Destina Claer

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I sighed as I looked at the boy in front of me. Perseus Jackson was undoubtedly the hottest guy in the college. With his silky, windswept, black hair, perfectly tanned body, many muscles, and mesmerizing sea green eyes. Then add to that the fact that he has won countless gold medals in swimming competitions (including the Olympics) and he's only 20. Basically, he's really famous. I really wish I knew where he lived so I could visit him all the time.

By the time I'd finished daydreaming about my future husband, class was over. As I walked to my dorm, a bunch of people that I haven't seen before started running through the crowd giving people flyers. When I looked down at the one that ended up in my hands, I saw something that shocked me.

Party at the Jackson house.
127 Salt Owl St.
Sat. 8:00- 1:00
Pool Party

It was a miracle. My prayers had finally been answered.

-----Time Skip of Dam-----

I put on a skimpy, pink bikini, put a light, mostly see through dress over top, and flip-flops before heading out. I guess almost everyone was already at the party because there were like no cars on the road. I assumed that the house would be big enough but when I saw it, I literally slammed on the brakes in shock. It was a frikken MANSION!!! I pulled into the driveway. I was right, pretty much everyone was already there. I went up to the front door, made sure my hair was okay, then rang the doorbell. A kid that was about 2-3 years old opened the door. He looked at me then yelled back into the house.


I don't remember anything about Percy having a sister but he must because there is no way that this is his child. The kid had black messy hair like Percy's and intelligent grey eyes. I guess Percy and his sister are fairly similar. A woman that was the same age as me came and picked up the little boy.

"Lee, how about you go find Daddy and your siblings?"

He wrinkled his nose.

"Zoë will probably be playing with Charlie."

"Well you can still play with Luke. Go on. Just try not to wake up Ethan."

The little boy ran off down the hall and the woman turned to me. Her curly blonde hair was up in a ponytail. She had an amazing tan and figure which was shown off by her light grey and sea green bathing suit.

"Hi, I'm Annabeth Jackson. Everyone else is by the pool out back. Follow me."

The entranceway was huge. There were magnificent marble pillars lining it. Annabeth led me out back to an Olympic size swimming pool. Just as I walked out, Percy Jackson came up from underwater with two children. One was a girl with straight black hair and the same sea green eyes as Percy. The other was a boy with choppy brown hair and bright electric blue eyes. Both of them were only two years old! They giggled and splashed him. The little girl flashed him a huge mischievous grin that matched his and flicked her little hands at him. He threw himself backwards into the water while still keeping the children up. He waved at me as he got out of the pool. He walked over and gave Annabeth a kiss on the cheek.

"Please Annie, take these monsters. They've nearly killed me!"

She laughed and kissed him. It wasn't a sisterly kiss. It was an "I am in love with you" kiss.

"Percy, what are you doing with your sister!?!"

Everyone laughed. The little girl turned to Annabeth.

"Mommy! Mommy! Did you see me playing in the pool with Daddy and Charlie?"

"Yes now why don't you two go find Charlie's parents, they should be around here somewhere."

The two little kids ran off together into the house, laughing their head's off.

"She's not my sister Dester-"


"she's my wife and the mother of my children."

I was too mad to speak. Percy was supposed to be mine. I turned around and walked straight out. One day I'll get my revenge on that Annab**ch then Percy would be mine. I don't care about the kids, I will just get Percy to give them to an orphanage.

With that thought, I drove away scheming.

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