Adrian Reid

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Hello my glorious subjects! It is I, Adrian Reid, Sky Blue High School's resident gay kid.

I know, I know. Usually I'd be at least halfway down the social chain yet I am near the top.

See, the popular kids here are actually pretty clever. If the jocks are all nice to the weak students at the school and are best friends with a kid like me, the girls will come running.

Anyways, I have sandy blonde hair and awesome pale blue eyes.

This guy started coming to this school about a month into the year and he is so cute. His name is Nico di Angelo. He has a pale olive skin tone, black hair and eyes such a dark brown that they look black. He always wears dark clothes and an aviator jacket.

One week he left, apparently one of his friends had taken him on a trip to Italy and reawakened his roots because when he returned he had a hot Italian accent and his skin tone was darker.

Now, the reason why I'm telling you about this hottie is because I'm planning on asking him out after school.

Right now I'm in this class that's specifically for Greek mythology. Awesome right?! To pass we basically need to know a bit of useless information.

Anyways, Nico is a pro in this class which is the second reason why I signed up for it (the first being that it'd be easy to pass).

"Mr. di Angelo, what is Apollo the god of?" Our teacher asked, prompting my future boyfriend to speak up from his seat in the back.

Nico smirked. At the beginning of the school year he'd been very closed up, scowly, and overall antisocial but as the year went on, he gained more and more confidence revealing a hot sarcastic attitude and a sharp, bad boy personality.

"I believe that the better question miss, would be what isn't he god of."

Our teacher sighed exasperatedly.

"Just answer the question please."

"Fine, Apollo is the god of his domains."

"And what are his domains?"

"The things that he is the god of."

Some of the students tried to stifle laughter. Some students banged their heads against their desks. Others just muttered "here we go again" quietly to themselves.

The same thing had been happening all year. That along with Nico correcting the teacher, but I think that today was the last straw.

"Nico di Angelo! Give me your phone, we'll see what your mother has to say about your behavior." She said, grabbing the device.

He laughed bitterly.

"Good luck with that, my mother died years ago when my sister and I were little."

"Your father-"

"Is among the dead."

"Your sister-"

"Which one, older full sister or younger half?"

"Umm, older."

"She died when I was ten."


"She is currently in her own grade nine mythology class."

She started trying to think of someone to call about his grades when the phone in her hand, Nico's phone, started to ring.

She handed it back to its owner.

"Pick it up, on speaker. You know the rules."

He looked at the caller ID and smiled. It wasn't a sarcastic smile, nor was it a smirk. It was just a plain, authentic smile of happiness.

"Hey Sunshine." He said as he picked up.

A guy with a smooth deep voice spoke from the other end.

"Hey Death Breath! How's your day been so far?"

"Can I come home now?"

The guy chuckled.

"Not yet Neeks, just finish this period. I was just calling to tell you that I'm gonna be picking you up today."

"But what about my c-"

"Don't even try mister, Percy's told me how you've been getting to school. What part of no more of that do you not understand? When we get to camp you're gonna stay with my siblings and I for at least three days, got that? Doctor's orders."

Nico laughed silently for a moment before replying.

"You've got it Will, I'll see you soon. Bye."

With that, Nico hung up the phone and calmly turned to the teacher.

"Apollo is the god of the sun, music, poetry, etc."

She blinked, shocked to have gotten a legitimate answer from him, let alone a correct one.

"C-correct Mr. di Angelo."

At that moment the bell ring and before I could blink, Nico was out the door. I found this extremely unusual seeing as Nico always took forever to leave the class wanting to avoid the crowds that gathered in the parking lot. 

Now I have to rush to catch him before he leaves for the weekend. 

I caught up to him just in time to see him get pulled into a passionate kiss by a tall, hot, blonde boy. 

Well fack.

A/N: I'm alive!!!!! Yeah, I didn't really end this chapter very well. Oh well. So, if anyone is actually still reading this, I plan on updating more often. Let me know if you guys have any ideas for me!

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