Donovan Shay

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I walked into my Architecture course to see a woman the same age as me (21) sitting with a sketchbook out in front of her in the seat right next to the one I usually sat in and mentally face palmed.

She was just a ditzy blonde with a rich dad and a California tan.

I walked over to her.

"Hey, I haven't seen you before, you must be in the wrong class. Interior design class is across the way."

She looked over at me with clear blue (contacts) eyes.

"First of all, I'm here for Architecture class. Second of all, I'm not dumb. I know you think I am so don't even try to deny it. Just leave me alone."

Shocked, I sat back and waited silently for the rest of the class to get here.

Finally we were ready to start and the teacher walked in.

Ms. Sophia had dirty blonde hair and intelligent, piercing grey eyes.

She scanned the classroom before her gaze stopped in my direction. She started walking towards me.

"Annabeth, it's nice to see you my dear. How are the little Chases?"

"Athena, you know that we gave them the last name Jackson."

The teacher huffed.

"The only reason I didn't protest more is because it's the last name of a strong, confident, and wise woman."

The blonde next to me, Annabeth, rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. Anyways, they're fine but they miss their grandmother. Especially Achilles."

"Well I'll drop by after school."

As the teacher walked away, I turned to Annabeth.

"Who were you talking about?" I asked.

She smiled slightly.

"My children."

I was slightly taken aback.

"Wow! You look great for a new mom."

She laughed.

"Thank you, but I'm not exactly new to it. I just had my son Ethan last month, but I also have two more sons and a daughter."

My eyes widened but before I could speak, the teacher started the lesson.


Months went by and every time a group had Annabeth Chase in it while doing a project, no one let the blond touch it out of fear that she'd mess it up.

One day, Ms. Sophia assigned us a project to do in groups that had to be finished by Friday. Apparently, whoever made the best building would get to work with Mrs. Jackson, CEO of Athenian Architecture, on her next project.

I, unfortunately, was placed in a group with Annabeth. She walked over to where the two other members of the group and I were, as if she could actually help.

"So, what's the plan?" She asked.

We exchanged glances before turning to her.

"You can do whatever you'd like while we make the building."

Her eyes flashed with anger.

"Well then. I think I'm going to make my own. Don't come running to me for help."

She then sat down in a seat far from everyone and took out grid paper to sketch on.

After awhile her only friend here, Chrys, went over to talk to her.

Chrys was really smart, with hazel eyes, light brown hair, and glasses. I would totally date a girl like that.


That Friday, Annabeth was a no-show though Ms. Sophia insisted that she'd meet us at Athenian Architecture.

We walked into the giant building. The architecture was absolutely flawless. The woman at the front desk nodded respectfully to our teacher and told us that our projects were being inspected by the CEO herself.

When we reached the top floor, where Mrs. Jackson's office was, we were greeted by the famous Piper Grace.

"Hello everyone. You're probably wondering why I'm here. Well, your teacher and I had decided to do a little social experiment so we found a woman who was more than ready to go into the architecture field but not just any woman. She had to be able to unknowingly play the part. There were a few things that only enhanced the experiment. Here is a short collection of clips from her daily life."

She turned on the TV and we watched.

Annabeth showed up in athletic clothing, a clock behind her showing 5:00. It showed her running on the sidewalks then the next clip was her getting home at 5:45 just in time for the baby monitor to go off.

She quickly went into the baby's room and came back out shortly after with a happy baby boy that had a tiny bit of blond hair and grey eyes. Annabeth went into her own room where a man was sleeping.

"Seaweed Brain, get up. You've got practice in an hour."

He groaned and rolled over.

Annabeth left the baby with him before going into the room of a four year old boy. He too has blond hair and grey eyes.

"Achilles, get up and go to the washroom then I'll get you some breakfast unless daddy's making pancakes today."

The boy got up and left the room ahead of her, turning right to go to the washroom while she went right.

To be honest, I felt kind of bad for her, bring the only girl in the house.

She went into another room where two three-year-olds slept, one girl one boy. The boy looked up at her with bleary eyes. Annabeth sat gently on a chair that rested in between the two beds and softly spoke to the little one.

"Hey Luke, do you think you can wake your sister up, you guys are going to practice with daddy this morning while I go to work and school."

"Again Mommy? You already have a good job, why do you have to go to school?"

Annabeth smiled kindly which is a look we rarely saw.

"Have I taught you nothing? There is always more to learn. Now wake up your sister and head to the kitchen." She said and walked out of the room.

Piper turned off the television.

"I think that's enough."

Almost all of us were shocked. We had no clue that that was what her life was like.

"Now without further ado, may I introduce, the CEO of Athenian Architecture, Annabeth Jackson."

I stared as she walked into the room, sat down behind her desk, and stared down each and every one of us except Chrys.

"Long time no see everyone. So nice of you to be so interested in the company of the "dumb blonde"."

And that is how I met Annabeth Jackson.

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