Chapter Twenty-Three

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"It was a long. . . long time ago. Many, many moons. . .

The City wasn't always this filthy--no, it was alive! Very, very alive, just like you. . . and just like I used to be.

There were Twolegs that filled every crevice of the City--some lived in our current dens, some on the ground. Cats lived among them too. Not clan cats, however. . . Kittypets.

They worked in harmony--the Twolegs and kittypets, I mean. Somehow. . . They managed to work together.

But one fatal day. . . A storm came. A different kind of storm. First came the wind--a quick warning of something. . . Dreadful. Then, it began to rain. It flooded the paths, and the Twolegs ran for their lives. Some of them took their cats to the harbor--where HarborClan stands today. But some kittypets. . . couldn't tag along with their Twolegs. They were left behind to drown or die." 

Whitekit gasped. How could they do that? She thought. She leaned in when Ivyfang spoke of the storm, however. The wind. . . the terrifying, howling wind. The rain that drenched cats' pelts. And it flooded, too.

Just like her dream.

Ivyfang's voice snapped her out of her train of thought. "The Twolegs ran away from the storm because the ground beneath them began to rumble. The buildings. . . they began to shake. They were scared.

Some of the kittypets fled their homes, escaping into the paths of the City. And they made it, too. 

You know that giant, giant crack in the middle of the City?" Ivyfang asked.

Whitekit nodded. 

"That's what happened when the storm got really bad. . . The Twolegs fled the City on boats and ships--straight out of here. Then the storm stopped.

It had broken the City, so they say. Glass shards were everywhere, and stones and bricks littered the paths. IvoryClan's artifacts were stolen by the Twolegs. CentralClan had branches and leaves scattered all over. HarborClan had flooded, and the water level began to sink.

There were many cats and animals left in the City. . . birds, dogs, squirrels, and rats. 

Many rats infected dogs, and they soon died of hunger. The cats, however, have a different story."

At that point, Whitekit knew that the elder was getting to the part of the creation of the clans. She listened intently--Ryekit and Palekit had padded over to listen as well. They sat together, looking up at the elder. Ivyfang was staring up at the sky.

"Two toms and two she-cats were found, laying in the middle of the City. The spirits of StarClan managed to find them, taking their spirits."

"Taking their spirits?" Ryekit asked. Whitekit nodded, wondering the same thing.

"Indeed. . . They took the four kittypets up to StarClan and gave them strong warriors names, just like the kit-tales of the Forest clans.

One of the toms was named Empirestrike, for the strong buildings that stood tall during the storm.

The other tom was named Centralstorm, for the grassy area filled with beautiful trees and flowers.

One of the two she-cats was given the name of Harbormist, for the harbor of the City.

And the last one, the other she-cat, was named Ivorystone, for the stone of the museum.

The four cats were given a. . . quest. To start up the City Clans. And so Empirestrike took this part of the City--the tallest buildings belonged to his clan--EmpireClan. He gathered the cats in the area, the ones who had survived the storm. He named a deputy and a medicine cat, and developed our own special way of survival--leapings. He saw it as fun and risky, and it's been in EmpireClan's heritage ever since.

Harbormist took the City's harbor--a dangerous location. The Twolegs had left a few small boats behind, and the she-cat was resourceful in making it the clan's camp. If the harbor ever flooded, HarborClan could escape to the boats and float. The she-cat rounded up the cats who were left behind at the harbor, and together, their clan rose. Their special tactic was swimming and fishing, a great skill to have when City prey is low.

Next was CentralClan, which Centralstorm created. He chose the green-place of the City, with flowers and trees. He thought it was beautiful, and he started his clan there. Instead of leaping like EmpireClan and swimming like HarborClan, Centralstorm decided that his clan would climb trees. They have the closest access to herbs."

"Herbs!" Palekit smiled. 

"Yes, herbs!" Ivyfang chuckled, her old bones shaking. "Medicine cats travel to the territory right next to CentralClan to gather herbs."

Palekit nodded, intrigued.

"And finally, there was Ivorystone, who chose to set up her camp in the large museum. I've heard that there are many, many rooms there. Any outsider of IvoryClan is sure to get lost! That's their skill--navigation. Ivorystone gathered her own group of cats, and IvoryClan rose up.

Now, it's mandatory for StarClan to communicate with medicine cats, and there needed to be a Gathering place. There was a large hall-like building, and that's where the leaders decided to go for Gatherings. Right outside of the building is a fountain. StarClan filled it with shimmering water that only medicine cats and ongoing leaders are to drink.

Slowly, moon after moon, the clans grew stronger and stronger. Generation after generation, more cats came to be."

"And that's where we are today?" Ryekit asked.

Ivyfang purred and nodded. She sighed. "Yes. . . and that's where we are today--a wonderful tale, isn't it?"

"Is all of it true?" Palekit asked.

"I'm unsure of that," the elder chuckled. "That tale has been around for very long--longer than I have been in this world."

Whitekit gaped at the elder in awe, shocked by the story--she loved it!

Thinking back to the storm that had started it all, Whitekit thought back to her dream. The wind. . . the rain and breaking glass.

Perhaps a storm will happen again.


Hope you enjoyed that little story! Again, I'm guilty of making it slightly under 1,000 words, but you guys can deal with it XD

I might update again tonight, so stay tuned, I suppose. Almost done! I've already started the Epilogue, which will be short at around 500 words. The ending is gonna kill you guys. . . I think XD but I'll have to wait and see.🐾

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