Jonathan Stane

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I walked into Goode High. I had just transferred here and it was my first day. Sadly it was also the middle of the year. As I walked out of the office to look for my locker I saw a girl take some scissors out of her locker. She pulled her long, straight, black hair over to her left side and cut it of at her chin.

I watched shocked as the previously waist-length hair fell to the ground. Because of the way she cut it, it fell at a slant and was longer on the right than the left.

She put the hair from the floor in the garbage then went over to the guy in the corner that I hadn't noticed till now.

I tentatively approached the couple.

"Ummm, hi. My name's Jonathan, I'm new here. Could you please help me find locker number..." I looked down at my paper "...1027?"

They looked at me uncertainly before smiling.

"Sure." The guy said and I sighed in relief.

They led me to my locker and the girl asked me which class I had first.

"I have..."

I looked down at my schedule.

"... English first."

She smiled at me.

"Great! We're in the same class! Come on, we'd better hurry. We're already late, the second bell is about to ring in about forty-eight seconds."

Sure enough, in less than a minute a bell rang.

The three of us ran into a class and the girl and her boyfriend went to join a blonde boy with grey eyes.

I went over to them as there was an empty seat and they were the only people I kinda knew.

The teacher was old enough, maybe in his fifties or sixties. He had greying hair but you could still see a bit of brown. He looked at the girl I'd come in with sternly but you could see the amusement in his eyes.

"Late again Zoë. And what do you think your parents will say about the new hairstyle?"

She rolled her eyes at him.

"Come on Grandpa, you know that dad is too easygoing to care about this and Mom is fine with Thalia's choices. I'm my own person and can decide things for myself. Also, why single me out? Charlie was late too!"

The teacher chuckled.

"I know but I also know that it was probably because of you."

"Why would you just assume that it's my fault?!"

The grey eyed boy leaned towards Zoë.

"Probably because it's always because of you sis."

She shoved him away.

"Shut up Luke. Anyways, it was because we were helping a new student. His name is Jonathan."

I waved self-consciously from my seat.

After that whole big thing at the beginning of class (everyone acted like it was a regular occurrence) things went smooth enough. It was in Greek Mythology class that something clicked.

We were lucky enough to be taught by the famous Percy Jackson. Olympic gold medalist, marine biologist, husband of famous architect Annabeth Jackson, multiple times hero of Olympus, ex-demigod son of Poseidon, new king of the gods/god of the sea, loyalty, courage, and heroes.

He was very funny and kind as I waited for everyone else to arrive. Luke was one of the first people to come in and Charlie came in a little while after.

Two seconds after the bell went to signal the start of class, Zoë came flying backwards into the classroom.

Mr. Jackson looked down at the girl as she practically growled in annoyance.

"Rodriguez?" He asked.

Zoë nodded.

"Well, whatever it is this time can be easily solved this weekend at camp."

Zoë rolled her eyes and took a seat.

"That's your solution to almost everything."

"Well how about this, I'll make you a deal. You agree to sort out your issues at camp and I'll tell your mother that I knew that you were planning on following in your aunt Thalia and aunt Piper's footsteps."

Zoë groaned and gave in.

"Fine dad, it's a deal."

Dad. She called him dad. Dad.

That's when things started falling into place. Her straight, spikey black hair and seagreen eyes looked like those of a demigod child of the original big three. Like her father Percy Jackson.

Luke had the same curly blonde hair and stormy grey eyes as his mother a child of Athena.

Charlie had the same straight brown hair as Piper Grace, daughter of Aphrodite, and goddess of natural beauty, and the same electric blue eyes as the brother and sister, Jason and Thalia Grace. They are full blooded siblings, both children of Zeus though Jason is Roman.

As I stared wide-eyed at the trio Charlie cursed in German (so his parents wouldn't understand).

"Scheisse! We almost had a new friend for two periods."

Zoë shrugged.

"Well at least we set a new record."

I stared at them incredulously.

"What are you three talking about? I'd love to be your friend!"

They beamed at me. Apparently every mortal that knew what they were was either too scared or too "in awe" to be their friend.

That's how I met and became friends with people living in the of mythology.

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