little early from a disease called "greencough". The kit was sure that Palekit would learn about it.

Ivyfang had four kits. Two had died stillborn, though. It saddened Whitekit. There had been a lot of death during her moons as a kit.

One of Ivyfang's kits was crushed under a falling stone block while wandering just outside of EmpireClan territory.

The elder's last kit, her only daughter, had died giving birth.

Whitekit bit her lip and remembered Ivyfang's dull eyes. At least she'll be with her family in StarClan.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Next chapter will actually focus on Jaggedwing! 🐾

Warriors: Whitekit's Dream [Book One of the Voiceless Series]Where stories live. Discover now