Jason Grace (Lukercy AU)

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I watched as the chariot landed on the far end of the Skywalk.  The flying horses tucked in their wings and cantered nervously across the glass, as if they sensed it was near breaking. Two teenagers stood in the chariot - both blonde though one was a tall girl, maybe a little older than me, and the other was a very intimidating boy. If I was honest hey was more a man than a boy. He looked around 19 or 20 years old. His blue eyes were narrowed as he scanned the area. The scar marring one side of his face only added to our fear as the man hopped off the chariot, pulled out a sword and ran towards us.

"Where is he." The man growled.

My eyes were glued to the blade. It was made of two different types of metal, one bronze the other looked like plain steel.

"Where's who?" I asked, forcing myself to look into the intimidating blue eyes.

He frowned before turning to Piper and Leo.

"What about Gleeson? Where's your protector, Gleeson Hedge?"

I would've laughed if I wasn't so terrified of the guy in front of me.

Leo cleared his throat.

"He got taken by some...tornado things."

"Shit!" He exclaimed.

I turned to Leo.

"Venti, storm spirits."

By this point the girl, who was only a little less intimidating than the boy, had joined us.

"You mean anemoi thuellai? That's the Greek term. Who are you, and what happened?"

I did my best to explain but it was hard with the grey and blue eyes boring into me.

When I finished, the man had another outburst.

"No, no, no! She told me he would be here. She told me if I came here, I'd find the answer."

"Luke, calm down. We'll find him, I promise. Look." She said pointing at my feet.

I hadn't really noticed but I was still missing my left shoe, having had it blown off by lightning.

"The guy with one shoe," the girl said. "He's the answer."

"No Annabeth," Luke insisted. "He can't be, I was tricked."

He glared up at the sky.

"You think this funny?! What have you done with him?! You should've taken me! I'm the one you're mad at! Punish me, not him!"

The Skywalk shuddered and the horses whinnied urgently.

"Luke, we have to leave." Annabeth said. "Let's get these three to camp and figure it out there. Those storm spirits might come back."

I saw Luke's jaw clench as he stared out at the canyon.

"Fine." He gritted out before glaring at Jason. "We'll settle this later."

He looked out at the canyon, hands clenched tightly on the rail before he violently pushed off and stalked back to the chariot.

Piper shook her head at his retreating form.

"What's his problem? What's all this about?"

"Seriously." Leo agreed.

"I'll explain on the way," Annabeth said. "First we need to get you out of here."

"Sorry, but I don't want to go anywhere with him." I say gesturing towards Luke. "He looks like he's going to gut me."

Annabeth hesitated.

"Luke's a good person, he's just under a lot of stress lately. He had a vision telling him to come here, to find a guy with one shoe. That was supposed to be the answer to his problem."

"What problem?" Piper asked.

"He's been looking for one of our campers who went missing in the middle of the night three days ago. He's been going out of his mind with worry. He hoped that he'd be here."

"Who?" Jason asked.

"My best friend and his boyfriend," Annabeth said. "A guy named Percy Jackson."

<><><>Time Skip to MoA<><><>

I could practically feel the tension of the others on deck. I stood at the prow so hopefully I'd be seen and the Roman demigods wouldn't attack.

I was especially aware of Luke Castellan's presence behind me.

The Prophecy called for only seven demigods but Luke had insisted on coming. He hadn't seen his boyfriend in months and he wasn't going not seeing him ever again. I understand that but I felt like the guy was breathing down my neck.

It took a while but eventually we made it to where all the Romans were gathered. Camp Jupiter looked like it had just gone through battle and the soldiers parted for us. I was in the lead, Annabeth to my right, Luke to my left, and Leo and Piper stood behind me.

As I spotted Reyna standing there with her head held high, waiting for us to come to her, I looked back at Piper who gave me a small reassuring smile.

My attention was drawn back to the front by a small gasp from the son of Hermes. Behind Reyna, a tall boy with pitch black hair, a natural tan, and eyes that looked like the sea was making his way out of the crowd, a charming lopsided smile on his face as he laughed with two other people.

He looked stronger than me (as much as I hate to admit it) and he looked so chill and laid back even in this environment where almost no one else was.

I guessed he was the infamous Perseus Jackson that everyone at CHB talked about.

The sea green eyes locked on the man to my left.


The guy who'd been such a hardass these past few weeks stepped forward, smirking through the tears trying to escape his eyes.

"Miss me?"

It was like those two words broke the tension and Percy ran forwards to hug Luke.

The older boy caught him and held him close.

"Never ever do that again." Luke murmured into his boyfriend's neck.

"I never forgot you."

They pulled out of the hug slightly only for Percy to grab a fistful of Luke's orange CHB shirt and pull him down into a kiss.

Luke had one hand holding the back of Percy's neck and the other arm was wrapped around his waist as he deepened the kiss.

I looked away, it felt like I was intruding, to see that almost everyone else had done the same. Everyone except Annabeth.

"You know, it's one thing to walk in on you guys fooling around in Percy's cabin because I didn't knock. It's quite another for you two to start making out in front of hundreds of people."

The boys broke apart and Percy was blushing but Luke just smirked.

"Come on Annie, I haven't seen my boyfriend in months. Everyone should just look away."

I stared at him. First rule of CHB: never shorten Annabeth's name.

Annabeth growled at him but Percy reprimanded him first. With a smack upside the head.

"I've been wandering around with no memory for months now. I'd appreciate it if you could not get yourself killed."

The three of them were smiling uncontrollably at each other and in that moment I knew we'd get through this.

The small makeshift family of three had been through so much already, they'd seen battle, heartache, and struggled throughout their lives. And at the end of this, we'd all make it home.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2018 ⏰

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